7.8 KiB
TODO List for GRASS7 algorithms support into QGIS Processing
QGIS3 Processing Port
Things to do elsewhere
- TODO We need Null QgsProcessingParameterNumber!
- TODO We need NULL QgsProcessingParameterPoint!
- TODO We need a multiple QgsProcessingParameterList!
- TODO We need a QgsParameterMultipleInputLayers parameter for minimum and maximum number of layers.
- TODO Open all the files in a QgsProcessingOutputFolder at the end of the algorithm.
TODO Use GRASS --exec instead of GRASS_BATCH_JOB.
TODO Improve Grass Path and Binary detection for all OSs.
TODO Review all the methods of QgsProcessingAlgorithm.
TODO Make tests under MS-Windows 7 for Utf-8 support.
TODO Review Python3 port.
- dict iteritems
TODO Add GRASS 7.2 new algorithms.
TODO Review all algorithm parameters. MOD r.basins.fill OK r.blend OK r.buffer OK r.buffer.lowmem OK r.carve OK r.category MOD r.circle MOD r.clump OK r.coin TODO r.colors OutputDirectory OK r.colors.out OK r.colors.stddev OK r.composite OK r.compress MOD r.contour MOD r.cost OK r.covar OK r.cross r.describe r.distance r.drain r.external r.external.out r.fill.dir r.fillnulls r.flow r.grow.distance r.grow r.gwflow r.his r.horizon r.import r.in.ascii r.in.aster r.in.bin r.in.gdal r.in.gridatb r.in.lidar r.in.mat r.in.png r.in.poly r.in.srtm r.in.wms r.in.xyz r.info r.kappa r.lake r.latlong r.li.cwed r.li.daemon r.li.dominance r.li.edgedensity r.li r.li.mpa r.li.mps r.li.padcv r.li.padrange r.li.padsd r.li.patchdensity r.li.patchnum r.li.pielou r.li.renyi r.li.richness r.li.shannon r.li.shape r.li.simpson r.mapcalc r.mask r.mfilter r.mode r.neighbors r.null r.out.ascii r.out.bin r.out.gdal r.out.gridatb r.out.mat r.out.mpeg r.out.png r.out.pov r.out.ppm r.out.ppm3 r.out.vrml r.out.vtk r.out.xyz r.pack r.param.scale r.patch r.plane r.profile r.proj r.quant r.quantile r.random.cells r.random r.random.surface r.reclass.area r.reclass r.recode r.region r.regression.line r.regression.multi r.relief r.report r.resamp.bspline r.resamp.filter r.resamp.interp r.resamp.rst r.resamp.stats r.resample r.rescale.eq r.rescale r.rgb r.ros r.series.accumulate r.series r.series.interp r.shade r.sim.sediment r.sim.water r.slope.aspect r.solute.transport r.spread r.spreadpath r.statistics r.stats r.stats.quantile r.stats.zonal r.stream.extract r.sun r.sunhours r.sunmask r.support r.support.stats r.surf.area r.surf.contour r.surf.fractal r.surf.gauss r.surf.idw r.surf.random r.terraflow r.texture r.thin r.tile r.tileset r.timestamp r.to.rast3 r.to.rast3elev r.to.vect r.topidx r.topmodel r.transect r.univar r.unpack r.uslek r.usler r.viewshed r.volume r.walk r.water.outlet r.watershed r.what.color r.what
TODO Improve unit tests.
TODO Use some raster/vector layers with spacename into their path.
TODO Use prepareAlgorithm for algorithm preparation.
TODO Support ParameterTable.
TODO Convert all ext scripts.
- TODO Review i.py.
- TODO Force projection in description file?
- r_rgb.py
- r_blend_combine.py
- r_blend_rgb.py
- r_drain.py
- r_horizon.py
- r_mask.py
- r_mask_vect.py
- r_mask_rast.py
- r_null.py
- r_statistics.py
- v_voronoi.py
- v_build_polylines.py => TO delete.
- v_in_geonames.py.
- v_sample.py.
- v_to_3d.py.
- v_pack.py.
- v_what_vect.py => TO delete.
- v_what_rast_points.py.
- v_what_rast_centroids.py.
- v_vect_stats.py
- v_rast_stats.py
- v_net.py
- v_net_alloc.py
- v_net_allpairs.py
- v_net_arcs.py
- v_net_articulation.py
- v_net_connect.py
- v_net_connectivity.py
- v_net_flow.py
- v_net_iso.py
- v_net_nodes.py
- v_net_path.py
- v_net_steiner.py
- v_net_visibility.py
TODO Support multiple output raster formats.
TODO Support multiple output vector formats.
TODO Support multiple input vector formats
- DONE create a general inputVectorLayer method.
- TODO Some formats can't be correctly used by v.external:
- GML.
- TODO Build a workaround for those formats (use v.in.ogr).
DONE Replace all parameters by QgsProcessingParameters.
- DONE Review all ParameterFile
- DONE Review all OutputDirectory.
- DONE Convert all OutputDirectory to QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination
- DONE Default case:
- Take the name of the output variable.
- create a default value as basename.
- export all layers into the directory with a shell loop.
- DONE Remove all multipleOutputDir in ext/
- r.colors: TODO ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- r.texture: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- r.stats.quantile: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- r.series.interp: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- r.mapcalc: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- i.aster.toar: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- i.tasscap: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- i.rectify: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- i.cca: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- i.landsat.toar: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- i.pca: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- i.topo.corr: DONE ext | DONE desc | TODO tests.
- DONE Review all OutputFile
- DONE Replace by QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination
- DONE QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination should use the file filter in Dialog. Replace fileOut with fileDestination in gui/ParametersUtils.py
DONE Remove specific algorithms code in Grass7Algorithm.py (move them in ext).
DONE Re-enable GRASS algorithm by default.
DONE Support multiple bands input rasters.
DONE Better support for files output that are HTML.
- DONE All html output files will be report outputs.
- DONE All html output will come as stdout files by default.
- DONE OutputHtml must not be converted to OutputLayerDefinition.
- DONE Convert false HTML files to real HTML files.
- DONE Opens HTML files in Viewer.
Unit tests
i.* modules:
- i.albedo: needs better data
- i.aster.toar: needs OutputDir support in tests
- i.atcorr: OK (basic implementation)
- i.biomass: OK (basic implementation)
- i.cca: needs OutputDir support in tests
- i.cluster: OK (full implementation)
- i.colors.enhance: needs other raster data
- i.eb.eta: OK (basic implementation)
- i.eb.evapfr: needs better data
- i.eb.hsebal01: OK (basic implementation)
- i.eb.netrad: OK (basic implementation)
- i.eb.soilheatflux: OK (basic implementation)
- i.emissivity: OK (basic implementation)
- i.evapo.mh: OK (basic implementation)
- i.evapo.pm: OK (basic implementation)
- i.evapo.pt: OK (basic implementation)
- i.evapo.time: broken (don't know why, should work)
- i.fft: OK (full implementation)
- i.gensig: OK (full implementation)
- i.gensigset: OK (full implementation)
- i.group: OK (full implementation)
- i.his.rgb: needs better data
- i.ifft: needs specific raster data
- i.image.mosaic: OK (basic implementation)
- i.in.spotvgt: needs probably a true NVDI SPOT file (quite huge for tests).
- i.landsat.acca: needs better data
- i.landsat.toar: needs OutputDir support in tests
- i.maxlik: OK (full implementation)
- i.modis.qc: OK (full implementation)
- i.oif: OK (full implementation)
- i.ortho.camera: not implemented in Processing
- i.ortho.elev: not implemented in Processing
- i.ortho.rectify: not implemented in Processing
- i.pansharpen: OK (full implementation)
- i.pca: needs OutputDir support in tests
- i.rectify: needs OutputDir support in tests
- i.rgb.his: OK (full implementation)
- i.segment: OK (full implementation)
- i.smap: OK (full implementation)
- i.spectral: not implementable in Processing
- i.target: not implementable in Processing
- i.tasscap: needs OutputDir support in tests
- i.topo.corr.ill: OK (basic implementation)
- i.topo.corr: needs OutputDir support in tests
- i.vi: OK (basic implementation)
- i.zc: OK (basic implementation)
r.* modules
Need to write everything
v.* modules
Need to write everything
- TODO: decide what to do with nviz: nviz_cmd -> G7:m.nviz.image