(under the layer properties, rendering tab)
So why would you want this? Well, extremely detailed layers (eg
polygon layers with a huge number of nodes) can cause composer
exports in PDF/SVG format to be huge as all nodes are included in
the exported file. This can also make the resultant file very slow
to work with/open in other programs (*cough* Inkscape *cough*).
Now, these you can force these layers to be rasterised so that the
exported files won't have to include all the nodes contained in these
layers. (Before you could also do this by forcing the composer to
export as a raster, but that was an all-or-nothing solution).
The ideal solution would be a simplification option for composer
exports which would simplify the layers by removing redundant points
at the export DPI, but this is an easy workaround for now.
Previously, placement options were either all-or-nothing. If you
wanted to manually set the quadrant for specific labels, it was
only possible when in "offset from point" mode. But this meant
that all other labels would be forced to have the same quadrant
placement, resulting in poor placement. If instead you used
"around point" mode, then all labels would be dynamically placed
but there was no way to force a single label to a specific
Now, you can set the placement mode to "around point" so that the
majority of labels get auto placed, and then set a data defined
quadrant override for specific labels.
Additionally, when data defined quadrant is set when in "around
point" placement, then the label distance is used to offset the
label rather then the offset X/Y used when in "offset from point"
This commit replace pal's use of it's own custom linked lists
and hash tables by Qt's QLinkedList and QHash classes. All use
of char arrays have also been replaced by QStrings.
Testing reveals no speed improvements by the changes, but the
changes bring pal more into line with QGIS core and make the
code much more readable.
* .gitignore sort and remove duplicates
* show more warnings in tests
* add/update masks for rendering checks on windows
* fix delimited text provider tests
* disable QgsLogger and QgsPalLabelingServer on windows