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struct QgsDiagramLayerSettings
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
2014-05-27 23:22:50 +02:00
//avoid inclusion of QgsPalLabeling
enum Placement
AroundPoint, // Point / Polygon
OverPoint, // Point / Polygon
Line, // Line / Polygon
Curved, // Line
Horizontal, // Polygon
Free // Polygon
enum LinePlacementFlags
2014-06-02 21:00:51 +02:00
//pal placement properties
Placement placement;
unsigned int placementFlags;
int priority; // 0 = low, 10 = high
//! Z-index of diagrams, where diagrams with a higher z-index are drawn on top of diagrams with a lower z-index
double zIndex;
bool obstacle; // whether it's an obstacle
double dist; // distance from the feature (in mm)
2014-05-27 23:22:50 +02:00
QgsDiagramRendererV2* renderer; // if any renderer is assigned, it is owned by this class
//assigned when layer gets prepared
const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct;
const QgsMapToPixel* xform;
QgsFields fields;
int xPosColumn; //attribute index for x coordinate (or -1 if position not data defined)
int yPosColumn;//attribute index for y coordinate (or -1 if position not data defined)
bool showAll;
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
//diagram settings for rendering
class QgsDiagramSettings
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
enum SizeType
enum LabelPlacementMethod
//! Orientation of histogram
enum DiagramOrientation
bool enabled;
QFont font;
QList< QColor > categoryColors;
QList< QString > categoryAttributes;
//! @note added in 2.10
QList< QString > categoryLabels;
QSizeF size; //size
SizeType sizeType; //mm or map units
QColor backgroundColor;
QColor penColor;
double penWidth;
LabelPlacementMethod labelPlacementMethod;
DiagramOrientation diagramOrientation;
double barWidth;
int transparency; // 0 - 100
bool scaleByArea;
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
int angleOffset;
bool scaleBasedVisibility;
//scale range (-1 if no lower / upper bound )
double minScaleDenominator;
double maxScaleDenominator;
//! Scale diagrams smaller than mMinimumSize to mMinimumSize
double minimumSize;
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& rendererElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
/** Returns list of legend nodes for the diagram
* @note caller is responsible for deletion of QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNodes
* @note added in 2.10
QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
//additional diagram settings for interpolated size rendering
class QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
QSizeF lowerSize;
QSizeF upperSize;
double lowerValue;
double upperValue;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Index of the classification attribute*/
int classificationAttribute;
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
QString classificationAttributeExpression;
bool classificationAttributeIsExpression;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns diagram settings for a feature*/
class QgsDiagramRendererV2
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
virtual ~QgsDiagramRendererV2();
/** Returns new instance that is equivalent to this one
* @note added in 2.4 */
virtual QgsDiagramRendererV2* clone() const = 0 /Factory/;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns size of the diagram for a feature in map units. Returns an invalid QSizeF in case of error*/
virtual QSizeF sizeMapUnits( const QgsFeature& feature, const QgsRenderContext& c );
virtual QString rendererName() const = 0;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns attribute indices needed for diagram rendering*/
virtual QList<QString> diagramAttributes() const = 0;
void renderDiagram( const QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& c, const QPointF& pos );
void setDiagram( QgsDiagram* d /Transfer/ );
2014-05-27 23:22:50 +02:00
QgsDiagram* diagram() const;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns list with all diagram settings in the renderer*/
virtual QList<QgsDiagramSettings> diagramSettings() const = 0;
virtual void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) = 0;
virtual void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const = 0;
/** Returns list of legend nodes for the diagram
* @note caller is responsible for deletion of QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNodes
* @note added in 2.10
virtual QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns diagram settings for a feature (or false if the diagram for the feature is not to be rendered). Used internally within renderDiagram()
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
* @param feature the feature
* @param c render context
* @param s out: diagram settings for the feature
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
virtual bool diagramSettings( const QgsFeature &feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, QgsDiagramSettings& s ) = 0;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns size of the diagram (in painter units) or an invalid size in case of error*/
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
virtual QSizeF diagramSize( const QgsFeature& features, const QgsRenderContext& c ) = 0;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Converts size from mm to map units*/
void convertSizeToMapUnits( QSizeF& size, const QgsRenderContext& context ) const;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns the paint device dpi (or -1 in case of error*/
static int dpiPaintDevice( const QPainter* );
//read / write diagram
void _readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void _writeXML( QDomElement& rendererElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Renders the diagrams for all features with the same settings*/
class QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer : QgsDiagramRendererV2
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
virtual QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer* clone() const /Factory/;
QString rendererName() const;
QList<QString> diagramAttributes() const;
void setDiagramSettings( const QgsDiagramSettings& s );
QList<QgsDiagramSettings> diagramSettings() const;
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
virtual QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
bool diagramSettings( const QgsFeature &feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, QgsDiagramSettings& s );
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
QSizeF diagramSize( const QgsFeature&, const QgsRenderContext& c );
class QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer : QgsDiagramRendererV2
#include <qgsdiagramrendererv2.h>
virtual QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer* clone() const /Factory/;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Returns list with all diagram settings in the renderer*/
QList<QgsDiagramSettings> diagramSettings() const;
void setDiagramSettings( const QgsDiagramSettings& s );
QList<QString> diagramAttributes() const;
QString rendererName() const;
void setLowerValue( double val );
double lowerValue() const;
void setUpperValue( double val );
double upperValue() const;
void setLowerSize( QSizeF s );
QSizeF lowerSize() const;
void setUpperSize( QSizeF s );
QSizeF upperSize() const;
int classificationAttribute() const;
void setClassificationAttribute( int index );
2014-01-27 09:22:24 +01:00
QString classificationAttributeExpression() const;
void setClassificationAttributeExpression( const QString& expression );
2014-01-27 09:22:24 +01:00
bool classificationAttributeIsExpression() const;
void setClassificationAttributeIsExpression( bool isExpression );
void readXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
void writeXML( QDomElement& layerElem, QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
virtual QList< QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* > legendItems( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) const /Factory/;
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
bool diagramSettings( const QgsFeature &feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, QgsDiagramSettings& s );
2014-01-26 18:35:21 +01:00
QSizeF diagramSize( const QgsFeature&, const QgsRenderContext& c );