2021-01-12 15:57:00 +01:00

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C++ Wrapper for ODBC

odbc-cpp-wrapper is an object-oriented C++-wrapper of the ODBC API. It takes care of

  • managing the lifetime of ODBC resources,
  • allocating and managing resources needed for ODBC operations and
  • converting ODBC errors to exceptions and throwing them.

The odbc-cpp-wrapper API attempts to make usage of ODBC as simple as possible. The API was designed to make wrong usage almost impossible and to ensure proper object lifetime management.

odbc-cpp-wrapper was originally developed for exchanging spatial data with databases. It focuses on batch operations of variable-sized data, which is not very well supported by other ODBC wrappers.


To build odbc-cpp-wrapper you need

On Linux platforms you additionally need

To generate the API's documentation, you need

Building and Installation


  • Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SAP/odbc-cpp-wrapper.git
  • Create a build directory and change to it:

    mkdir odbc-cpp-wrapper/build && cd odbc-cpp-wrapper/build
  • Create the makefiles with CMake:

    cmake ..
  • Build the library:

    make -j <number of parallel build jobs>

    The build will create a shared library libodbccpp.so and a static library libodbccpp_static.a.

  • To build the documentation (optional):

    make doc

    The mainpage of the documentation can be found at doc/html/index.html.

  • Install the library:

    sudo make install

    This will install the library and header files. CMake will install them to usr/local/lib and usr/local/include by default. If you prefer different locations, you can set CMake's install prefix to a different path. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.html for details.


  • Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SAP/odbc-cpp-wrapper.git
  • Create a build directory and change to it:

    mkdir odbc-cpp-wrapper\build && cd odbc-cpp-wrapper\build

Visual Studio 2015 and later

  • Generate a Visual Studio solution

    cmake ..

    You can then open the odbccpp.sln file and build the desired targets in Visual Studio.

MSBuild (nmake)

  • Start the Visual Studio Native Tools Command Prompt for the desired target and change the directory to the build directory. Create the makefiles for nmake:

    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..

    Optionally you can use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to define if you'd like to build a Debug or Release build. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.html for details.

  • Build the library:


    The build will create a dynamic link library odbccpp.dll and a static library odbccpp_static.lib.

  • Build the documentation (optional):

    nmake doc

    The mainpage of the documentation can be found at doc\html\index.html.

  • Install the library (optional):

    nmake install

    This will install the library and header files. CMake will install them to C:\Program Files\odbccpp by default. If you prefer a different location, you can set CMake's install prefix to a different path. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.html for details.

Using the library

You can just link against the shared/dynamic or the static library. If you are linking against the static library, you have to additionally define ODBC_STATIC when compiling.

Usage of the library should be pretty straight-forward if you are familiar with ODBC and/or other database connectors.


The following code gives an example how working with odbc-cpp-wrapper looks like. It connects to a database, batch inserts two rows and executes a query.

#include <iostream>
#include <odbc/Connection.h>
#include <odbc/Environment.h>
#include <odbc/Exception.h>
#include <odbc/PreparedStatement.h>
#include <odbc/ResultSet.h>

int main()
        odbc::EnvironmentRef env = odbc::Environment::create();

        odbc::ConnectionRef conn = env->createConnection();
        conn->connect("DSN", "user", "pass");

        odbc::PreparedStatementRef psInsert =
            conn->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TAB (ID, DATA) VALUES (?, ?)");
        psInsert->setInt(1, 101);
        psInsert->setCString(2, "One hundred one");
        psInsert->setInt(1, 102);
        psInsert->setCString(2, "One hundred two");

        odbc::PreparedStatementRef psSelect =
            conn->prepareStatement("SELECT ID, DATA FROM TAB WHERE ID > ?");
        psSelect->setInt(1, 100);
        odbc::ResultSetRef rs = psSelect->executeQuery();
        while (rs->next())
            std::cout << rs->getInt(1) << ", " << rs->getString(2) << std::endl;
    catch (const odbc::Exception& e)
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

How to obtain support

If you experience issues with using the library, please file a report in the GitHub bug tracking system.


Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

This file is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.