mirror of https://github.com/qgis/QGIS.git synced 2025-03-25 00:05:03 -04:00
Nyall Dawson 4da1ce8404 Drop redundant virtual keywords on overrides
Run clang-tidy modernize-use-override to remove all the redundant
virtual keywords from overridden methods, and add some missing

Another benefit is that this has also added the overrides
on destructors, which will cause a build failure if a base
class is missing a virtual destructor.
2017-12-16 08:49:36 +10:00

306 lines
9.5 KiB

qgsidentifyresults.h - description
begin : Fri Oct 25 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Gary E.Sherman
email : sherman at mrcc dot com
Romans 3:23=>Romans 6:23=>Romans 5:8=>Romans 10:9,10=>Romans 12
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "ui_qgsidentifyresultsbase.h"
#include "qgshelp.h"
#include "qgsfeature.h"
#include "qgsfields.h"
#include "qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h"
#include "qgsmaptoolidentify.h"
#include "qgswebview.h"
#include "qgsexpressioncontext.h"
#include <QWidget>
#include <QList>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QUrl>
#include "qgis_app.h"
class QCloseEvent;
class QTreeWidgetItem;
class QAction;
class QMenu;
class QgsFeatureStore;
class QgsVectorLayer;
class QgsRasterLayer;
class QgsHighlight;
class QgsMapCanvas;
class QgsDockWidget;
class QgsMapLayerAction;
class QgsEditorWidgetSetup;
class QwtPlotCurve;
class APP_EXPORT QgsIdentifyResultsWebView : public QgsWebView
QgsIdentifyResultsWebView( QWidget *parent = nullptr );
QSize sizeHint() const override;
public slots:
void print();
void downloadRequested( const QNetworkRequest &request );
void unsupportedContent( QNetworkReply *reply );
void contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * ) override;
QgsWebView *createWindow( QWebPage::WebWindowType type ) override;
void handleDownload( QUrl url );
class APP_EXPORT QgsIdentifyResultsFeatureItem: public QTreeWidgetItem
QgsIdentifyResultsFeatureItem( const QgsFields &fields, const QgsFeature &feature, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs, const QStringList &strings = QStringList() );
const QgsFields &fields() const { return mFields; }
const QgsFeature &feature() const { return mFeature; }
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs() const { return mCrs; }
QgsFields mFields;
QgsFeature mFeature;
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem mCrs;
class APP_EXPORT QgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItem: public QObject, public QTreeWidgetItem
QgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItem( QTreeWidget *treeWidget = nullptr );
QgsIdentifyResultsWebView *webView() { return mWebView; }
void setHtml( const QString &html );
//! \since QGIS 2.1
void setContent( const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeType = QString(), const QUrl &baseUrl = QUrl() );
public slots:
void loadFinished( bool ok );
QgsIdentifyResultsWebView *mWebView = nullptr;
class APP_EXPORT QgsIdentifyPlotCurve
QgsIdentifyPlotCurve() { mPlotCurve = nullptr; }
QgsIdentifyPlotCurve( const QMap<QString, QString> &attributes,
QwtPlot *plot, const QString &title = QString(), QColor color = QColor() );
QgsIdentifyPlotCurve( const QgsIdentifyPlotCurve &rh ) = delete;
QgsIdentifyPlotCurve &operator=( const QgsIdentifyPlotCurve &rh ) = delete;
QwtPlotCurve *mPlotCurve = nullptr;
class APP_EXPORT QgsIdentifyResultsDialog: public QDialog, private Ui::QgsIdentifyResultsBase
//! Constructor - takes it own copy of the QgsAttributeAction so
// that it is independent of whoever created it.
QgsIdentifyResultsDialog( QgsMapCanvas *canvas, QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = nullptr );
~QgsIdentifyResultsDialog() override;
//! Add add feature from vector layer
void addFeature( QgsVectorLayer *layer,
const QgsFeature &f,
const QMap< QString, QString > &derivedAttributes );
//! Add add feature from other layer
void addFeature( QgsRasterLayer *layer,
const QString &label,
const QMap< QString, QString > &attributes,
const QMap< QString, QString > &derivedAttributes,
const QgsFields &fields = QgsFields(),
const QgsFeature &feature = QgsFeature(),
const QMap<QString, QVariant> &params = ( QMap<QString, QVariant>() ) );
//! Add feature from identify results
void addFeature( const QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult &result );
//! Map tool was deactivated
void deactivate();
//! Map tool was activated
void activate();
* Sets an expression context scope to consider for resolving underlying
* actions.
* \since QGIS 3.0
void setExpressionContextScope( const QgsExpressionContextScope &scope );
* Returns an expression context scope used for resolving underlying
* actions.
* \since QGIS 3.0
QgsExpressionContextScope expressionContextScope() const;
void selectedFeatureChanged( QgsVectorLayer *, QgsFeatureId featureId );
// Emitted when raster identify format of a layer changed
void formatChanged( QgsRasterLayer *layer );
void copyToClipboard( QgsFeatureStore &featureStore );
void activateLayer( QgsMapLayer * );
public slots:
//! Remove results
void clear();
void updateViewModes();
void show();
void contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * ) override;
void layerDestroyed();
void editingToggled();
void featureDeleted( QgsFeatureId fid );
void attributeValueChanged( QgsFeatureId fid, int idx, const QVariant & );
void featureForm();
void zoomToFeature();
void copyAttributeValue();
void copyFeature();
void toggleFeatureSelection();
void copyFeatureAttributes();
void copyGetFeatureInfoUrl();
void highlightAll();
void highlightLayer();
void activateLayer();
void layerProperties();
void clearHighlights();
void expandAll();
void collapseAll();
/* Called when an item is expanded so that we can ensure that the
column width if expanded to show it */
void itemExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem * );
//! sends signal if current feature id has changed
void handleCurrentItemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem *current, QTreeWidgetItem *previous );
/* Item in tree was clicked */
void itemClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *lvi, int column );
QTreeWidgetItem *retrieveAttributes( QTreeWidgetItem *item, QgsAttributeMap &attributes, int &currentIdx );
void cmbIdentifyMode_currentIndexChanged( int index );
void cmbViewMode_currentIndexChanged( int index );
void mExpandNewAction_triggered( bool checked );
void cbxAutoFeatureForm_toggled( bool checked );
void mExpandAction_triggered( bool checked ) { Q_UNUSED( checked ); expandAll(); }
void mCollapseAction_triggered( bool checked ) { Q_UNUSED( checked ); collapseAll(); }
void mActionCopy_triggered( bool checked );
void formatChanged( int index );
void printCurrentItem();
void mapLayerActionDestroyed();
QString representValue( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, const QgsEditorWidgetSetup &setup, const QString &fieldName, const QVariant &value );
enum ItemDataRole
GetFeatureInfoUrlRole = Qt::UserRole + 10
QMenu *mActionPopup = nullptr;
QMap<QTreeWidgetItem *, QgsHighlight * > mHighlights;
QgsMapCanvas *mCanvas = nullptr;
QList<QgsFeature> mFeatures;
QMap< QString, QMap< QString, QVariant > > mWidgetCaches;
QgsExpressionContextScope mExpressionContextScope;
QgsMapLayer *layer( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
QgsVectorLayer *vectorLayer( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
QgsRasterLayer *rasterLayer( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
QTreeWidgetItem *featureItem( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
QTreeWidgetItem *layerItem( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
QTreeWidgetItem *layerItem( QObject *layer );
void highlightLayer( QTreeWidgetItem *object );
void layerProperties( QTreeWidgetItem *object );
void disconnectLayer( QObject *object );
void saveWindowLocation();
void setColumnText( int column, const QString &label );
void expandColumnsToFit();
void highlightFeature( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
void doAction( QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &action );
void doMapLayerAction( QTreeWidgetItem *item, QgsMapLayerAction *action );
QgsDockWidget *mDock = nullptr;
QVector<QgsIdentifyPlotCurve *> mPlotCurves;
void showHelp();
class QgsIdentifyResultsDialogMapLayerAction : public QAction
QgsIdentifyResultsDialogMapLayerAction( const QString &name, QObject *parent, QgsMapLayerAction *action, QgsMapLayer *layer, QgsFeature *f )
: QAction( name, parent )
, mAction( action )
, mFeature( f )
, mLayer( layer )
public slots:
void execute();
QgsMapLayerAction *mAction = nullptr;
QgsFeature *mFeature = nullptr;
QgsMapLayer *mLayer = nullptr;