Tags are used while searching in the toolbox. This should help with
finding algorithms when the exact name is not known, eg
you could search for "envelope" or "bounds" and find the
'Polygon from Layer Extent' algorithm.
At the moment it's quite hard to discover algorithms which exist
when you don't know what their called and have to instead search
for every possible naming variant which could exist...
Eg, allows you to search "line merge" and find the "Merge lines"
algorithm. Should make it easier for users who don't know the
exact name to find algorithms.
Better solution is to set handlesNull to true to avoid the default
null parameter = null result behaviour, and handle null values
in params 1 and 2 manually
- support negative start value (e.g. substr('hello',-2) returns 'lo')
- support negative length value (e.g. substr('hello',3,-1) returns 'll')
- length parameter now optional, defaults to end of string
(e.g. substr('hello world',7) returns 'world')
default value SQL clauses
QgsVectorDataProvider now has two methods:
- defaultValueClause: returns SQL fragment which must be evaluated
by the provider to obtain the default value, eg sequence values
- defaultValue: returns the literal constant default value
for a field
The new function returns an array of strings captured by capturing
groups in a supplied regular expression. For e.g., the following
expression: regexp_matches('qgis=>rocks','(.*)=>(.*)')
will return the following array: 'qgis', 'rocks'.
With a new option to prefer to snap to closest point on geometry.
The old behaviour was to prefer to snap to nodes, even if a node
was further from the input geometry than a segment. The new option
allows you to snap geometries to the closest point, regardless
of whether it's a node or segment.
Calling QImage::fill( 0 ) on rendering start takes about 40% of the
time required for setting up a new job.
Since this is done on the main thread, the interface feels more
snappy the quicker the setup process is completed.