callirhoe/lib/ dbdb9497d6 support for multi-day events <Neels>
git-svn-id: 81c8bb96-aa45-f2e2-0eef-c4fa4a15c6df
2013-12-29 23:56:21 +00:00

266 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# callirhoe - high quality calendar rendering
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 George M. Tzoumas
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# *****************************************
# #
# holiday support routines #
# #
# *****************************************
from datetime import date, timedelta
def _get_orthodox_easter(year):
"""compute date of orthodox easter"""
y1, y2, y3 = year % 4 , year % 7, year % 19
a = 19*y3 + 15
y4 = a % 30
b = 2*y1 + 4*y2 + 6*(y4 + 1)
y5 = b % 7
r = 1 + 3 + y4 + y5
return date(year, 3, 31) + timedelta(r)
# res = date(year, 5, r - 30) if r > 30 else date(year, 4, r)
# return res
def _get_catholic_easter(year):
"""compute date of catholic easter"""
a, b, c = year % 19, year // 100, year % 100
d, e = divmod(b,4)
f = (b + 8) // 25
g = (b - f + 1) // 3
h = (19*a + b - d - g + 15) % 30
i, k = divmod(c,4)
l = (32 + 2*e + 2*i - h - k) % 7
m = (a + 11*h + 22*l) // 451
emonth,edate = divmod(h + l - 7*m + 114,31)
return date(year, emonth, edate+1)
class Holiday(object):
"""class holding a Holiday object (date is not stored!)
header: string for header
footer: string for footer
flags : bit combination of {OFF=1, MULTI=2}
OFF: day off (real holiday)
MULTI: multi-day event (used to mark long day ranges,
not necessarily holidays)
Rendering style is considered in the following order:
1) OFF
First flag that matches determines the style
OFF = 1
def __init__(self, header = [], footer = [], flags_str = None):
self.header_list = self._strip_empty(header)
self.footer_list = self._strip_empty(footer)
self.flags = self._parse_flags(flags_str)
def merge_with(self, hol_list):
for hol in hol_list:
self.flags |= hol.flags
def header(self):
return self._flatten(self.header_list)
def footer(self):
return self._flatten(self.footer_list)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.footer()) + ':' + str(self.header()) + ':' + str(self.flags)
def _parse_flags(self, fstr):
if not fstr: return 0
fs = fstr.split(',')
val = 0
for s in fs:
if s == 'off': val |= Holiday.OFF
elif s == 'multi': val |= Holiday.MULTI
return val
def _strip_empty(self, sl):
return filter(lambda z: z, sl) if sl else []
def _flatten(self, sl):
if not sl: return None
res = sl[0]
for s in sl[1:]:
res += ', ' + s
return res
class HolidayProvider(object):
def __init__(self, s_normal, s_weekend, s_holiday, s_weekend_holiday, s_multi, s_weekend_multi):
self.annual = dict() # key = (d,m)
self.monthly = dict() # key = d
self.fixed = dict() # key = date()
self.orth_easter = dict() # key = daysdelta = [] # key = n/a
self.cath_easter = dict() # key = daysdelta
self.cache = dict() # key = date()
self.ycache = set() # key = year
self.s_normal = s_normal
self.s_weekend = s_weekend
self.s_holiday = s_holiday
self.s_weekend_holiday = s_weekend_holiday
self.s_multi = s_multi
self.s_weekend_multi = s_weekend_multi
def parse_day_record(self, fields):
"""return tuple (etype,d,m,y,footer,header,flags)"""
if len(fields) != 7:
raise ValueError("Too many fields: " + str(fields))
for i in range(len(fields)):
if len(fields[i]) == 0: fields[i] = None
if fields[1]:
if '*' in fields[1]:
d = map(int,fields[1].split('*'))
if fields[0] != 'f':
raise ValueError("multi-day events not allowed with event type '%s'" % fields[0])
else: d = int(fields[1])
else: d = 0
m = int(fields[2]) if fields[2] else 0
y = int(fields[3]) if fields[3] else 0
return (fields[0],d,m,y,fields[4],fields[5],fields[6])
# a: holiday occurs annually fixed day/month
# m: holiday occurs monthly, fixed day
# f: fixed day/month/year combination (e.g. deadline, trip, etc.)
# oe: Orthodox Easter-dependent holiday, annually
# ge: Georgios' name day, Orthodox Easter dependent holiday, annually
# ce: Catholic Easter holiday
def load_holiday_file(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line: continue
if line[0] == '#': continue
fields = line.split('|')
etype,d,m,y,footer,header,flags = self.parse_day_record(fields)
hol = Holiday([header], [footer], flags)
if etype == 'a':
if (d,m) not in self.annual: self.annual[(d,m)] = []
elif etype == 'm':
if d not in self.monthly: self.monthly[d] = []
elif etype == 'f':
day = d if type(d) is int else d[0]
if date(y,m,day) not in self.fixed: self.fixed[date(y,m,day)] = []
# use header/footer only on first day of multi-day events,
# or on the first day of month (proposed by Neels)
if type(d) is list:
dt = date(y,m,d[0]) + timedelta(1)
dt2 = dt + timedelta(d[1])
hol2 = Holiday([], [], flags)
while dt != dt2:
if dt not in self.fixed: self.fixed[dt] = []
self.fixed[dt].append(hol2 if > 1 else hol)
dt += timedelta(1)
elif etype == 'oe':
if d not in self.orth_easter: self.orth_easter[d] = []
elif etype == 'ge':
elif etype == 'ce':
if d not in self.cath_easter: self.cath_easter[d] = []
def get_holiday(self, y, m, d):
if y not in self.ycache:
# fill-in events for year y
# annual
for d0,m0 in self.annual:
dt = date(y,m0,d0)
if not dt in self.cache: self.cache[dt] = Holiday()
# monthly
for d0 in self.monthly:
for m0 in range(1,13):
dt = date(y,m0,d0)
if not dt in self.cache: self.cache[dt] = Holiday()
# fixed
for dt in filter(lambda z: z.year == y, self.fixed):
if not dt in self.cache: self.cache[dt] = Holiday()
# orthodox easter
edt = _get_orthodox_easter(y)
for delta in self.orth_easter:
dt = edt + timedelta(delta)
if not dt in self.cache: self.cache[dt] = Holiday()
# Georgios day
dt = date(y,4,23)
if edt >= dt: dt = edt + timedelta(1) # >= or > ??
if not dt in self.cache: self.cache[dt] = Holiday()
# catholic easter
edt = _get_catholic_easter(y)
for delta in self.cath_easter:
dt = edt + timedelta(delta)
if not dt in self.cache: self.cache[dt] = Holiday()
dt = date(y,m,d)
return self.cache[dt] if dt in self.cache else None
def get_style(self, flags, dow):
if flags & Holiday.OFF:
return self.s_weekend_holiday if dow >= 5 else self.s_holiday
if flags & Holiday.MULTI:
return self.s_weekend_multi if dow >= 5 else self.s_multi
return self.s_weekend if dow >= 5 else self.s_normal
def __call__(self, year, month, dom, dow):
"""returns (header,footer,day_style)
month: month (0-12)
dom: day of month (1-31)
dow: day of week (0-6)
hol = self.get_holiday(year,month,dom)
if hol:
return (hol.header(),hol.footer(),self.get_style(hol.flags,dow))
return (None,None,self.get_style(0,dow))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
hp = HolidayProvider('n', 'w', 'h', 'wh', 'm', 'wm')
y = int(sys.argv[1])
for f in sys.argv[2:]:
if y == 0: y =
cur = date(y,1,1)
d2 = date(y,12,31)
while cur <= d2:
y,m,d = cur.year, cur.month,
hol = hp.get_holiday(y,m,d)
if hol: print cur.strftime("%a %b %d %Y"),hol
cur += timedelta(1)