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} input[disabled]:not([type="reset"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="button"]), select[disabled]:not([type="reset"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="button"]), textarea[disabled]:not([type="reset"]):not([type="submit"]):not([type="button"]) { background-color: var(--muted-background); } input[disabled], select[disabled], textarea[disabled] { opacity: .66; } input:not([type="checkbox"]):not([type="radio"]), select, textarea { margin-bottom: var(--spacing-typography); } input:not([type="range"]):not([type="file"]):focus, select:focus, textarea:focus { box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(--form-element-outline-width) var(--input-focus); } select::-ms-expand { border: 0; background-color: transparent; } select:not([multiple]):not([size]) { padding-right: calc(var(--form-element-spacing-horizontal) + 1.5rem); background-image: var(--icon-chevron); background-position: center right .75rem; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 1rem auto; } form small { color: var(--muted-text); } input + small, select + small, textarea + small { margin-top: calc(var(--spacing-typography) * -0.5); margin-bottom: var(--spacing-typography); } label > input, label > select, label > textarea { margin-top: var(--spacing-form-element); } /** * Table */ table { width: 100%; border-color: inherit; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; text-indent: 0; } th, td { padding: calc(var(--spacing-gutter) / 2) var(--spacing-gutter); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--table-border); color: var(--muted-text); font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: var(--text-weight); text-align: left; } th, thead td { color: var(--text); font-size: 1rem; } thead th, thead td { border-bottom: 3px solid var(--table-border); } table[role="grid"] tbody tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: var(--table-stripping); } /** * Accessibility & User interaction */ [aria-busy="true"] { cursor: progress; } [aria-controls] { cursor: pointer; } [aria-disabled="true"], [disabled] { cursor: not-allowed; } [aria-hidden="false"][hidden] { display: initial; } [aria-hidden="false"][hidden]:not(:focus) { clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); position: absolute; 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