Nyall Dawson a87d352bd7 Run clang-tidy modernize-use-default-member-init to move member
initialization to headers (c++11 style)
2017-09-27 05:02:34 +10:00

631 lines
21 KiB

Date : July 2014
Copyright : (C) 2014 by Martin Dobias
Email : wonder dot sk at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgslegendrenderer.h"
#include "qgslayertree.h"
#include "qgslayertreemodel.h"
#include "qgslayertreemodellegendnode.h"
#include "qgslegendstyle.h"
#include "qgsmaplayerlegend.h"
#include "qgssymbol.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include <QPainter>
QgsLegendRenderer::QgsLegendRenderer( QgsLayerTreeModel *legendModel, const QgsLegendSettings &settings )
: mLegendModel( legendModel )
, mSettings( settings )
QSizeF QgsLegendRenderer::minimumSize()
return paintAndDetermineSize( nullptr );
void QgsLegendRenderer::drawLegend( QPainter *painter )
paintAndDetermineSize( painter );
QSizeF QgsLegendRenderer::paintAndDetermineSize( QPainter *painter )
QSizeF size( 0, 0 );
QgsLayerTreeGroup *rootGroup = mLegendModel->rootGroup();
if ( !rootGroup ) return size;
QList<Atom> atomList = createAtomList( rootGroup, mSettings.splitLayer() );
setColumns( atomList );
qreal maxColumnWidth = 0;
if ( mSettings.equalColumnWidth() )
Q_FOREACH ( const Atom &atom, atomList )
maxColumnWidth = std::max( atom.size.width(), maxColumnWidth );
//calculate size of title
QSizeF titleSize = drawTitle();
//add title margin to size of title text
titleSize.rwidth() += mSettings.boxSpace() * 2.0;
double columnTop = mSettings.boxSpace() + titleSize.height() + mSettings.style( QgsLegendStyle::Title ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Bottom );
QPointF point( mSettings.boxSpace(), columnTop );
bool firstInColumn = true;
double columnMaxHeight = 0;
qreal columnWidth = 0;
int column = 0;
Q_FOREACH ( const Atom &atom, atomList )
if ( atom.column > column )
// Switch to next column
if ( mSettings.equalColumnWidth() )
point.rx() += mSettings.columnSpace() + maxColumnWidth;
point.rx() += mSettings.columnSpace() + columnWidth;
point.ry() = columnTop;
columnWidth = 0;
firstInColumn = true;
if ( !firstInColumn )
point.ry() += spaceAboveAtom( atom );
QSizeF atomSize = drawAtom( atom, painter, point );
columnWidth = std::max( atomSize.width(), columnWidth );
point.ry() += atom.size.height();
columnMaxHeight = std::max( point.y() - columnTop, columnMaxHeight );
firstInColumn = false;
point.rx() += columnWidth + mSettings.boxSpace();
size.rheight() = columnTop + columnMaxHeight + mSettings.boxSpace();
size.rwidth() = point.x();
if ( !mSettings.title().isEmpty() )
size.rwidth() = std::max( titleSize.width(), size.width() );
// override the size if it was set by the user
if ( mLegendSize.isValid() )
qreal w = std::max( size.width(), mLegendSize.width() );
qreal h = std::max( size.height(), mLegendSize.height() );
size = QSizeF( w, h );
// Now we have set the correct total item width and can draw the title centered
if ( !mSettings.title().isEmpty() )
if ( mSettings.titleAlignment() == Qt::AlignLeft )
point.rx() = mSettings.boxSpace();
else if ( mSettings.titleAlignment() == Qt::AlignHCenter )
point.rx() = size.width() / 2;
point.rx() = size.width() - mSettings.boxSpace();
point.ry() = mSettings.boxSpace();
drawTitle( painter, point, mSettings.titleAlignment(), size.width() );
return size;
QList<QgsLegendRenderer::Atom> QgsLegendRenderer::createAtomList( QgsLayerTreeGroup *parentGroup, bool splitLayer )
QList<Atom> atoms;
if ( !parentGroup ) return atoms;
Q_FOREACH ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node, parentGroup->children() )
if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
QgsLayerTreeGroup *nodeGroup = QgsLayerTree::toGroup( node );
// Group subitems
QList<Atom> groupAtoms = createAtomList( nodeGroup, splitLayer );
bool hasSubItems = !groupAtoms.empty();
if ( nodeLegendStyle( nodeGroup ) != QgsLegendStyle::Hidden )
Nucleon nucleon;
nucleon.item = node;
nucleon.size = drawGroupTitle( nodeGroup );
if ( !groupAtoms.isEmpty() )
// Add internal space between this group title and the next nucleon
groupAtoms[0].size.rheight() += spaceAboveAtom( groupAtoms[0] );
// Prepend this group title to the first atom
groupAtoms[0].nucleons.prepend( nucleon );
groupAtoms[0].size.rheight() += nucleon.size.height();
groupAtoms[0].size.rwidth() = std::max( nucleon.size.width(), groupAtoms[0].size.width() );
// no subitems, append new atom
Atom atom;
atom.nucleons.append( nucleon );
atom.size.rwidth() += nucleon.size.width();
atom.size.rheight() += nucleon.size.height();
atom.size.rwidth() = std::max( nucleon.size.width(), atom.size.width() );
groupAtoms.append( atom );
if ( hasSubItems ) //leave away groups without content
atoms.append( groupAtoms );
else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node );
Atom atom;
if ( nodeLegendStyle( nodeLayer ) != QgsLegendStyle::Hidden )
Nucleon nucleon;
nucleon.item = node;
nucleon.size = drawLayerTitle( nodeLayer );
atom.nucleons.append( nucleon );
atom.size.rwidth() = nucleon.size.width();
atom.size.rheight() = nucleon.size.height();
QList<QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *> legendNodes = mLegendModel->layerLegendNodes( nodeLayer );
// workaround for the issue that "filtering by map" does not remove layer nodes that have no symbols present
// on the map. We explicitly skip such layers here. In future ideally that should be handled directly
// in the layer tree model
if ( legendNodes.isEmpty() && mLegendModel->legendFilterMapSettings() )
QList<Atom> layerAtoms;
for ( int j = 0; j < legendNodes.count(); j++ )
QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *legendNode = legendNodes.at( j );
Nucleon symbolNucleon = drawSymbolItem( legendNode );
if ( !mSettings.splitLayer() || j == 0 )
// append to layer atom
// the width is not correct at this moment, we must align all symbol labels
atom.size.rwidth() = std::max( symbolNucleon.size.width(), atom.size.width() );
// Add symbol space only if there is already title or another item above
if ( !atom.nucleons.isEmpty() )
// TODO: for now we keep Symbol and SymbolLabel Top margin in sync
atom.size.rheight() += mSettings.style( QgsLegendStyle::Symbol ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Top );
atom.size.rheight() += symbolNucleon.size.height();
atom.nucleons.append( symbolNucleon );
Atom symbolAtom;
symbolAtom.nucleons.append( symbolNucleon );
symbolAtom.size.rwidth() = symbolNucleon.size.width();
symbolAtom.size.rheight() = symbolNucleon.size.height();
layerAtoms.append( symbolAtom );
layerAtoms.prepend( atom );
atoms.append( layerAtoms );
return atoms;
void QgsLegendRenderer::setColumns( QList<Atom> &atomList )
if ( mSettings.columnCount() == 0 ) return;
// Divide atoms to columns
double totalHeight = 0;
qreal maxAtomHeight = 0;
Q_FOREACH ( const Atom &atom, atomList )
totalHeight += spaceAboveAtom( atom );
totalHeight += atom.size.height();
maxAtomHeight = std::max( atom.size.height(), maxAtomHeight );
// We know height of each atom and we have to split them into columns
// minimizing max column height. It is sort of bin packing problem, NP-hard.
// We are using simple heuristic, brute fore appeared to be to slow,
// the number of combinations is N = n!/(k!*(n-k)!) where n = atomsCount-1
// and k = columnsCount-1
double maxColumnHeight = 0;
int currentColumn = 0;
int currentColumnAtomCount = 0; // number of atoms in current column
double currentColumnHeight = 0;
double closedColumnsHeight = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < atomList.size(); i++ )
// Recalc average height for remaining columns including current
double avgColumnHeight = ( totalHeight - closedColumnsHeight ) / ( mSettings.columnCount() - currentColumn );
Atom atom = atomList.at( i );
double currentHeight = currentColumnHeight;
if ( currentColumnAtomCount > 0 )
currentHeight += spaceAboveAtom( atom );
currentHeight += atom.size.height();
bool canCreateNewColumn = ( currentColumnAtomCount > 0 ) // do not leave empty column
&& ( currentColumn < mSettings.columnCount() - 1 ); // must not exceed max number of columns
bool shouldCreateNewColumn = ( currentHeight - avgColumnHeight ) > atom.size.height() / 2 // center of current atom is over average height
&& currentColumnAtomCount > 0 // do not leave empty column
&& currentHeight > maxAtomHeight // no sense to make smaller columns than max atom height
&& currentHeight > maxColumnHeight; // no sense to make smaller columns than max column already created
// also should create a new column if the number of items left < number of columns left
// in this case we should spread the remaining items out over the remaining columns
shouldCreateNewColumn |= ( atomList.size() - i < mSettings.columnCount() - currentColumn );
if ( canCreateNewColumn && shouldCreateNewColumn )
// New column
currentColumnAtomCount = 0;
closedColumnsHeight += currentColumnHeight;
currentColumnHeight = atom.size.height();
currentColumnHeight = currentHeight;
atomList[i].column = currentColumn;
maxColumnHeight = std::max( currentColumnHeight, maxColumnHeight );
// Align labels of symbols for each layr/column to the same labelXOffset
QMap<QString, qreal> maxSymbolWidth;
for ( int i = 0; i < atomList.size(); i++ )
Atom &atom = atomList[i];
for ( int j = 0; j < atom.nucleons.size(); j++ )
if ( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *legendNode = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *>( atom.nucleons.at( j ).item ) )
QString key = QStringLiteral( "%1-%2" ).arg( reinterpret_cast< qulonglong >( legendNode->layerNode() ) ).arg( atom.column );
maxSymbolWidth[key] = std::max( atom.nucleons.at( j ).symbolSize.width(), maxSymbolWidth[key] );
for ( int i = 0; i < atomList.size(); i++ )
Atom &atom = atomList[i];
for ( int j = 0; j < atom.nucleons.size(); j++ )
if ( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *legendNode = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *>( atom.nucleons.at( j ).item ) )
QString key = QStringLiteral( "%1-%2" ).arg( reinterpret_cast< qulonglong >( legendNode->layerNode() ) ).arg( atom.column );
double space = mSettings.style( QgsLegendStyle::Symbol ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Right ) +
mSettings.style( QgsLegendStyle::SymbolLabel ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Left );
atom.nucleons[j].labelXOffset = maxSymbolWidth[key] + space;
atom.nucleons[j].size.rwidth() = maxSymbolWidth[key] + space + atom.nucleons.at( j ).labelSize.width();
QSizeF QgsLegendRenderer::drawTitle( QPainter *painter, QPointF point, Qt::AlignmentFlag halignment, double legendWidth )
QSizeF size( 0, 0 );
if ( mSettings.title().isEmpty() )
return size;
QStringList lines = mSettings.splitStringForWrapping( mSettings.title() );
double y = point.y();
if ( painter )
painter->setPen( mSettings.fontColor() );
//calculate width and left pos of rectangle to draw text into
double textBoxWidth;
double textBoxLeft;
switch ( halignment )
case Qt::AlignHCenter:
textBoxWidth = ( std::min( static_cast< double >( point.x() ), legendWidth - point.x() ) - mSettings.boxSpace() ) * 2.0;
textBoxLeft = point.x() - textBoxWidth / 2.;
case Qt::AlignRight:
textBoxLeft = mSettings.boxSpace();
textBoxWidth = point.x() - mSettings.boxSpace();
case Qt::AlignLeft:
textBoxLeft = point.x();
textBoxWidth = legendWidth - point.x() - mSettings.boxSpace();
QFont titleFont = mSettings.style( QgsLegendStyle::Title ).font();
for ( QStringList::Iterator titlePart = lines.begin(); titlePart != lines.end(); ++titlePart )
//last word is not drawn if rectangle width is exactly text width, so add 1
//TODO - correctly calculate size of italicized text, since QFontMetrics does not
qreal width = mSettings.textWidthMillimeters( titleFont, *titlePart ) + 1;
qreal height = mSettings.fontAscentMillimeters( titleFont ) + mSettings.fontDescentMillimeters( titleFont );
QRectF r( textBoxLeft, y, textBoxWidth, height );
if ( painter )
mSettings.drawText( painter, r, *titlePart, titleFont, halignment, Qt::AlignVCenter, Qt::TextDontClip );
//update max width of title
size.rwidth() = std::max( width, size.rwidth() );
y += height;
if ( titlePart != ( lines.end() - 1 ) )
y += mSettings.lineSpacing();
size.rheight() = y - point.y();
return size;
double QgsLegendRenderer::spaceAboveAtom( const Atom &atom )
if ( atom.nucleons.isEmpty() ) return 0;
Nucleon nucleon = atom.nucleons.first();
if ( QgsLayerTreeGroup *nodeGroup = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeGroup *>( nucleon.item ) )
return mSettings.style( nodeLegendStyle( nodeGroup ) ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Top );
else if ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeLayer *>( nucleon.item ) )
return mSettings.style( nodeLegendStyle( nodeLayer ) ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Top );
else if ( qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *>( nucleon.item ) )
// TODO: use Symbol or SymbolLabel Top margin
return mSettings.style( QgsLegendStyle::Symbol ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Top );
return 0;
// Draw atom and expand its size (using actual nucleons labelXOffset)
QSizeF QgsLegendRenderer::drawAtom( const Atom &atom, QPainter *painter, QPointF point )
bool first = true;
QSizeF size = QSizeF( atom.size );
Q_FOREACH ( const Nucleon &nucleon, atom.nucleons )
if ( QgsLayerTreeGroup *groupItem = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeGroup *>( nucleon.item ) )
QgsLegendStyle::Style s = nodeLegendStyle( groupItem );
if ( s != QgsLegendStyle::Hidden )
if ( !first )
point.ry() += mSettings.style( s ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Top );
drawGroupTitle( groupItem, painter, point );
else if ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *layerItem = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeLayer *>( nucleon.item ) )
QgsLegendStyle::Style s = nodeLegendStyle( layerItem );
if ( s != QgsLegendStyle::Hidden )
if ( !first )
point.ry() += mSettings.style( s ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Top );
drawLayerTitle( layerItem, painter, point );
else if ( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *legendNode = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *>( nucleon.item ) )
if ( !first )
point.ry() += mSettings.style( QgsLegendStyle::Symbol ).margin( QgsLegendStyle::Top );
Nucleon symbolNucleon = drawSymbolItem( legendNode, painter, point, nucleon.labelXOffset );
// expand width, it may be wider because of labelXOffset
size.rwidth() = std::max( symbolNucleon.size.width(), size.width() );
point.ry() += nucleon.size.height();
first = false;
return size;
QgsLegendRenderer::Nucleon QgsLegendRenderer::drawSymbolItem( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *symbolItem, QPainter *painter, QPointF point, double labelXOffset )
QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::ItemContext ctx;
ctx.painter = painter;
ctx.point = point;
ctx.labelXOffset = labelXOffset;
QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::ItemMetrics im = symbolItem->draw( mSettings, painter ? &ctx : nullptr );
Nucleon nucleon;
nucleon.item = symbolItem;
nucleon.symbolSize = im.symbolSize;
nucleon.labelSize = im.labelSize;
//QgsDebugMsg( QString( "symbol height = %1 label height = %2").arg( symbolSize.height()).arg( labelSize.height() ));
double width = std::max( static_cast< double >( im.symbolSize.width() ), labelXOffset ) + im.labelSize.width();
double height = std::max( im.symbolSize.height(), im.labelSize.height() );
nucleon.size = QSizeF( width, height );
return nucleon;
QSizeF QgsLegendRenderer::drawLayerTitle( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer, QPainter *painter, QPointF point )
QSizeF size( 0, 0 );
QModelIndex idx = mLegendModel->node2index( nodeLayer );
//Let the user omit the layer title item by having an empty layer title string
if ( mLegendModel->data( idx, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString().isEmpty() ) return size;
double y = point.y();
if ( painter ) painter->setPen( mSettings.fontColor() );
QFont layerFont = mSettings.style( nodeLegendStyle( nodeLayer ) ).font();
QStringList lines = mSettings.splitStringForWrapping( mLegendModel->data( idx, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() );
for ( QStringList::Iterator layerItemPart = lines.begin(); layerItemPart != lines.end(); ++layerItemPart )
y += mSettings.fontAscentMillimeters( layerFont );
if ( painter ) mSettings.drawText( painter, point.x(), y, *layerItemPart, layerFont );
qreal width = mSettings.textWidthMillimeters( layerFont, *layerItemPart );
size.rwidth() = std::max( width, size.width() );
if ( layerItemPart != ( lines.end() - 1 ) )
y += mSettings.lineSpacing();
size.rheight() = y - point.y();
return size;
QSizeF QgsLegendRenderer::drawGroupTitle( QgsLayerTreeGroup *nodeGroup, QPainter *painter, QPointF point )
QSizeF size( 0, 0 );
QModelIndex idx = mLegendModel->node2index( nodeGroup );
double y = point.y();
if ( painter ) painter->setPen( mSettings.fontColor() );
QFont groupFont = mSettings.style( nodeLegendStyle( nodeGroup ) ).font();
QStringList lines = mSettings.splitStringForWrapping( mLegendModel->data( idx, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() );
for ( QStringList::Iterator groupPart = lines.begin(); groupPart != lines.end(); ++groupPart )
y += mSettings.fontAscentMillimeters( groupFont );
if ( painter ) mSettings.drawText( painter, point.x(), y, *groupPart, groupFont );
qreal width = mSettings.textWidthMillimeters( groupFont, *groupPart );
size.rwidth() = std::max( width, size.width() );
if ( groupPart != ( lines.end() - 1 ) )
y += mSettings.lineSpacing();
size.rheight() = y - point.y();
return size;
QgsLegendStyle::Style QgsLegendRenderer::nodeLegendStyle( QgsLayerTreeNode *node, QgsLayerTreeModel *model )
QString style = node->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "legend/title-style" ) ).toString();
if ( style == QLatin1String( "hidden" ) )
return QgsLegendStyle::Hidden;
else if ( style == QLatin1String( "group" ) )
return QgsLegendStyle::Group;
else if ( style == QLatin1String( "subgroup" ) )
return QgsLegendStyle::Subgroup;
// use a default otherwise
if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
return QgsLegendStyle::Group;
else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
if ( model->legendNodeEmbeddedInParent( QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node ) ) )
return QgsLegendStyle::Hidden;
return QgsLegendStyle::Subgroup;
return QgsLegendStyle::Undefined; // should not happen, only if corrupted project file
QgsLegendStyle::Style QgsLegendRenderer::nodeLegendStyle( QgsLayerTreeNode *node )
return nodeLegendStyle( node, mLegendModel );
void QgsLegendRenderer::setNodeLegendStyle( QgsLayerTreeNode *node, QgsLegendStyle::Style style )
QString str;
switch ( style )
case QgsLegendStyle::Hidden:
str = QStringLiteral( "hidden" );
case QgsLegendStyle::Group:
str = QStringLiteral( "group" );
case QgsLegendStyle::Subgroup:
str = QStringLiteral( "subgroup" );
break; // nothing
if ( !str.isEmpty() )
node->setCustomProperty( QStringLiteral( "legend/title-style" ), str );
node->removeCustomProperty( QStringLiteral( "legend/title-style" ) );