import zipfile, sys, os, glob from optparse import OptionParser optparser = OptionParser(usage="""%prog [options] Zips up shapefile file groups (.shp, .dbf, .shx, .prj, etc) into single files. For use preparing new releases of Natural Earth.""") optparser.add_option('-i', '--in_dir', dest='in_dir', help='Input directory of shapefiles.') optparser.add_option('-o', '--out_dir', dest='out_dir', help='Output directory for resulting ZIP files.') def zipShapefilesInDir(inDir, outDir): # Check that input directory exists if not os.path.exists(inDir): print "Input directory %s does not exist!" % inDir return False # Check that output directory exists if not os.path.exists(outDir): # Create it if it does not print "Creating output directory %s" %outDir os.mkdir(outDir) print "Zipping shapefile(s) in folder %s to output folder %s" % (inDir, outDir) # Loop through shapefiles in input directory for inShp in glob.glob(os.path.join(inDir, "*.shp")): # Build the filename of the output zip file outZip = os.path.join(outDir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inShp))[0] + ".zip") # Zip the shapefile zipShapefile(inShp, outZip) return True def zipShapefile(inShapefile, newZipFN): print 'Starting to Zip '+(inShapefile)+' to '+(newZipFN) # Check that input shapefile exists if not (os.path.exists(inShapefile)): print inShapefile + ' Does Not Exist' return False # Delete output zipfile if it already exists if (os.path.exists(newZipFN)): print 'Deleting '+newZipFN os.remove(newZipFN) # Output zipfile still exists, exit if (os.path.exists(newZipFN)): print 'Unable to Delete'+newZipFN return False # Open zip file object zipobj = zipfile.ZipFile(newZipFN,'w') # Loop through shapefile components for infile in glob.glob( inShapefile.lower().replace(".shp",".*")): # Skip .zip file extension if os.path.splitext(infile)[1].lower() != ".zip": print "Zipping %s" % (infile) # Zip the shapefile component zipobj.write(infile,os.path.basename(infile),zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # Close the zip file object zipobj.close() return True # Main method, used when this script is the calling module, otherwise # you can import this module and call your functions from other modules if __name__=="__main__": (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() ## testShapeFile = r"C:\temp\geomTest.shp" ## testZipFile = r"C:\temp\" ## zipShapefile(testShapeFile,testZipFile) #inDir = r"/Volumes/Data/NaturalEarth/updates/natural_earth_update_1d4/10m_cultural" #outDir = r"/Volumes/Data/NaturalEarth/updates/natural_earth_update_1d4_zips" inDir = options.in_dir outDir = options.out_dir zipShapefilesInDir(inDir, outDir) print "done!"