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class QgsSnappingUtils : QObject
#include <qgssnappingutils.h>
QgsSnappingUtils( QObject* parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
// main actions
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Get a point locator for the given layer. If such locator does not exist, it will be created */
QgsPointLocator* locatorForLayer( QgsVectorLayer* vl );
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Snap to map according to the current configuration (mode). Optional filter allows to discard unwanted matches. */
QgsPointLocator::Match snapToMap( const QPoint& point, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter* filter = 0 );
QgsPointLocator::Match snapToMap( const QgsPoint& pointMap, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter* filter = 0 );
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Snap to current layer */
QgsPointLocator::Match snapToCurrentLayer( const QPoint& point, int type, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter* filter = 0 );
// environment setup
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Assign current map settings to the utils - used for conversion between screen coords to map coords */
void setMapSettings( const QgsMapSettings& settings );
const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings() const;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Set current layer so that if mode is SnapCurrentLayer we know which layer to use */
void setCurrentLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer );
QgsVectorLayer* currentLayer() const;
// configuration
//! modes for "snap to background"
enum SnapToMapMode
SnapCurrentLayer, //!< snap just to current layer (tolerance and type from defaultSettings())
SnapAllLayers, //!< snap to all rendered layers (tolerance and type from defaultSettings())
SnapAdvanced, //!< snap according to the configuration set in setLayers()
/** Set how the snapping to map is done */
void setSnapToMapMode( SnapToMapMode mode );
/** Find out how the snapping to map is done */
SnapToMapMode snapToMapMode() const;
enum IndexingStrategy
IndexAlwaysFull, //!< For all layers build index of full extent. Uses more memory, but queries are faster.
IndexNeverFull, //!< For all layers only create temporary indexes of small extent. Low memory usage, slower queries.
IndexHybrid //!< For "big" layers using IndexNeverFull, for the rest IndexAlwaysFull. Compromise between speed and memory usage.
/** Set a strategy for indexing geometry data - determines how fast and memory consuming the data structures will be */
void setIndexingStrategy( IndexingStrategy strategy );
/** Find out which strategy is used for indexing - by default hybrid indexing is used */
IndexingStrategy indexingStrategy() const;
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Configure options used when the mode is snap to current layer */
void setDefaultSettings( int type, double tolerance, QgsTolerance::UnitType unit );
2015-07-29 11:52:14 +02:00
/** Query options used when the mode is snap to current layer */
void defaultSettings( int& type /Out/, double& tolerance /Out/, QgsTolerance::UnitType& unit /Out/ );
struct LayerConfig
LayerConfig( QgsVectorLayer* l, const QgsPointLocator::Types& t, double tol, QgsTolerance::UnitType u );
QgsVectorLayer* layer;
2015-09-26 13:21:56 +02:00
QgsPointLocator::Types type;
double tolerance;
QgsTolerance::UnitType unit;
/** Set layers which will be used for snapping */
void setLayers( const QList<QgsSnappingUtils::LayerConfig>& layers );
/** Query layers used for snapping */
QList<QgsSnappingUtils::LayerConfig> layers() const;
/** Set whether to consider intersections of nearby segments for snapping */
void setSnapOnIntersections( bool enabled );
/** Query whether to consider intersections of nearby segments for snapping */
bool snapOnIntersections() const;
public slots:
/** Read snapping configuration from the project */
void readConfigFromProject();
//! Called when starting to index - can be overridden and e.g. progress dialog can be provided
virtual void prepareIndexStarting( int count );
//! Called when finished indexing a layer. When index == count the indexing is complete
virtual void prepareIndexProgress( int index );