This web application is the core website for It is a live JAMstack (Jekyll, API's, Markup) of a website with *micro services* that includes all the bells and whistles for comments, newsletter subscriptions, content management systems (CMS), site generators, blog posts, continuous deployment (CD) and integration (CI), git version management, Stripe ecommerce shopping, progressive web applications (PWA), and much more.
Our architecture trumps in security, file size and modularity, while expediting sonic load times and reducing the learning curve for web developers and editors alike!
We focus on quality *design* and *content*; while creating increased portability, automated testing, speedy load times and secure lightweight web apps.
No proprietary operating system dependencies required, only Docker Engine super machines and some tender love and care (TLC).
*Currently, the integration is maintained with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux operating system, although, it is possible to use with Macintosh or Windows. The setup with docker and docker-compose will be similar as the Linux workflow; please see **Further Reading** for more details or get involved at:*