- when creating geometry from WKT, upgrade dimensionality of geometry
if coordinates are 3/4 dimensional
- match dimensionality of collections to child dimensionality
- fix area of curves was non-zero if curve is closed
- don't consider m values when testing for curve closedness
- add unit tests for closedness
- add unit tests for CircularStrings, CompoundCurves, CurvePolygon,
tests with geometries with Z/M values
Attribute table filter: follow up #2316 and 5ac5217
Fix#13486 Don't hide search widget in attribute table when typing
Properly connect the signals for the search case checkbox on the attribute table filter
Split length from perimeter calculation in geometry API, as
returning perimeter for length for polygons is misleading and
results in incorrect length/perimeter calculations for mixed
geometry collections.
Enable length & perimeter unit tests against reference geometries.
Now the length & perimeter values match those calculated by
(inc geometry count, node count, ring count, area, centroid,
x/y min/max)
- invesigate whether Z/M is required for GeometryCollection WKT
data type if children have Z/M dimension
- fix QGIS handling of mixing length and perimeter for collections
resulting in incorrect length calculation for mixed Collections
qDeleteAll( container.values() ). The values() call isn't
needed and requires building a QList of values first.
Thanks clazy - keep the good optimisations coming!
- Add some tests for conversion to/from WKT, using a bulk lot of testsdata
from PostGIS
- Add some tests for area/length calculation, using some test data and
results from PostGIS/geos unit tests
- Add tests for spatial relations, using test data from PostGIS. Note
that this required adding support for calculating the DE-9IM relation. I'll
expose this to users via the expression engine in 2.14.
Along the way this also fixes a number of bugs relating to WKT geometry
import, such as
- add support for alternate MultiPoint(1 1,2 2,...) format
- fix GeometryCollection to support collections with multi* children
and GeometryCollection children (allowed by spec)