# FixedCal [![CI](https://github.com/PyryL/fixedcal/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/PyryL/fixedcal/actions) Python package for international fixed calendar dates. ## What is that? International fixed calendar is an alternative calendar system. It divides year into 13 even months by adding a month called Sol between June and July. Each month starts with Sunday and has exactly 28 days or 4 weeks. An additional _year day_ is added to the end of the year and it does not belong to any of the months and has no weekday. You can read more about IFC on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar). ## Usage ### Date initialization ```python3 from fixedcal import FixedDate # Date of today fixed_date = FixedDate.today() # From native datetime from datetime import datetime february_seventh = datetime(2022, 2, 7) fixed_date = FixedDate(february_seventh) # From day's ordinal in year fixed_date = FixedDate(day_of_year=107, year=2022) ``` ### Date's properties ```python3 from fixedcal import FixedDate from datetime import datetime fixed_date = FixedDate(datetime(2022, 8, 12)) fixed_date.datetime # datetime(2022, 8, 12, 0, 0, 0) fixed_date.day_of_year # 224 fixed_date.day_of_month # 28 fixed_date.month # 8 fixed_date.year # 2022 fixed_date.is_year_day # False fixed_date.week_of_month # 4 fixed_date.weekday # 7 fixed_date.week_of_year # 32 fixed_date.year_quarter # 3 ``` ### Date's operations ```python3 from fixedcal import FixedDate from datetime import datetime, timedelta fixed_date = FixedDate(datetime(2022, 12, 6)) jan_first = FixedDate(datetime(2023, 1, 1)) new_fixed = fixed_date + timedelta(3) # FixedDate 3 days ahead new_fixed = fixed_date - timedelta(2) # FixedDate 2 days before new_fixed = jan_first - fixed_date # timedelta between dates fixed_date == fixed_date # True fixed_date != jan_first # True jan_first < fixed_date # False ``` ### Year day Year day is the day after the last of December and before the first of January. For that date, `FixedDate` gives the following property values. * `day_of_year` = 365 (366 on leap years) * `day_of_month` = 29 * `month` = 13 * `year` is obviously the ending year * `is_year_day` = True * `week_of_month` = 4 * `weekday` = None * `week_of_year` = 52 * `year_quarter` = 4