options should be available for certain model outputs and script
algorithm outputs
We do this by swapping the test for non-file based output support
from checking only the algorithm's provider to instead checking
on a parameter-by-parameter basis.
This is done in order to support models. For models, depending
on what child algorithm a model output is based off, an individual
model may or may not have support for non-file based outputs. E.g
a model may generate outputs from a native qgis alg (supporting
these outputs) AND an output from a GDAL alg (with no support
for these outputs). In this case we need to enable or disable
the ui controls for non-file based outputs on an individual
output basis.
For scripts (for now) we blindly just say all outputs support
non-file based formats. This is going to be the case most of
the time, since scripts will usually be written using PyQGIS
API. For the exceptions (e.g. scripts which call other algs
like GDAL algs) we probably should add some way for the script
to indicate whether an individual output supports this, but
for now we just say they all do.
Fixes a typo in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::syncDb() that improperly set "Imported from GDAL" as name for all geographical coordinate systems imported from GDAL/PROJ definitions during postintall CRS database synch.
elementsByTagName can be dangerous, because it returns children
recursively. In this case the contact "address" element contained
a child element for the street address, also named "address".
So when restoring a project with contact addresses in the metadata,
each address was created twice...
Somehow 2.x projects could end up with compositions with duplicate
names. This is strictly forbidden in 3.x, so we autogenerate a
new unique name if we encounter any duplicate composer names when
upgrading a 2.x project.
I realise this adds another toolbar button... but I'd strongly
argue that the toolbox is used FAR FAR more often than many of the
other toolbar actions!
Avoids incorrect warnings about duplicate shortcuts on startup.
What's happening here is:
- on QGIS startup, plugins are loaded, adding their actions to
the interface via iface.registerMainWindowAction()
- after ALL plugins and qgis native menus and actions are created,
the shortcut manager registers ALL children from the main window.
This includes the actions and widgets created by plugins, which
have already been registered to the manager.
- There's no way to avoid this duplicate registration - we could
move the child shortcut registration to occur before plugin
initialization, but it's actually nice to have this "catch-all"
occur after plugins are loaded (so that plugins which don't
correctly register actions still have them included in the shortcut
manager). Similarly, plugins MUST use the registerMainWindowAction
call instead of just relying on the Qt QAction.setShortcut method
because otherwise the shortcuts manager is unaware of actions
created after QGIS load - e.g. enabling a plugin after startup.
So we avoid this by just refusing to re-register a shortcut
that the manager is already aware of... no more startup warnings!
Brings the behaviour into line with the styling dock, where
the action is checkable and checked only when the toolbox
is open AND user visible (i.e. not hidden behind another tab). If
the toolbox is open but hidden, then hitting the Toolbox action
brings it to the front tab.
Otherwise it's often necessary to hit to Toolbox shortcut twice -
once to close a hidden toolbox tab, and a second time to open
and raise it.