When using <NamedStyle> make sure the passed SLD XML has attribute units="mm"
in the root <StyledLayerDescriptor> tag. Otherwise the WMS server applies scaling
as if all sizes were in pixels. The correct approach would be to just scale
sizes when loading symbols from SLD - not to apply such scaling globally
This code has been funded by Tuscany Region (Italy) - SITA (CIG: 6002233F59) and commissioned to Gis3W s.a.s.
This code has been funded by Tuscany Region (Italy) - SITA (CIG: 6002233F59) and commissioned to Gis3W s.a.s.
The above statement applies also to the earlier commits:
5b38262 WMS server: advertise additional layer styles in GetCapabilities
95b4ebc WMS server: detect correct service URL even if REQUEST_URI is not defined
03edac9 WMS server: throw LayerNotDefined exception when undefined layer is requested
6e4c507 WMS server: support predefined layer styles in GetMap requests
4dead72 Allow multiple styles of layers in composer maps
50e77a9 Added support for renaming of map layer styles
8b5587f Improve the internals of map layer style manager
b4ad637 Make presets with styles working in composer
3fbb758 More reliable trigger of refresh when changing styles
803e822 Visibility presets also record layer's current style
603b3a5 Fixed problems with style switching not always working correctly
3ce9c70 Merge pull request #1755 from wonder-sk/multiple-styles
2144be0 Add Python bindings for map layer style manager
f00f4fd Style manager code cleanups
43d6042 Support for reading/writing additional styles for layers
19b7281 Fix cleanup of the style GUI utils singleton
edf3ebb Improve the Styles menu in legend context menu
547d018 Added a GUI utility class to support multiple styles per map layer
829f99b Initial core work on multiple styles per layer
* Delete r.bitpattern.txt: r.bitpattern is now only an Addon since r.mapcalc and i.modis.qc provide the functionality
* r.describe.txt: flag description cosmetics
* r.random.raster.txt: fix typo
* Update and rename r.shaded.relief.txt to r.relief.txt (http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass7/NewFeatures#Renamedmodules)
* Update r.sunmask.txt: -s added but "Outputraster" needs to be optional for that [TODO]
* Update r.surf.area.txt: "units" added
* Delete r.surf.idw2.txt: r.surf.idw2 is now a GRASS GIS Addon (http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass7/NewFeatures#Replacedandremovedmodules)
* Delete v.transform.pointsfile.txt: The pointsfile parameter no longer exists. Use v.transform.txt instead
* Update TODO
Revert custom rotation handling in label placement, dropping
rotation component from the transformation used to determine
placement as rotation was applied up-front.
Have manually placed labels follow the map.
When layer set is locked in composer map, also the styles associated with layers are kept.
As a result, a composition can contain maps of the same layer just with different styles.
Map settings and map renderer jobs have been improved to support temporary override of layer's style.
It is possible to pass to map settings which layers should have overridden style and map jobs
will temporarily replace the style (just for the rendering).
- style manager is always enabled (client code does not need to distinguish between enabled/disabled state)
- layers currently active style is stored only in QgsMapLayer - in style manager it has entry with no data (avoids duplication of data)
This also solves issues with visibility presets and styles when some presets do not have stored style