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synced 2025-03-15 00:04:37 -04:00
A new control for setting a label's "z-index" has been added to the labeling properties dialog. This control (which also accepts data-defined overrides for individual features) determines the order in which label are rendered. Label layers with a higher z-index are rendered on top of labels from a layer with lower z-index. Additionally, the logic has been tweaks so that if 2 labels have matching z-indexes, then: - if they are from the same layer, a smaller label will be drawn above a larger label - if they are from different layers, the labels will be drawn in the same order as the layers themselves (ie respecting the order set in the legend) Diagrams can also have their z-index set (but not data defined) so that the order of labels and diagrams can be controlled. Note that this does *NOT* allow labels to be drawn below the features from other layers, it just controls the order in which labels are drawn on top of all the layer's features. Fix #13888, #13559
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284 lines
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struct QgsDiagramLayerSettings
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
//avoid inclusion of QgsPalLabeling
enum Placement
AroundPoint, // Point / Polygon
OverPoint, // Point / Polygon
Line, // Line / Polygon
Curved, // Line
Horizontal, // Polygon
Free // Polygon
enum LinePlacementFlags
//pal placement properties
Placement placement;
unsigned int placementFlags;
int priority; // 0 = low, 10 = high
//! Z-index of diagrams, where diagrams with a higher z-index are drawn on top of diagrams with a lower z-index
double zIndex;
bool obstacle; // whether it's an obstacle
double dist; // distance from the feature (in mm)
QgsDiagramRendererV2* renderer; // if any renderer is assigned, it is owned by this class
//assigned when layer gets prepared
const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct;
const QgsMapToPixel* xform;
QgsFields fields;
int xPosColumn; //attribute index for x coordinate (or -1 if position not data defined)
int yPosColumn;//attribute index for y coordinate (or -1 if position not data defined)
bool showAll;
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
//diagram settings for rendering
class QgsDiagramSettings
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
enum SizeType
enum LabelPlacementMethod
//! Orientation of histogram
enum DiagramOrientation
bool enabled;
QFont font;
QList< QColor > categoryColors;
QList< QString > categoryAttributes;
//! @note added in 2.10
QList< QString > categoryLabels;
QSizeF size; //size
SizeType sizeType; //mm or map units
QColor backgroundColor;
QColor penColor;
double penWidth;
LabelPlacementMethod labelPlacementMethod;
DiagramOrientation diagramOrientation;
double barWidth;
int transparency; // 0 - 100
bool scaleByArea;
int angleOffset;
bool scaleBasedVisibility;
//scale range (-1 if no lower / upper bound )
double minScaleDenominator;
double maxScaleDenominator;
//! Scale diagrams smaller than mMinimumSize to mMinimumSize
double minimumSize;
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& rendererElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
/** Returns list of legend nodes for the diagram
* @note caller is responsible for deletion of QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNodes
* @note added in 2.10
QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
//additional diagram settings for interpolated size rendering
class QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
QSizeF lowerSize;
QSizeF upperSize;
double lowerValue;
double upperValue;
/** Index of the classification attribute*/
int classificationAttribute;
QString classificationAttributeExpression;
bool classificationAttributeIsExpression;
/** Returns diagram settings for a feature*/
class QgsDiagramRendererV2
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
virtual ~QgsDiagramRendererV2();
/** Returns new instance that is equivalent to this one
* @note added in 2.4 */
virtual QgsDiagramRendererV2* clone() const = 0 /Factory/;
/** Returns size of the diagram for a feature in map units. Returns an invalid QSizeF in case of error*/
virtual QSizeF sizeMapUnits( const QgsFeature& feature, const QgsRenderContext& c );
virtual QString rendererName() const = 0;
/** Returns attribute indices needed for diagram rendering*/
virtual QList<QString> diagramAttributes() const = 0;
void renderDiagram( const QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& c, const QPointF& pos );
void setDiagram( QgsDiagram* d /Transfer/ );
QgsDiagram* diagram() const;
/** Returns list with all diagram settings in the renderer*/
virtual QList<QgsDiagramSettings> diagramSettings() const = 0;
virtual void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) = 0;
virtual void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const = 0;
/** Returns list of legend nodes for the diagram
* @note caller is responsible for deletion of QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNodes
* @note added in 2.10
virtual QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
/** Returns diagram settings for a feature (or false if the diagram for the feature is not to be rendered). Used internally within renderDiagram()
* @param feature the feature
* @param c render context
* @param s out: diagram settings for the feature
virtual bool diagramSettings( const QgsFeature &feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, QgsDiagramSettings& s ) = 0;
/** Returns size of the diagram (in painter units) or an invalid size in case of error*/
virtual QSizeF diagramSize( const QgsFeature& features, const QgsRenderContext& c ) = 0;
/** Converts size from mm to map units*/
void convertSizeToMapUnits( QSizeF& size, const QgsRenderContext& context ) const;
/** Returns the paint device dpi (or -1 in case of error*/
static int dpiPaintDevice( const QPainter* );
//read / write diagram
void _readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void _writeXML( QDomElement& rendererElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
/** Renders the diagrams for all features with the same settings*/
class QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer : QgsDiagramRendererV2
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
virtual QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer* clone() const /Factory/;
QString rendererName() const;
QList<QString> diagramAttributes() const;
void setDiagramSettings( const QgsDiagramSettings& s );
QList<QgsDiagramSettings> diagramSettings() const;
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
virtual QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
bool diagramSettings( const QgsFeature &feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, QgsDiagramSettings& s );
QSizeF diagramSize( const QgsFeature&, const QgsRenderContext& c );
class QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer : QgsDiagramRendererV2
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
virtual QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer* clone() const /Factory/;
/** Returns list with all diagram settings in the renderer*/
QList<QgsDiagramSettings> diagramSettings() const;
void setDiagramSettings( const QgsDiagramSettings& s );
QList<QString> diagramAttributes() const;
QString rendererName() const;
void setLowerValue( double val );
double lowerValue() const;
void setUpperValue( double val );
double upperValue() const;
void setLowerSize( QSizeF s );
QSizeF lowerSize() const;
void setUpperSize( QSizeF s );
QSizeF upperSize() const;
int classificationAttribute() const;
void setClassificationAttribute( int index );
QString classificationAttributeExpression() const;
void setClassificationAttributeExpression( const QString& expression );
bool classificationAttributeIsExpression() const;
void setClassificationAttributeIsExpression( bool isExpression );
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
virtual QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
bool diagramSettings( const QgsFeature &feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, QgsDiagramSettings& s );
QSizeF diagramSize( const QgsFeature&, const QgsRenderContext& c );