code cleanup

git-svn-id: 81c8bb96-aa45-f2e2-0eef-c4fa4a15c6df
This commit is contained in: 2012-07-18 21:28:00 +00:00
parent 96c7ffb2d8
commit f15c1b1e4f
2 changed files with 3 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -150,22 +150,6 @@ shad = p.Size[0]*0.01 if cal_style.month.box_shadow else 0
for i in range(min(foo.count(),12),0,-1):
draw_month(, foo.item_seq(i-1), month=i, year=year,
style = cal_style, geom = cal_geom, box_shadow = shad)
# render.draw_box(,*foo.item_seq(i))
#draw_str(, str(year), R0, stroke_rgba = (0,0,0,0.3), align=1)
draw_str(, str(year), R0, stroke_rgba = (0,0,0,0.3), align=2)
#draw_str(, str(year), R0, stroke_rgba = (0,0,0,0.3), align=3)
draw_str(, "rendered by Callirhoe ver. %s" % _version,
Rc, stroke_rgba = (0,0,0,0.5), stretch=0, align=1, slant=cairo.FONT_SLANT_ITALIC)[0],render.Page.Text_pos[1])[0]+render.Page.Text_pos[0], render.Page.Text_size[1]+render.Page.Text_pos[1])
#draw_month(cr, *foo.item(2), m=9)
#bw, bh = 40,40
#draw_day_cell(cr, 30, 50, bw, bh, '24', 'Παραμονή Χριστουγ.', 'Ευγενία', default_style)
#draw_day_cell(cr, 30+bw, 50, bw, bh, '25', 'ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ', 'Χρήστος, Χριστίνα', weekend_holiday_style)
#draw_day_cell(cr, 30+2*bw, 50, bw, bh, '26', '2η μέρα Χριστουγ.', 'Εμμανουήλ', weekend_style)
#draw_day_cell(cr, 30+3*bw, 50, bw, bh, '27', '', 'Στέφανος', default_style)
#draw_day_page(cr, 30+2*bw, 50, bw, bh, '26', 'Κυριακή', 'Δεκεμβρίου', [1,1,1], [.3,.3,.3])

View File

@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ class dom:
top_margin = bottom_margin = 0.05
class month:
fuzzy_rot = 0.25
fuzzy_dx = 0
fuzzy_dy = 0
sloppy_rot = 0.25
sloppy_dx = 0
sloppy_dy = 0