#!/bin/sh # This software creates a base Jekyll site with Strapi CMS integrations. # Copyright (C) SharpeTronics LLC, 2013-PRESENT # Author(s): SharpeTronics LLC # License: GPLv3 # Version: 1.6 # This is Free Software released under GPLv3. Any misuse of this software # will be followed up with GPL enforcement via Software Freedom Law Center: # https://www.softwarefreedom.org/ # If you incorporate or include any code from SharpeTronics LLC, your # code must be licensed as GPLv3 (not GPLv2 or MIT) # The GPLv3 software license applies to the code directly included in this source distribution. # See the LICENSE & COPYING file for full information. # Dependencies downloaded as part of the build process may be covered by other open-source licenses. # We are open to granting a more permissive (such as MIT or Apache 2.0) license to SharpeTronics LLC, # software on a *case-by-case* basis, for an agreed upon price. Please email # info@sharpetronics.com. # If you would like to contribute to this code, please follow GPLv3 guidelines. # as an example, after making changes to the software (Called a Fork) and credit the original copyright holder as the creator with your credit added to theirs. # run this script in the current directory you would like the site to be created in. # requirements: bash; script works only in unix type environments. # this script should be executed in the scripts/ directory. # changes directory back into root directory cd .. # create base Jekyll site directory structure mkdir -p ./assets/css/images mkdir -p ./assets/icons mkdir -p ./assets/images mkdir -p ./assets/js mkdir -p ./assets/webfonts mkdir -p ./collections/_drafts mkdir -p ./collections/_posts mkdir -p ./collections/_products mkdir -p ./_data # these directories are for Strapi CMS integration mkdir -p ./_data/authors mkdir -p ./_data/posts mkdir -p ./_data/products mkdir -p ./_plugins mkdir -p ./_includes mkdir -p ./_layouts mkdir -p ./pages/posts mkdir -p ./pages/products mkdir -p ./_scss mkdir -p ./uploads/authors # create default Jekyll root files with docker and drone ci support. touch .drone.yml _config.yml robots.txt sitemap.xml COPYING Gemfile humans.txt LICENSE README.md .env .gitignore docker-compose.yml # create scripts.sh for organization of each file with default data #cd ./scripts/generate-new-site #touch cat_drone.sh cat_config.sh cat_robots.sh cat_sitemap.sh cat_copying.sh cat_gemfile.sh cat_humans.sh cat_license.sh cat_readme.sh cat_env.sh cat_gitignore.sh cat_docker-compose.sh # create default Jekyll _layouts touch ./_layouts/default.html touch ./_layouts/post.html touch ./_layouts/posts.html touch ./_layouts/product.html touch ./_layouts/products.html touch ./_layouts/page.html touch ./_layouts/landing.html # create default Jekyll _includes touch ./_includes/head.html touch ./_includes/header.html touch ./_includes/footer.html touch ./_includes/navigation.html touch ./_includes/pagination.html touch ./_includes/back-to-top.html touch ./_includes/product_hero.html touch ./_includes/product_rest.html touch ./_includes/product_related.html touch ./_includes/product_featured.html touch ./_includes/author_card.html touch ./_includes/sections.html touch ./_includes/banner.html touch ./_includes/product_category.html # create default _data files with Strapi CMS integration touch ./_data/menus.yml touch ./_data/socials.yml touch ./_data/global.yml pwd # add default contents to each file cp -vf ./scripts/templates/* ./ # add default _data files cp -vf ./scripts/templates/data/* ./_data/ # add default _layouts templates cp -vf ./scripts/templates/layouts/* ./_layouts/ # add default _includes templates cp -vf ./scripts/templates/includes/* ./_includes/ # _ _ _ # ___| |_ __ _ _ __ | |_ _ __ ___| | __ # / __| __/ _` | '__| | __| '__/ _ \ |/ / # \__ \ || (_| | | | |_| | | __/ < # |___/\__\__,_|_| \__|_| \___|_|\_\ # _______----_______ # ___---~~~~~.. ... .... ... ..~~~~~---___ # _ ============================================== # __________________________ - .. .. _--~~~~~-------____-------~~~~~ #(______________________][__)____ - # / /______---~~~.. .. ..~~-_~ # <_______________________________- # ~~~~~~~-----__ __- # ~~~~~~~~~~~ # U S S E N T E R P R I S E N C C - 1 7 0 1 - D