============================================= callirhoe - high quality calendar rendering (c) 2012-2014 George Tzoumas ============================================= QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE (rough installation guide for novice users...) 1) FROM COMPRESSED ARCHIVE Download the latest version form http://code.google.com/p/callirhoe/wiki/Releases You end up with a file named callirhoe-X.Y.Z.7z where X.Y.Z the version number (for example 0.3.0). Extract the contents of the archive $ 7z x callirhoe-X.Y.Z.7z Change into program's directory $ cd callirhoe-X.Y.Z Now you can launch the program, e.g. $ ./callirhoe.py foo.pdf You may want to add a link to your path, $HOME/bin or /usr/local/bin: $ ln -s `pwd`/callirhoe.py $HOME/bin/callirhoe You can do the same with calmagick.py. You may also install it system-wide, for example in /opt. In this case, keep in mind, that ~/.callirhoe/ is also searched for additional definitions, styles etc. 2) FROM SVN Checkout the latest version from the svn: $ svn checkout https://callirhoe.googlecode.com/svn/trunk callirhoe-svn Change into directory $ cd callirhoe-svn After a few days/weeks/months... you may update to the latest version: $ svn up You can launch the program as usual: $ ./callirhoe.py foo.pdf