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synced 2025-03-24 00:06:24 -04:00
Run clang-tidy modernize-use-override to remove all the redundant virtual keywords from overridden methods, and add some missing overrides. Another benefit is that this has also added the overrides on destructors, which will cause a build failure if a base class is missing a virtual destructor.
248 lines
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248 lines
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Plugin manager for loading/unloading QGIS plugins
begin : 2004-02-12
copyright : (C) 2004 by Gary E.Sherman
email : sherman at mrcc.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <vector>
#include <QMap>
#include <QString>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QStandardItem>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include "ui_qgspluginmanagerbase.h"
#include "qgsoptionsdialogbase.h"
#include "qgsguiutils.h"
#include "qgshelp.h"
#include "qgsmessagebar.h"
class QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel;
class QgsPythonUtils;
const int PLUGMAN_TAB_ALL = 0;
const int PLUGMAN_TAB_NEW = 4;
const int PLUGMAN_TAB_INVALID = 5;
* \brief Plugin manager for browsing, (un)installing and (un)loading plugins
class QgsPluginManager : public QgsOptionsDialogBase, private Ui::QgsPluginManagerBase
//! Constructor; set pluginsAreEnabled to false in --noplugins mode
QgsPluginManager( QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool pluginsAreEnabled = true, Qt::WindowFlags fl = QgsGuiUtils::ModalDialogFlags );
~QgsPluginManager() override;
//! Save pointer to Python utils and enable Python support
void setPythonUtils( QgsPythonUtils *pythonUtils );
//! Load selected plugin
void loadPlugin( const QString &id );
//! Unload deselected plugin
void unloadPlugin( const QString &id );
//! Save plugin enabled/disabled state to QgsSettings
void savePluginState( QString id, bool state );
//! Get metadata of C++ plugins
void getCppPluginsMetadata();
//! Create new spacer item for sorting by status in the plugin list view
QStandardItem *createSpacerItem( const QString &text, const QString &value );
//! Repopulate the plugin list model
void reloadModelData();
//! Fill the html browser widget with plugin details
void showPluginDetails( QStandardItem *item );
//! Remove Python plugins from the metadata registry (c++ plugins stay)
void clearPythonPluginMetadata();
//! Add a single plugin to the metadata registry
void addPluginMetadata( const QString &key, const QMap<QString, QString> &metadata );
//! Return metadata of given plugin
const QMap<QString, QString> *pluginMetadata( const QString &key ) const;
//! Select one of the vertical tabs programmatically
void selectTabItem( int idx );
//! Clear the repository listWidget
void clearRepositoryList();
//! Add repository to the repository listWidget
void addToRepositoryList( const QMap<QString, QString> &repository );
public slots:
//! Close the dialog window (called when the "Close" button clicked)
void reject() override;
//! Set tab of the stacked widget (called from the vertical list item)
void setCurrentTab( int idx );
//! Update the window title according to the current filters
void updateWindowTitle() override;
//! Handle plugin selection
void currentPluginChanged( const QModelIndex &index );
//! Load/unload plugin when checkbox state changed
void pluginItemChanged( QStandardItem *item );
//! Display details of inactive item too
void vwPlugins_clicked( const QModelIndex &index );
//! Load/unload plugin by double-click
void vwPlugins_doubleClicked( const QModelIndex &index );
//! Handle click in the web view
void wvDetails_linkClicked( const QUrl &url );
//! Update the filter when user changes the filter expression
void leFilter_textChanged( QString text );
//! Upgrade all upgradeable plugins
void buttonUpgradeAll_clicked();
//! Install selected plugin
void buttonInstall_clicked();
//! Uninstall selected plugin
void buttonUninstall_clicked();
* Enable the Install button if selected path is valid
* \since QGIS 3.0
void mZipFileWidget_fileChanged( const QString &filePath );
* Install plugin from ZIP file
* \since QGIS 3.0
void buttonInstallFromZip_clicked();
//! Enable/disable buttons according to selected repository
void treeRepositories_itemSelectionChanged();
//! Edit selected repository
void treeRepositories_doubleClicked( const QModelIndex & );
//! Define new repository connection
void buttonAddRep_clicked();
//! Edit selected repository connection
void buttonEditRep_clicked();
//! Delete selected repository connection
void buttonDeleteRep_clicked();
//! Reload all repositories
void buttonRefreshRepos_clicked();
//! Reload plugin metadata registry after allowing/disallowing experimental plugins
void ckbExperimental_toggled( bool state );
//! Reload plugin metadata registry after allowing/disallowing deprecated plugins
void ckbDeprecated_toggled( bool state );
//! Open help browser
void showHelp();
//! Reimplement QgsOptionsDialogBase method to prevent modifying the tab list by signals from the stacked widget
void optionsStackedWidget_CurrentChanged( int index ) override { Q_UNUSED( index ) };
//! Only show plugins from selected repository (e.g. for inspection)
void setRepositoryFilter();
//! Enable all repositories disabled by "Enable selected repository only"
void clearRepositoryFilter();
//! show the given message in the Plugin Manager internal message bar
void pushMessage( const QString &text, QgsMessageBar::MessageLevel level, int duration = -1 );
//! vote button was clicked
void submitVote();
//! Reimplement QgsOptionsDialogBase method as we have a custom window title what would be overwritten by this method
void showEvent( QShowEvent *e ) override;
//! Load translated descriptions. Source strings implemented in external qgspluginmanager_texts.cpp
void initTabDescriptions();
//! Return true if given plugin is enabled in QgsSettings
bool isPluginEnabled( QString key );
//! Return true if there are plugins available for download in the metadata registry
bool hasAvailablePlugins();
//! Return true if there are installed plugins also available for download in the metadata registry
bool hasReinstallablePlugins();
//! Return true if there are upgradeable plugins in metadata the registry
bool hasUpgradeablePlugins();
//! Return true if there are new plugins in the metadata registry
bool hasNewPlugins();
//! Return true if there are plugins in the metadata registry that are newer installed than available
bool hasNewerPlugins();
//! Return true if there are invalid plugins in the metadata registry
bool hasInvalidPlugins();
//! send vote
void sendVote( int pluginId, int vote );
QStandardItemModel *mModelPlugins = nullptr;
QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel *mModelProxy = nullptr;
QgsPythonUtils *mPythonUtils = nullptr;
//! true by default; false in --noplugins mode
bool mPluginsAreEnabled;
QMap<QString, QString> mTabDescriptions;
QMap< QString, QMap< QString, QString > > mPlugins;
QString mCurrentlyDisplayedPlugin;
QList<int> mCheckingOnStartIntervals;
QgsMessageBar *msgBar = nullptr;
int mCurrentPluginId;