Thanks for your interest in contributing to Pico CSS! Please take a moment to review this document before submitting a [bug report]( or a [pull request](
## Bug reports
The [issue tracker](( is the preferred channel for bug reports, but please respect the following restrictions:
- Please do not use the issue tracker for personal support requests. [Open a question in our discussion forums]( instead.
- Please do not use the issue tracker for feature requests. [Suggest any ideas you have using our discussion forums]( instead.
[`dev`]( branch is open to pull requests.
**Do not edit [`/css`]( files directly.** Edit the source files in [`/scss`](, then recompile the [`/css`]( files with `npm run build`.
Do not edit [`/docs/*.html`]( files directly. Edit the source files in [`/docs/src`](, then recompile the docs files with `npm run build`.