and setup alias to avoid script/model breakage. This algorithm
uses GDAL utilities and fits better alongside the other GDAL based
algorithm rather than in the qgis provider.
GRASS GIS, in addition to importing data in its native formats via
``/`` (and likewise `r.import`/v.import`),
also supports `r.external`/`v.external` which only link the data into
Nevertheless, both `r.external` and `v.external` occasionally have problems,
especially on windows. E.g.:
GRASS 7 Processing Plugin already has a setting that controls whether
`v.external` is used (disabled by default).
With this commit the complementary setting for `r.external` gets added too.
Usage of `r.external` is disabled by default. This is changing the existing
behavior, which was to use r`r.external`. The downsides of this change
should be the somewhat lower import speed + higher disk usage. Nevertheless
this way we have the same default value as `v.external` + we circumvent the
`r.import/v.import` shortcomings.
function during bulk index load from a feature iterator
Allows single-iteration of a source for dual purposes simultaneously,
e.g. doing other feature-based operations while still gaining the full
advantage of the bulk loaded spatial index without having to do multiple
feature iterations
Motivation :
Move the QgsRasterLayerProperties class to the GUI API.
So, this class could be used using the QGIS API, notably for standalone applications.
The instance of this class was dependent, since QGIS 3.8, from the QgisApp instance, when calling the askUserForDatumTransform(). As this method, defines a title and only call QgsDatumTransformDialog::run() method from the gui API, this PR purpose to :
Offers the following benefits over the GRASS/SAGA versions:
- Full support for z/m values and handling curved geometries without loss
of curves
- Works with all native data types, no need for format transformation
- Supports dynamic (data defined, per feature) translate/scale/rotate parameters
- Allows transformation and scaling of both Z and M values (if present)
- Supports in-place edit mode
settings and logic
The previous approach of a single fixed value which applied to ALL line and ALL polygon
features was... not ideal. It meant that all line features would be assigned the same
number of candidates, regardless of length. So a road of length 1 cm on the rendered
map would have an identical number of candidates as a 30cm road covering the length of the
whole map!! This resulted in both a lot of wasted calculations (generating a ridiculous
number of candidates for small lines at barely discernable distances from each other)
AND an insufficient number of candidates for lengthy features (resulting in worse label
placement for these features).
(The situation was similar, but even worse for polygons)
Now, the setting is reworked to "Number of line candidates per cm" and "number of
polygon candidates per cm2". This means that small features get much less candidates,
and large features get much more features! Both a win for map rendering speed in many
circumstances AND good cartography... now that's a nice Christmas gift for QGIS :)
Fix dependency inconsistency to project from QgsRelationManager
by forcing 'QgsRelation::createFromXml' to rely on project passed
to 'QgsRelationManager' instead of using 'QgisProject::instance()'