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synced 2025-02-23 00:02:17 -05:00
385 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
385 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#-- pip3 install -U fiona
#--- pip3 install -U csvtomd
Write new wikidata labels ...
import argparse
import csv
import logging
import sys
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import fiona
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update wikidata labels for Natural-Earth ')
help='input natural-earth shape file - with wikidataid columns')
help='variables in the shape file - lowercase or uppercase')
help='input csv file with the latest wikidataid name_XX columns')
help='output natural-earth shape file - with updated wikidataid name_XX columns')
help='audit log about the changes')
help='audit sum log about the changes')
args = parser.parse_args()
riverclean_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'River|rivière de la |rivière à la|rivière des|Rivière De|Rivière du|Rivière aux|Rivière|rivier|Rio dos|Rio|Río La|Río de los|Río de las|Río dos|Río|sông|-folyó|folyó|canale di|canale|Nehri|Jiang|Sungai'+r')\b',
# Some of these are proper names (Lake of the Ozark's, Clear Lake Reservoir) and
# shouldn't be stripped, but in the meantime, strip aggressively
lakeclean_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'Lake of the|Grand Lake o\' the|Lake Reservoir|Grand Lake|Grant Lake|Lake of|Lake|Lago degli|Lago del|Lago de|lago di|Lago la|Lago do|Lago |lago d\'||Lago|Lac de la|lac d\'|lac des|Lac des|lac de|Lac de|Lac au|lac di|lac la|Lac La|Lac à l’|lac à la|Lac|lac|-See|See|Laguna de|Laguna|Lake Reservoir|Reservoir|réservoir de la|réservoir de|Reservatório de|réservoir|Réservoir|Represa de|Represa|baie de|Bahía de|öböl|Gölü|järv|Embalse de|Embalse|Bacino di|bacino di|Bacino|bacino|Sông|Lough|Hồ|Danau'+r')\b',
#geolabels_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'(wyspa)'+r')\b',
# flags=re.IGNORECASE)
placeclean_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'Municipality of|Municipality|First Nation|Urban District|urban area|Distretto di|District de|District|Heroica Ciudad de|Município|Contea di|Barra do|City of'+r')\b',
geo_region_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'Região Autónoma dos'+r')\b',
admin2_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'County|Condado de|comté de|contea di|comté d|megye|Hrabstwo|Condado de|Quận|مقاطعة|City and Borough|census area di|Census Area|Borough|borough di|borough de|ilçesi'+r')\b',
admin1_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'canton of |Canton of|Department|District Council|distretto di contea di|contea di|District de|distretto di|Distretto della|Distrik|distretto del|district|Constitutional Province|Province of |Provincia del|provincia delle|provincia della|provincia di|Provincia Constitucional del|Província Constitucional de|provincia de|Província de|Província do|Provincia de|Préfecture de|Provincia|Comunidad De|Autonome Provinz|Provincia Autónoma de|Provinz|Província|Departamento de|Departamento do|Autonomous Province of|Autonomous Province|Province de la|province de|Province du|Province|Provinsi|Municipality of |Municipality|Município de|Special Region of |Región Metropolitana de|Special Region|Autonomous Region|Capital Region of|Region of|-Region|Region|Governorate|Gouvernorat|Gubernatorstwo|Gobernación de|governatorato di|Capital of|Capital of|City Council|City and Borough of|City of|Città di|City|Región Metropolitana de|Metropolitan Region|Metropolitan Borough of|Metropolitan Borough|Borough Metropolitano de|London Borough of|district londonien|district londonien d\'|borough royal de|Royal Borough of|County Borough|Borough of|Borough Council|Metropoliten Borough|londonien de|district royal de|County|Old Royal Capital|(distrikt)|Distrik|(borough)|Cantão central de|cantone della|(cantão)|(departamento)|(departement)|Región del|Región de|Región|gouvernorat de|Gouvernorat|kormányzóság|regione di|Regione del|Prefectura de|prefettura di|Autonome Oblast|Oblast Autônomo|Autonomous Oblast|Oblast\' dell\'|Obwód Autonomiczny|Kraï de|Kraï|Oblast de|Óblast de|Oblast\' di|Oblast\'|oblast|distrito de|Distrito do|Distrito|métropolitain de|Voivodia da|cantone di|cantone dell\'|Munisipalitas\' di|Munisipalitas|Emirato di|Emirato|cantón del|cantón de|canton du|cantón|Καντόνι του|Καντόνι της|Ζουπανία του|Επαρχία του|Δήμος|Κυβερνείο του|distretto|Région autonome du|région de|Governamento de|Kegubernuran|comté de|parrocchia di|obwód|, London|, Londra|, Nya Zeeland|Daerah Istimewa|Autónoma del|Parish of|Parish|, Barbados|Circondario autonomo dei|Circondario autonomo|circondario autonomo degli|Okręg Autonomiczny|Dystrykt|-Distrikt|Distrikt|distriktet|, प्रांत|, पैराग्वे|, Zambia|, Kenya|, Καμερούν|, Τζαμάικα|, Barbados|, Londra|, Bahama|kommun|Ciudad de|, Gambia|, Botswana|tartomány|körzet|Munizip|division|Conselho do Borough de|Rejon|Raionul|Kotar|megye|Żupania|comune distrettuale di|comune distrettuale|Comune di|comune|Condado de|Condado|Kotamadya|Região Autónoma dos|Região Autónoma|Região|Guvernementet|Gobernación del|Gobernación'+r')\b',
admin0_regex = re.compile(r'\b('+'(district)|(địa hạt)'+r')\b',
def isNotEmpty(s):
Check String is not empty
return bool(s and s.strip())
# read csv data
wddic = defaultdict(dict)
wdredirects = defaultdict(dict)
name_field_prefix = 'name_'
languages = ['ar','bn','de','el','en','es','fa','fr','he','hi','hu','id','it','ja','ko','nl','pl','pt','ru','sv','tr','uk','ur','vi','zh','zht']
new_properties = []
with open(args.input_csv, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
qid = row['wd_id']
for d in row:
if d != 'wd_id':
#print(d, d[0:5])
if d[0:5] == 'name_':
wddic[qid][d] = row[d].strip()
# Clean names ...
# where input_shape evaluates the name of the shapefile
# as proxy for featureclass
# Rivers ...
if args.input_shape.lower().find('rivers_lake') > 0:
wddic[qid][d] = riverclean_regex.sub('', wddic[qid][d])
# Comma ...
if wddic[qid][d].find(',') > 0:
# RTL languages
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find(',')]
# Parenthetical ...
if wddic[qid][d].find('(') > 0:
# RTL languages and LTR figure each other out in python 3
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find('(')]
# Lakes ...
if args.input_shape.lower().find('lake') > 0 and args.input_shape.lower().find('10m_physical') > 0:
#if d == 'name_en' and wddic[qid]['name_en'] != 'Lake of the Woods':
wddic[qid][d]=lakeclean_regex.sub('', wddic[qid][d] )
# Comma ...
if wddic[qid][d].find(',') > 0:
# RTL languages
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find(',')]
# Parenthetical ...
if wddic[qid][d].find('(') > 0:
# RTL languages and LTR figure each other out in python 3
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find('(')]
# Physical Geography label polys and points ...
if args.input_shape.lower().find('_geography_') > 0:
wddic[qid][d]=geo_region_regex.sub('', wddic[qid][d] )
# Comma ...
if wddic[qid][d].find(',') > 0:
# RTL languages
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find(',')]
# Parenthetical ...
if wddic[qid][d].find('(') > 0:
# RTL languages and LTR figure each other out in python 3
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find('(')]
# Places ...
if args.input_shape.lower().find('place') > 0:
wddic[qid][d] = placeclean_regex.sub('', wddic[qid][d])
#name_zh: remove last "市""City" character
if d == 'name_zh' and wddic[qid]['name_zh'] and wddic[qid]['name_zh'][-1] == "市":
wddic[qid]['name_zh'] = wddic[qid]['name_zh'][:-1]
# Comma ...
if wddic[qid][d].find(',') > 0:
# RTL languages
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find(',')]
# Parenthetical ...
if wddic[qid][d].find('(') > 0:
# RTL languages and LTR figure each other out in python 3
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find('(')]
# Admin 2 counties ...
if args.input_shape.lower().find('admin_2') > 0:
wddic[qid][d] = admin2_regex.sub('', wddic[qid][d])
# Parenthetical ...
if wddic[qid][d].find('(') > 0:
# RTL languages and LTR figure each other out in python 3
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find('(')]
#name_ko: remove last "주""State" character
if d == 'name_ko' and wddic[qid]['name_ko'] and wddic[qid]['name_ko'][-1] == "군":
wddic[qid]['name_ko'] = wddic[qid]['name_ko'][:-1]
# Admin 1 states, provinces ...
if args.input_shape.lower().find('admin_1') > 0:
wddic[qid][d] = admin1_regex.sub('', wddic[qid][d])
# Parenthetical ...
if wddic[qid][d].find('(') > 0:
# RTL languages and LTR figure each other out in python 3
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find('(')]
#name_ko: remove last "주""State" character
if d == 'name_ko' and wddic[qid]['name_ko'] and wddic[qid]['name_ko'][-1] == "주":
wddic[qid]['name_ko'] = wddic[qid]['name_ko'][:-1]
# That's the city name, we're only interested in the region name
if wddic[qid][d] == 'Washington, D.C.':
wddic[qid][d] = 'D.C.'
# Admin 0 countries, map units, etc
if args.input_shape.lower().find('admin_0') > 0:
wddic[qid][d] = admin0_regex.sub('', wddic[qid][d])
# Parenthetical ...
if wddic[qid][d].find('(') > 0:
# RTL languages and LTR figure each other out in python 3
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d][0:wddic[qid][d].find('(')]
# sometimes the RegEx strips words mid string and leaves double spaces
# we also want to strip leading or trailing whitespace
wddic[qid][d] = wddic[qid][d].replace(' ', ' ').strip()
if wddic[qid][d] != row[d].strip():
print(qid, d, ' name cleaning : ', row[d].strip(), ' --> ', wddic[qid][d])
# Add an uppercase version
if args.input_lettercase != "lowercase":
wddic[qid][d.upper()] = wddic[qid][d] # - add uppercase version
del wddic[qid][d] # - remove default lowcase
if row['wd_id_new'] != '':
wdredirects[qid] = row['wd_id_new']
with open(args.output_csvlog, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
writer.writerow(("wd_id", "status", "variable", "value_old", "value_new"))
with fiona.open(args.input_shape, 'r', encoding='utf-8', driver="ESRI Shapefile") as source:
out_schema = source.schema
for locale in languages:
name_locale = name_field_prefix + locale
if args.input_lettercase != "lowercase":
name_locale = name_locale.upper()
if name_locale not in out_schema['properties']:
print("...NOTE.. adding locale to schema", name_locale)
out_schema['properties'][name_locale] = 'str'
# **source.meta is a shortcut to get the crs, driver, and schema
#with fiona.open(args.output_shape, 'w', encoding='utf-8', **source.meta) as sink:
# But since we're overwriting the schema, we take the long way
# keyword arguments from the source Collection.
with fiona.open(
args.output_shape, 'w',
) as sink:
warn_no_dbf_field_for_new_property = 1
stat_equal = 0
stat_empty = 0
stat_new = 0
stat_new_value_new_lang = 0
stat_del = 0
stat_mod = 0
stat_wikidataid_redirect = 0
stat_wikidataid_notfound = 0
stat_wikidataid_null = 0
stat_wikidataid_badformated = 0
stat_wikidataid_notnull = 0
for f in source:
# get in format at least
for new_prop in new_properties:
f['properties'][new_prop] = ''
if args.input_lettercase == "lowercase":
qid = f['properties']['wikidataid']
qid = f['properties']['WIKIDATAID']
if not qid:
qid = ''
if qid.startswith('Q'):
stat_wikidataid_notnull += 1
if qid in wddic:
#Update wikidataid if redirects
if qid in wdredirects:
writer.writerow((qid, "REDIRECT", 'wikidataid', qid, wdredirects[qid]))
stat_wikidataid_redirect += 1
if args.input_lettercase == "lowercase":
f['properties']['wikidataid'] = wdredirects[qid]
f['properties']['WIKIDATAID'] = wdredirects[qid]
for updatefield in wddic[qid]:
if not f['properties'][updatefield]:
f['properties'][updatefield] = ''
f['properties'][updatefield] = f['properties'][updatefield].strip()
# visual logging is handled in the next section
# see warn_no_dbf_field_for_new_property
if not wddic[qid][updatefield]:
wddic[qid][updatefield] = ''
wddic[qid][updatefield] = wddic[qid][updatefield].strip()
if updatefield in f['properties']:
if f['properties'][updatefield] != wddic[qid][updatefield]:
if f['properties'][updatefield] == '':
if updatefield in new_properties:
status = 'NEWvalue_NEW_LANG'
stat_new_value_new_lang += 1
status = 'NEWvalue'
stat_new += 1
elif wddic[qid][updatefield] == '':
status = 'DELvalue'
stat_del += 1
status = 'MODvalue'
stat_mod += 1
writer.writerow((qid, status, updatefield, f['properties'][updatefield], wddic[qid][updatefield]))
f['properties'][updatefield] = wddic[qid][updatefield]
if isNotEmpty(f['properties'][updatefield]):
stat_equal += 1
stat_empty += 1
if warn_no_dbf_field_for_new_property:
print("...ERROR.. updatefield is missing", updatefield)
warn_no_dbf_field_for_new_property = 0
status = 'NEWvalue_NEW_LANG'
stat_new_value_new_lang += 1
writer.writerow((qid, status, updatefield, '', wddic[qid][updatefield]))
f['properties'][updatefield] = wddic[qid][updatefield]
print("WARNING: Not found wikidataid - please check :", qid)
stat_wikidataid_notfound += 1
if qid == '':
stat_wikidataid_null += 1
stat_wikidataid_badformated += 1
print("WARNING: Bad formatted wikidataid , skip", qid)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error processing feature %s:", f['id'])
# Write statistics ...
with open(args.output_csvsumlog, "w", encoding='utf-8') as s:
sumWriter = csv.writer(s, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
sumWriter.writerow(("shapefilename", "var", "value"))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'New_name', stat_new))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'New_name_new_language', stat_new_value_new_lang))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Deleted_name', stat_del))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Modified_name', stat_mod))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Empty_name', stat_empty))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Same_name', stat_equal))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Wikidataid_redirected', stat_wikidataid_redirect))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Wikidataid_notfound', stat_wikidataid_notfound))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Wikidataid_null', stat_wikidataid_null))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Wikidataid_notnull', stat_wikidataid_notnull))
sumWriter.writerow((args.input_shape, 'Wikidataid_badformated', stat_wikidataid_badformated))