2013-10-04 09:59:18 +02:00

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/*! \class QgsRasterLayer
* \brief This class provides qgis with the ability to render raster datasets
* onto the mapcanvas..
class QgsRasterLayer : QgsMapLayer
#include <qgsrasterlayer.h>
/** \brief Default cumulative cut lower limit */
static const double CUMULATIVE_CUT_LOWER;
/** \brief Default cumulative cut upper limit */
static const double CUMULATIVE_CUT_UPPER;
/** \brief Default sample size (number of pixels) for estimated statistics/histogram calculation */
static const double SAMPLE_SIZE;
/** \brief Constructor. Provider is not set. */
/** \brief This is the constructor for the RasterLayer class.
* The main tasks carried out by the constructor are:
* -Load the rasters default style (.qml) file if it exists
* -Populate the RasterStatsVector with initial values for each band.
* -Calculate the layer extents
* -Determine whether the layer is gray, paletted or multiband.
* -Assign sensible defaults for the red, green, blue and gray bands.
* -
* */
QgsRasterLayer( const QString & path,
const QString & baseName = QString::null,
bool loadDefaultStyleFlag = true );
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] Constructor in provider mode */
QgsRasterLayer( const QString & uri,
const QString & baseName,
const QString & providerKey,
bool loadDefaultStyleFlag = true );
/** \brief The destructor */
// Enums, structs and typedefs
/** \brief This enumerator describes the types of shading that can be used */
enum ColorShadingAlgorithm
/** \brief This enumerator describes the type of raster layer */
enum LayerType
// Static methods:
/** This helper checks to see whether the file name appears to be a valid
* raster file name. If the file name looks like it could be valid,
* but some sort of error occurs in processing the file, the error is
* returned in retError.
static bool isValidRasterFileName( const QString & theFileNameQString, QString &retError );
static bool isValidRasterFileName( const QString & theFileNameQString );
/** Return time stamp for given file name */
static QDateTime lastModified( const QString & name );
// Non Static inline methods
/** [ data provider interface ] Set the data provider */
void setDataProvider( const QString & provider );
/** \brief Accessor for drawing style */
//DrawingStyle drawingStyle();
/** \brief Accessor that returns the width of the (unclipped) raster */
int width();
/** \brief Accessor that returns the height of the (unclipped) raster */
int height();
/** \brief Accessor for raster layer type (which is a read only property) */
LayerType rasterType();
/** \brief Mutator for drawing style */
//void setDrawingStyle( const DrawingStyle & theDrawingStyle );
/**Set raster renderer. Takes ownership of the renderer object*/
void setRenderer( QgsRasterRenderer* theRenderer /Transfer/ );
QgsRasterRenderer* renderer() const;
/**Set raster resample filter. Takes ownership of the resample filter object*/
//void setResampleFilter( QgsRasterResampleFilter* resampleFilter /Transfer/ );
QgsRasterResampleFilter * resampleFilter() const;
QgsBrightnessContrastFilter * brightnessFilter() const;
QgsHueSaturationFilter * hueSaturationFilter() const;
/** Get raster pipe */
QgsRasterPipe * pipe();
// Non Static methods
/** \brief Get the number of bands in this layer */
unsigned int bandCount() const;
/** \brief Get the name of a band given its number */
const QString bandName( int theBandNoInt );
/** Returns the data provider */
QgsRasterDataProvider* dataProvider();
/** Returns the data provider in a const-correct manner */
const QgsRasterDataProvider* constDataProvider() const;
sipRes = sipCpp->dataProvider();
/**Synchronises with changes in the datasource
@note added in version 1.6*/
virtual void reload();
/** \brief This is called when the view on the raster layer needs to be redrawn */
bool draw( QgsRenderContext& rendererContext );
/** \brief This is an overloaded version of the draw() function that is called by both draw() and thumbnailAsPixmap */
void draw( QPainter * theQPainter,
QgsRasterViewPort * myRasterViewPort,
const QgsMapToPixel* theQgsMapToPixel = 0 );
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function returns the text of the error associated with the failure */
QString lastError();
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function returns the text of the error associated with the failure */
QString lastErrorTitle();
/**Returns a list with classification items (Text and color)
@note this method was added in version 1.8*/
QList< QPair< QString, QColor > > legendSymbologyItems() const;
/** \brief Obtain GDAL Metadata for this layer */
QString metadata();
/** \brief Get an 100x100 pixmap of the color palette. If the layer has no palette a white pixmap will be returned */
QPixmap paletteAsPixmap( int theBandNumber = 1 );
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] Which provider is being used for this Raster Layer?
* @note added in 2.0
QString providerType() const;
/** \brief Returns the number of raster units per each raster pixel. In a world file, this is normally the first row (without the sign) */
double rasterUnitsPerPixelX();
double rasterUnitsPerPixelY();
/** \brief Mutator for contrast enhancement algorithm
* @param theAlgorithm Contrast enhancement algorithm
* @param theLimits Limits
* @param theExtent Extent used to calculate limits, if empty, use full layer extent
* @param theSampleSize Size of data sample to calculate limits, if 0, use full resolution
* @param theGenerateLookupTableFlag Generate llokup table. */
void setContrastEnhancement( QgsContrastEnhancement::ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm theAlgorithm,
QgsRaster::ContrastEnhancementLimits theLimits = QgsRaster::ContrastEnhancementMinMax,
QgsRectangle theExtent = QgsRectangle(),
int theSampleSize = QgsRasterLayer::SAMPLE_SIZE,
bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag = true );
/** \brief Set default contrast enhancement */
void setDefaultContrastEnhancement();
/** \brief Overloaded version of the above function for convenience when restoring from xml */
void setDrawingStyle( const QString & theDrawingStyleQString );
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] A wrapper function to emit a progress update signal */
void showProgress( int theValue );
/** \brief Returns the sublayers of this layer - Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS */
virtual QStringList subLayers() const;
/** \brief Draws a preview of the rasterlayer into a pixmap */
QPixmap previewAsPixmap( QSize size, QColor bgColor = QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );
/** \brief Emit a signal asking for a repaint. (inherited from maplayer) */
void triggerRepaint();
// Virtual methods
* Reorders the *previously selected* sublayers of this layer from bottom to top
* (Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS)
virtual void setLayerOrder( const QStringList &layers );
* Set the visibility of the given sublayer name
virtual void setSubLayerVisibility( QString name, bool vis );
/** Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider */
virtual QDateTime timestamp() const;
public slots:
void showStatusMessage( const QString & theMessage );
/** \brief Propagate progress updates from GDAL up to the parent app */
void updateProgress( int, int );
/** \brief receive progress signal from provider */
void onProgress( int, double, QString );
/** \brief Signal for notifying listeners of long running processes */
void progressUpdate( int theValue );
* This is emitted whenever data or metadata (e.g. color table, extent) has changed
* @note added in 1.7
void dataChanged();
/** Signal emitted when the symbology changes, through call to setRenderer() */
void rendererChanged();
/** \brief Read the symbology for the current layer from the Dom node supplied */
bool readSymbology( const QDomNode& node, QString& errorMessage );
/** \brief Reads layer specific state from project file Dom node */
bool readXml( const QDomNode& layer_node );
/** \brief Write the symbology for the layer into the docment provided */
bool writeSymbology( QDomNode&, QDomDocument& doc, QString& errorMessage ) const;
/** \brief Write layer specific state to project file Dom node */
bool writeXml( QDomNode & layer_node, QDomDocument & doc );