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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/expression/qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperator : QgsExpressionNode
A unary node is either negative as in boolean (not) or as in numbers (minus).
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
enum UnaryOperator
QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperator( QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperator::UnaryOperator op, QgsExpressionNode *operand /Transfer/ );
A node unary operator is modifying the value of ``operand`` by negating it with ``op``.
QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperator::UnaryOperator op() const;
Returns the unary operator.
QgsExpressionNode *operand() const;
Returns the node the operator will operate upon.
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
QString text() const;
Returns a the name of this operator without the operands.
I.e. "NOT" or "-"
class QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator : QgsExpressionNode
A binary expression operator, which operates on two values.
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
enum BinaryOperator
// logical
// comparison
// math
// strings
QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator( QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::BinaryOperator op, QgsExpressionNode *opLeft /Transfer/, QgsExpressionNode *opRight /Transfer/ );
Binary combination of the left and the right with op.
QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator::BinaryOperator op() const;
Returns the binary operator.
QgsExpressionNode *opLeft() const;
Returns the node to the left of the operator.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`opRight`
QgsExpressionNode *opRight() const;
Returns the node to the right of the operator.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`opLeft`
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
int precedence() const;
Returns the precedence index for the operator. Higher values have higher precedence.
bool leftAssociative() const;
Returns ``True`` if the operator is left-associative.
QString text() const;
Returns a the name of this operator without the operands.
I.e. "AND", "OR", ...
class QgsExpressionNodeIndexOperator : QgsExpressionNode
A indexing expression operator, which allows use of square brackets [] to reference map and array items.
.. versionadded:: 3.6
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
QgsExpressionNodeIndexOperator( QgsExpressionNode *container /Transfer/, QgsExpressionNode *index /Transfer/ );
Constructor for QgsExpressionNodeIndexOperator.
QgsExpressionNode *container() const;
Returns the container node, representing an array or map value.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`index`
QgsExpressionNode *index() const;
Returns the index node, representing an array element index or map key.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`container`
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
class QgsExpressionNodeInOperator : QgsExpressionNode
An expression node for value IN or NOT IN clauses.
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
QgsExpressionNodeInOperator( QgsExpressionNode *node /Transfer/, QgsExpressionNode::NodeList *list /Transfer/, bool notin = false );
This node tests if the result of ``node`` is in the result of ``list``. Optionally it can be inverted with ``notin`` which by default is ``False``.
QgsExpressionNode *node() const;
Returns the expression node.
bool isNotIn() const;
Returns ``True`` if this node is a "NOT IN" operator, or ``False`` if the node is a normal "IN" operator.
QgsExpressionNode::NodeList *list() const;
Returns the list of nodes to search for matching values within.
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
class QgsExpressionNodeFunction : QgsExpressionNode
An expression node for expression functions.
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
QgsExpressionNodeFunction( int fnIndex, QgsExpressionNode::NodeList *args /Transfer/ );
A function node consists of an index of the function in the global function array and
a list of arguments that will be passed to it.
int fnIndex() const;
Returns the index of the node's function.
QgsExpressionNode::NodeList *args() const;
Returns a list of arguments specified for the function.
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
static bool validateParams( int fnIndex, QgsExpressionNode::NodeList *args, QString &error );
Tests whether the provided argument list is valid for the matching function
class QgsExpressionNodeLiteral : QgsExpressionNode
An expression node for literal values.
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
QgsExpressionNodeLiteral( const QVariant &value );
Constructor for QgsExpressionNodeLiteral, with the specified literal ``value``.
QVariant value() const;
The value of the literal.
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
class QgsExpressionNodeColumnRef : QgsExpressionNode
An expression node which takes it value from a feature's field.
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
QgsExpressionNodeColumnRef( const QString &name );
Constructor for QgsExpressionNodeColumnRef, referencing the column
with the specified ``name``.
QString name() const;
The name of the column.
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
class QgsExpressionNodeCondition : QgsExpressionNode
An expression node for CASE WHEN clauses.
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
class WhenThen
Represents a "WHEN... THEN..." portation of a CASE WHEN clause in an expression.
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
WhenThen( QgsExpressionNode *whenExp, QgsExpressionNode *thenExp );
A combination of when and then. Simple as that.
QgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThen *clone() const /Factory/;
Gets a deep copy of this WhenThen combination.
QgsExpressionNode *whenExp() const;
The expression that makes the WHEN part of the condition.
:return: The expression node that makes the WHEN part of the condition check.
QgsExpressionNode *thenExp() const;
The expression node that makes the THEN result part of the condition.
:return: The expression node that makes the THEN result part of the condition.
WhenThen( const QgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThen &rh );
typedef QList<QgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThen *> WhenThenList;
QgsExpressionNodeCondition( QgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThenList *conditions, QgsExpressionNode *elseExp = 0 );
Create a new node with the given list of ``conditions`` and an optional ``elseExp`` expression.
virtual QgsExpressionNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual QVariant evalNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual bool prepareNode( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context );
virtual QString dump() const;
WhenThenList conditions() const;
The list of WHEN THEN expression parts of the expression.
:return: The list of WHEN THEN expression parts of the expression.
QgsExpressionNode *elseExp() const;
The ELSE expression used for the condition.
:return: The ELSE expression used for the condition.
virtual QSet<QString> referencedColumns() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedVariables() const;
virtual QSet<QString> referencedFunctions() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual QgsExpressionNode *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual bool isStatic( QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionContext *context ) const;
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/expression/qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *