Custom widgets designed for displaying subheaders within a QMenu
in a standard style (i.e. matching the subheaders shown within
the color button drop down menus)
main window statusbar
QStatusBar gives almost no control over display and placement
of child widgets. It's not possible to subclass and reimplement
either, due to how QMainWindow works internally, and also due to
the special handling for the size grip and other platform specific
handling in QStatusBar.
Instead, we embed a single QgsStatusBar covering the whole real
status bar. All child widgets and temporary messages instead
are pushed to the QgsStatusBar instead - giving us as much control
as we desire over how these widgets are placed and their behavior.
As a result the locator widget has been moved to its logical placement
on the left of the status bar.
All plugins must ensure that they use the status bar interface
available via iface.statusBarIface() instead of directly interacting
with the status bar (e.g. iface.mainWindow().statusBar()...)
This allows encapsulation of properties relating to the context
of a search, such as a target map extent. Locator filters could
use this to prioritise results close to the current canvas extent.
This adds a new "locator" bar to the QGIS status bar. If you're not
familiar with QtCreator's locator, it's a quick search bar
(activated by Ctrl+K) which displays matching search results
from any number of registered search filters.
Search filters are subclassed from QgsLocatorFilter, and
added to the app's locator via iface.registerLocatorFilter(...)
Searching is handled using threads, so that results always
become available as quickly as possible, regardless of whether
any slow search filters may be installed. They also appear
as soon as each result is encountered by each filter, which means
that e.g. a file search filter will show results one by one
as the file tree is scanned. This ensures that the UI is always
responsive even if a very slow search filter is present (e.g.
one which uses an online service).
This framework is designed to be extended by plugins, such as
OSM nominatim searches, direct database searching (i.e. Discovery
plugin), layer catalog searches, etc...
And use wherever custom widgets were being created. Reduces
duplicate code and allows specialised handling for raster
band display/selection to be centralized.
Not much there yet, but it adds an interface with stable API
which can be used by plugins and scripts to interact with
composer windows.
Could be expanded in future to add hooks for toolbars, menus,
etc, allowing plugins to extend composer functionality.
Allows plugins to embed their options into the standard options
dialog, instead of implementing their own config dialog and having
to have extra menu items just for those...
This adds a new interactive "curve" to the assistant widgets.
It allows you to fine tune exactly how input values get
mapped to output sizes/colors/etc.
Think GIMP or Photoshop curves, but for your data...
Qt5 allows runtime detection of touch devices. This commit reworks
the current touch map tool by pulling its behavior into the normal
pan tool when a touch device is detected.
It avoids the need for a seperate map tool for touch interaction,
and also avoids having this tool always appear on the Windows
builds (regardless of the presence of a touch device)
Splits the rendering component of annotations out from map
canvas item component.
A new core abstract base class QgsAnnotation handles the
management of the common properties associated with an
annotation, and handles rendering the annotation onto a
QgsRenderContext destination.
Existing annotation classes have been ported to this, and
with the exception of the form annotation moved into core.
Form annotations are dependant on editor widgets and must
remain in GUI.
A new QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem item class implements
a QgsMapCanvasItem which draws an annotation inside the
canvas, and handles synchronising the position and size
of the canvas item with the QgsAnnotation position/size.
This allows annotations to be safely used in a multi-canvas
environment, with a single QgsAnnotation being displayed
in multiple canvases (even if the canvases have different
Additionally it allows annotations to be directly rendered
to a map (eg in composer) without going through the
gui based Qt graphics scene framework.
Also removes lots of duplicate code, and adds some basic
unit tests for annotations.
This adds a new gui widget QgsFieldValuesLineEdit which includes
an autocompleter populated with current field values.
The autocompleter is nicely updated in the background so that
the gui remains nice and responsive, even if there's millions
of records in the associated table.
It's now used as a search widget for text fields, so can be seen
in the browser window if you set the filter to a text field, or
if you launch the form based select/filter by selecting a layer
and pressing F3.
above a layout.
Supports setting another widget as a anchor point for the widget, eg
the floating widget could be set so that it's always placed to the
top-right of the anchor widget.
Adds new classes:
- QgsTask. An interface for long-running background tasks
- QgsTaskManager. Handles groups of tasks - also available as a global
instance for tracking application wide tasks
- QgsTaskManagerWidget. A list view for showing active tasks and their
progress, and for cancelling them
A new dock widget has been added with a task manager widget showing
global tasks
- A new favorite grouping system was added, which the symbols list
widget defaults to
- The selected tag / smartgroup in the symbols list widget now
persists when switching layers (and across sessions)
- The symbols list widget will update the tag / smartgroup combo
box when users add / rename / remove categories
- Users can now directly tag, as well as add to favorites, symbols
while saving those to the style database
- To streamline style management, groups have been removed and
fully replaced by tags
- Tags have been integrated into the import/export user interface
Include C++ and Python tests
Travis won: ported all test cases to Python
and disabled C++ companion test (still useful locally and
for debugging)
For the curious: QTemporaryFile is not working as expected
Moved to Qt5 new style signals
Disabled C++ test and connected cancel to progress
Make string comparison on SSL errors more robust
Switch the labeling gui to use this widget, which has the benefits:
- previews all label settings, including shadow and background
- previews at a specified scale, so that any sizes using map units
will be correct
instead of individually setting map canvas, expression context, etc
Will make it more easy in future to add additional parameters
to the widget context
Allows use of a color ramp consisting of a list of selected colors.
Currently there's no way in QGIS to classify a renderer using
some list of colors you've previously selected. So you can modify
the colors manually after classifying, but that's a pain
if you're regularly using the same color scheme.
Basically, it's like the color brewer color ramp options but
allowing users to pick their own preset list of colors to use*
(Because Cynthia Brewer isn't the only cartographic color expert!)