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synced 2025-03-10 00:13:55 -04:00
The min/max values were stored in the color ramp shader, but to my surprise these values were never persisted or copied: pseudo-color raster renderer has a separate storage for the min/max values, so we need that for mesh renderer as well. The QgsRasterShaderFunction is not really useful, and QgsColorRamp should not be derived from it, making things just more confusing.
380 lines
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380 lines
8.7 KiB
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/mesh/qgsmeshrenderersettings.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsMeshRendererMeshSettings
Represents a mesh renderer settings for mesh object
.. note::
The API is considered EXPERIMENTAL and can be changed without a notice
.. versionadded:: 3.2
#include "qgsmeshrenderersettings.h"
bool isEnabled() const;
Returns whether mesh structure rendering is enabled
void setEnabled( bool enabled );
Sets whether mesh structure rendering is enabled
double lineWidth() const;
Returns line width used for rendering (in millimeters)
void setLineWidth( double lineWidth );
Sets line width used for rendering (in millimeters)
QColor color() const;
Returns color used for rendering
void setColor( const QColor &color );
Sets color used for rendering of the mesh
QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
Writes configuration to a new DOM element
void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
Reads configuration from the given DOM element
class QgsMeshRendererScalarSettings
Represents a mesh renderer settings for scalar datasets
.. note::
The API is considered EXPERIMENTAL and can be changed without a notice
.. versionadded:: 3.2
#include "qgsmeshrenderersettings.h"
QgsColorRampShader colorRampShader() const;
Returns color ramp shader function
void setColorRampShader( const QgsColorRampShader &shader );
Sets color ramp shader function
double classificationMin() const;
Returns min value used for creation of the color ramp shader
double classificationMax() const;
Returns max value used for creation of the color ramp shader
void setClassificationMinMax( double vMin, double vMax );
Sets min/max values used for creation of the color ramp shader
QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
Writes configuration to a new DOM element
void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
Reads configuration from the given DOM element
class QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings
Represents a mesh renderer settings for vector datasets
.. note::
The API is considered EXPERIMENTAL and can be changed without a notice
.. versionadded:: 3.2
#include "qgsmeshrenderersettings.h"
enum ArrowScalingMethod
double lineWidth() const;
Returns line width of the arrow (in millimeters)
void setLineWidth( double lineWidth );
Sets line width of the arrow in pixels (in millimeters)
QColor color() const;
Returns color used for drawing arrows
void setColor( const QColor &color );
Sets color used for drawing arrows
double filterMin() const;
Returns filter value for vector magnitudes.
If magnitude of the vector is lower than this value, the vector is not
drawn. -1 represents that filtering is not active.
void setFilterMin( double filterMin );
Sets filter value for vector magnitudes.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`filterMin`
double filterMax() const;
Returns filter value for vector magnitudes.
If magnitude of the vector is higher than this value, the vector is not
drawn. -1 represents that filtering is not active.
void setFilterMax( double filterMax );
Sets filter value for vector magnitudes.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`filterMax`
QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings::ArrowScalingMethod shaftLengthMethod() const;
Returns method used for drawing arrows
void setShaftLengthMethod( ArrowScalingMethod shaftLengthMethod );
Sets method used for drawing arrows
double minShaftLength() const;
Returns mininimum shaft length (in millimeters)
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.MinMax
void setMinShaftLength( double minShaftLength );
Sets mininimum shaft length (in millimeters)
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.MinMax
double maxShaftLength() const;
Returns maximum shaft length (in millimeters)
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.MinMax
void setMaxShaftLength( double maxShaftLength );
Sets maximum shaft length (in millimeters)
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.MinMax
double scaleFactor() const;
Returns scale factor
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.Scaled
void setScaleFactor( double scaleFactor );
Sets scale factor
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.Scaled
double fixedShaftLength() const;
Returns fixed arrow length (in millimeters)
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.Fixed
void setFixedShaftLength( double fixedShaftLength );
Sets fixed length (in millimeters)
Only for QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings.ArrowScalingMethod.Fixed
double arrowHeadWidthRatio() const;
Returns ratio of the head width of the arrow (range 0-1)
void setArrowHeadWidthRatio( double arrowHeadWidthRatio );
Sets ratio of the head width of the arrow (range 0-1)
double arrowHeadLengthRatio() const;
Returns ratio of the head length of the arrow (range 0-1)
void setArrowHeadLengthRatio( double arrowHeadLengthRatio );
Sets ratio of the head length of the arrow (range 0-1)
QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
Writes configuration to a new DOM element
void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
Reads configuration from the given DOM element
class QgsMeshRendererSettings
Represents all mesh renderer settings
.. note::
The API is considered EXPERIMENTAL and can be changed without a notice
.. versionadded:: 3.4
#include "qgsmeshrenderersettings.h"
QgsMeshRendererMeshSettings nativeMeshSettings() const;
Returns renderer settings
void setNativeMeshSettings( const QgsMeshRendererMeshSettings &settings );
Sets new renderer settings, triggers repaint
QgsMeshRendererMeshSettings triangularMeshSettings() const;
Returns renderer settings
void setTriangularMeshSettings( const QgsMeshRendererMeshSettings &settings );
Sets new renderer settings
QgsMeshRendererScalarSettings scalarSettings( int groupIndex ) const;
Returns renderer settings
void setScalarSettings( int groupIndex, const QgsMeshRendererScalarSettings &settings );
Sets new renderer settings
QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings vectorSettings( int groupIndex ) const;
Returns renderer settings
void setVectorSettings( int groupIndex, const QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings &settings );
Sets new renderer settings
QgsMeshDatasetIndex activeScalarDataset() const;
Returns active scalar dataset
void setActiveScalarDataset( QgsMeshDatasetIndex index = QgsMeshDatasetIndex() );
Sets active scalar dataset for rendering
QgsMeshDatasetIndex activeVectorDataset() const;
Returns active vector dataset
void setActiveVectorDataset( QgsMeshDatasetIndex index = QgsMeshDatasetIndex() );
Sets active vector dataset for rendering.
QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
Writes configuration to a new DOM element
void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
Reads configuration from the given DOM element
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/mesh/qgsmeshrenderersettings.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *