212 lines
9.7 KiB
212 lines
9.7 KiB
# This software generates mardown formatted posts from json data.
# Copyright (C) SharpeTronics, LLC, 2013-2023
# Author(s): Charles Sharpe(@odinzu_me) aka SharpeTronics, LLC,
# License: GPLv3
# Version: 1.6
# This is Free Software released under GPLv3. Any misuse of this software
# will be followed up with GPL enforcement via Software Freedom Law Center:
# https://www.softwarefreedom.org/
# If you incorporate or include any code from SharpeTronics, LLC,, your
# code must be licensed as GPLv3 (not GPLv2 or MIT)
# The GPLv3 software license applies to the code directly included in this source distribution.
# See the LICENSE & COPYING file for full information.
# Dependencies downloaded as part of the build process may be covered by other open-source licenses.
# We are open to granting a more permissive (such as MIT or Apache 2.0) license to SharpeTronics, LLC,
# software on a *case-by-case* basis, for an agreed upon price. Please email
# info@sharpetronics.com.
# If you would like to contribute to this code, please follow GPLv3 guidelines.
# as an example, after making changes to the software (Called a Fork) and credit the original copyright holder as the creator with your credit added to theirs.
require 'fileutils' # https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.4.1/libdoc/fileutils/rdoc/FileUtils.html
require 'json' # https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-3.0.2/libdoc/json/rdoc/JSON.html
require 'yaml' # load Jekyll yaml config
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' # load only the specific extension for .blank? support
require 'date' # https://github.com/ruby/date
# initialize variables
jekyll_post_path = "collections/_posts/"
file_ending = ".md"
# searches for _config.yml file in the root / of the Jekyll project.
config_yml = "_config.yml"
f = YAML.load(File.read(config_yml.to_s))
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Is the _config.yml available? " "#{f}".to_s.magenta.bold
# set filepath, load the json, then parse through json file
json_post_path = f['api']['collections']['posts']['filepath']
json_author_path = f['api']['collections']['authors']['filepath']
# must read data into memory before parsing file
read_posts_json = File.read(json_post_path) # read json for all posts
read_authors_json = File.read(json_post_path) # read json for all authors
# parse through json files
parsed_posts_file = JSON.parse(read_posts_json.to_s) # returns a hash
parsed_authors_file = JSON.parse(read_authors_json.to_s) # returns a hash
# cache / verify and download each post data
post_ids = parsed_posts_file["data"]
author_ids = parsed_authors_file["data"]
# loop through each post id
post_ids.each do |id|
# get post modify time; it is cached in the Jekyll container
updatedAt = id["attributes"]["updatedAt"]
# store json specific data for each post
# determine if heading is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["title"]}".blank? || "#{id["attributes"]["title"]}".empty?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the post title is missing; does the post have a heading?".to_s.red
title = id["attributes"]["title"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Title: " "#{title}".to_s.yellow.bold
# store slug into object (object is auto generated with Strapi plugin)
slug = id["attributes"]["slug"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Slug: " "#{slug}".to_s.yellow
# determine if subheading is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["subheading"]}".blank?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the subheading is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a subheading?".to_s.red
subheading = id["attributes"]["subheading"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Subheading: " "#{subheading}".to_s.yellow.bold
date = DateTime.strptime(id['attributes']['createdAt'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Unformatted Post Creation Date: " "#{date}".to_s.yellow
# determine if layout is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["layout"]}".blank?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the layout is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a layout?".to_s.red
layout = id["attributes"]["layout"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Layout: " "#{layout}".to_s.yellow.bold
# determine if author data is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["author"]["data"]}".blank? || "#{id["attributes"]["author"]["data"]}".blank?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the author is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a author?".to_s.red
author = id["attributes"]["author"]["data"]["attributes"]["name"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Author: " "#{author}".to_s.yellow
# determine if author avatar data is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["author"]["data"]["attributes"]["avatar_image"]["data"]}".blank? || "#{id["attributes"]["author"]["data"]["attributes"]["avatar_image"]["data"]}".empty?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the author avatar data is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a author avatar?".to_s.red
author_image = id["attributes"]["author"]["data"]["attributes"]["avatar_image"]["data"]["attributes"]["url"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Author_Avatar URL: " "#{author_image}".to_s.yellow
# determine if banner_image is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["banner_image"]["data"]}".blank?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the banner_image url is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a banner image url?".to_s.red
banner_image = id["attributes"]["banner_image"]["data"]["attributes"]["url"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Banner image: " "#{banner_image}".to_s.yellow.bold
# determine if gallery is blank or null, then loop through data.
if "#{id["attributes"]["gallery"]["data"]}".blank? || "#{id["attributes"]["gallery"]["data"]}".empty?
Jekyll.logger.debug "WARNING: the gallery data is missing".to_s.magenta
# we only need the urls for each image to prep for download
gallery_images = id["attributes"]["gallery"]["data"]
# loop through each product image.
gallery_images.each do |image|
puts ""
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT PRODUCT DEBUG:: Gallery image url(s): " "#{image["attributes"]["url"]}".to_s.yellow.bold
puts "" # pretty debug spacing
# determine if banner_image_description is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["banner_image_description"]}".blank?
Jekyll.logger.debug "WARNING: the banner_image_description is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a banner_image_description?".to_s.yellow
banner_image_description = id["attributes"]["banner_image_description"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Banner image desc: " "#{banner_image_description}".to_s.yellow
# determine if tags data is blank or null, then loop through data.
if "#{id["attributes"]["tags"]["data"]}".blank? || "#{id["attributes"]["tags"]["data"]}".empty?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the tags are missing; does post [" "#{title}] have tags?".to_s.red
# an array for storing multiple inputs
tags = id["attributes"]["tags"]["data"]
# loop through each post tag.
tags.each do |tag|
puts ""
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT PRODUCT DEBUG:: Tag(s): " "#{tag["attributes"]["tag"]}".to_s.yellow
puts "" # pretty debug spacing
# determine if category data is blank or null; only one category per post.
if "#{id["attributes"]["category"]["data"]}".blank? || "#{id["attributes"]["category"]["data"]}".empty?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the category is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a category?".to_s.red
category = id["attributes"]["category"]["data"]["attributes"]["name"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Category: " "#{category}".to_s.yellow.bold
# determine if post content is blank or null.
if "#{id["attributes"]["content"]}".blank?
Jekyll.logger.debug "ERROR: the the content is missing; does post [" "#{title}] have a descrption?".to_s.red
content = id["attributes"]["content"]
Jekyll.logger.debug "::DOCUMENT POST DEBUG:: Raw Content: " "#{content}".to_s.yellow
# create the filename
file_name = "#{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-#{slug}#{file_ending}"
# let us put humpty dumpty back together again!
# create a new collection type post *.md
p = File.open( "#{jekyll_post_path}#{file_name}","w" )
# create document.md content in Jekyll yaml formatting
p.puts "---"
p.puts "updatedAt: #{updatedAt}"
p.puts "layout: #{layout}"
p.puts "title: #{title}"
p.puts "subheading: #{subheading}"
p.puts "slug: #{slug}"
p.puts "date: #{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"
p.puts "author: #{author}"
p.puts "author_image: #{author_image}"
p.puts "banner_image: #{banner_image}" # the banner images are downloaded from API in image-filter.rb.
p.puts "banner_image_description: #{banner_image_description}"
p.puts "category: " "#{category}"
# add tags without json formatting in pretty format
p.print "tags: " # pretty debug
# loop & gather tags from one post
if "#{id["attributes"]["tags"]}".blank? || "#{id["attributes"]["tags"]}".empty?
Jekyll.logger.debug "WRITING ERROR: the tags are missing; does post [" "#{title}] have any tags?".to_s.red
tags = id["attributes"]["tags"]["data"]
# loop through all tags
tags.each do |tag|
p.print tag["attributes"]["tag"]
p.print ", "
p.puts "" # pretty debug spacing
p.puts "---" # close .yaml file frontmatter
p.puts "#{content}" # write post content
p.close # close the file; stop writing