Stacked 3D meshes store values on the volumes that are regularly stacked over base 2d mesh. User can select various 3d to 2d averaging/interpolation method to convert values on volumes (3d) to values on faces (2d) that can be shown in mesh layer. This is achieved by new tab in the mesh layer properties dialog.
* [FEATURE] Static particle traces for rendering mesh vector dataset
This PR permits to display directly in QGIS static particle traces for vector datasets in mesh layer without any plugin.
The user can choose in the mesh layer properties window :
- the color
- the size of the traces (line width)
- the count of particles
- the maximum length of the particle's tail
* [FEATURE] API for rendering frames for mesh vector dataset animation (particles)
Adds a renderer to generate frames that represent particle traces in a vector field of a mesh layer. The renderer cannot be chosen in the current GUI, however crayfish plugin can use API to generate avi/gif files with nice animations representing the movement of (random) particles in the mesh layer vector field.
* [FEATURE] Mesh streamlines
The vector field data set in a mesh layer can currently be only rendered with arrows. This PR adds a new feature to render vector field in mesh layers with streamlines.
The streamlines are seeded from start points. The seeding points can start from the vertices of the mesh, from a used grid or randomly. Streamlines could be coloured or width can be selected.
The mesh styling dialog now has new combo box for selection of resampling method for datesets defined on faces.
Also the analysis library has new class QgsMeshContours with export function for contour lines and contour polygons.
The min/max values were stored in the color ramp shader, but to my surprise
these values were never persisted or copied: pseudo-color raster renderer
has a separate storage for the min/max values, so we need that for mesh renderer
as well.
The QgsRasterShaderFunction is not really useful, and QgsColorRamp should not
be derived from it, making things just more confusing.
Until now there was just one scalar and vector configuration
for a mesh layer. It is however most useful to have different
rendering settings for each dataset group (quantity).
- Adding datasets to mesh layer from properties panel
- Information and source panel in properties panel
- Selection of active dataset (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of contours/scalars (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of mesh frame (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of vector arrows (properties or styling panel)
Rudimentary support of rendering of vector data (e.g. velocity) on mesh map layers.
Rendering can be adjusted by QgsMeshRenderer*Settings. Only in Python
API, no GUI widgets for styling present.