mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 00:06:57 -04:00
instead of adding an extra CMakeLists in .ci/travis/code_layout to build API doc, astyle and run tests (indentation, spelling, sip, doc coverage), the top CMakeLists has been adapted to allow not building core libraries and possibly just the static code layout * astyle has been moved from /src/astyle to /lib/astyle (I would propose to move all external libraries, and possibly add git submodules)
444 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
444 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
// astyle_main.h
// Copyright (c) 2017 by Jim Pattee <jimp03@email.com>.
// This code is licensed under the MIT License.
// License.md describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
// headers
#include "astyle.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && __BORLANDC__ < 0x0650
// Embarcadero needs this for the following utime.h
// otherwise "struct utimbuf" gets an error on time_t
// 0x0650 for C++Builder XE3
using std::time_t;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#endif // end compiler checks
#include <jni.h>
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB // ASTYLE_LIB must be defined for ASTYLE_JNI
#define ASTYLE_LIB
#endif // ASTYLE_JNI
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB
// for console build only
#include "ASLocalizer.h"
#define _(a) localizer.settext(a)
#endif // ASTYLE_LIB
// declarations
// for G++ implementation of string.compare:
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 3
#error - Use GNU C compiler release 3 or higher
// for getenv and localtime
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // secure version deprecation warnings
// for namespace problem in version 5.0
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1200 // check for V6.0
#error - Use Microsoft compiler version 6 or higher
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" // getenv, localtime
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
// for mingw BOM, UTF-16, and Unicode functions
#if defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR)
#if (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION > 3) || \
#error - Use MinGW compiler version 4 or higher
// define STDCALL and EXPORT for Windows
// MINGW defines STDCALL in Windows.h (actually windef.h)
// EXPORT has no value if ASTYLE_NO_EXPORT is defined
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef STDCALL
#define STDCALL __stdcall
// define this to prevent compiler warning and error messages
#define EXPORT
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
// define STDCALL and EXPORT for non-Windows
// visibility attribute allows "-fvisibility=hidden" compiler option
#define STDCALL
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#define EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#define EXPORT
#endif // #ifdef _WIN32
// define utf-16 bit text for the platform
typedef unsigned short utf16_t;
// define pointers to callback error handler and memory allocation
typedef void (STDCALL* fpError)(int errorNumber, const char* errorMessage);
typedef char* (STDCALL* fpAlloc)(unsigned long memoryNeeded);
#endif // #ifdef ASTYLE_LIB
// astyle namespace
namespace astyle {
// ASStreamIterator class
// typename will be istringstream for GUI and istream otherwise
// ASSourceIterator is an abstract class defined in astyle.h
template<typename T>
class ASStreamIterator : public ASSourceIterator
bool checkForEmptyLine;
// function declarations
explicit ASStreamIterator(T* in);
virtual ~ASStreamIterator();
bool getLineEndChange(int lineEndFormat) const;
int getStreamLength() const;
string nextLine(bool emptyLineWasDeleted);
string peekNextLine();
void peekReset();
void saveLastInputLine();
streamoff tellg();
ASStreamIterator(const ASStreamIterator& copy); // copy constructor not to be implemented
ASStreamIterator& operator=(ASStreamIterator&); // assignment operator not to be implemented
T* inStream; // pointer to the input stream
string buffer; // current input line
string prevBuffer; // previous input line
string outputEOL; // next output end of line char
int eolWindows; // number of Windows line endings, CRLF
int eolLinux; // number of Linux line endings, LF
int eolMacOld; // number of old Mac line endings. CR
streamoff streamLength; // length of the input file stream
streamoff peekStart; // starting position for peekNextLine
bool prevLineDeleted; // the previous input line was deleted
public: // inline functions
bool compareToInputBuffer(const string& nextLine_) const
{ return (nextLine_ == prevBuffer); }
const string& getOutputEOL() const { return outputEOL; }
bool hasMoreLines() const { return !inStream->eof(); }
// ASEncoding class for utf8/16 conversions
// used by both console and library builds
class ASEncoding
typedef unsigned short utf16; // 16 bits
typedef unsigned char utf8; // 8 bits
typedef unsigned char ubyte; // 8 bits
enum { SURROGATE_LEAD_FIRST = 0xD800 };
enum { SURROGATE_FIRST_VALUE = 0x10000 };
enum eState { eStart, eSecondOf4Bytes, ePenultimate, eFinal };
bool getBigEndian() const;
int swap16bit(int value) const;
size_t utf16len(const utf16* utf16In) const;
size_t utf8LengthFromUtf16(const char* utf16In, size_t inLen, bool isBigEndian) const;
size_t utf8ToUtf16(char* utf8In, size_t inLen, bool isBigEndian, char* utf16Out) const;
size_t utf16LengthFromUtf8(const char* utf8In, size_t len) const;
size_t utf16ToUtf8(char* utf16In, size_t inLen, bool isBigEndian,
bool firstBlock, char* utf8Out) const;
// ASOptions class for options processing
// used by both console and library builds
class ASConsole;
class ASOptions
ASOptions(ASFormatter& formatterArg);
ASOptions(ASFormatter& formatterArg, ASConsole& consoleArg);
string getOptionErrors() const;
void importOptions(istream& in, vector<string>& optionsVector);
bool parseOptions(vector<string>& optionsVector, const string& errorInfo);
// variables
ASFormatter& formatter;
stringstream optionErrors; // option error messages
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB
ASConsole& console; // DO NOT USE for ASTYLE_LIB
// functions
ASOptions(const ASOptions&); // copy constructor not to be implemented
ASOptions& operator=(ASOptions&); // assignment operator not to be implemented
string getParam(const string& arg, const char* op);
string getParam(const string& arg, const char* op1, const char* op2);
bool isOption(const string& arg, const char* op);
bool isOption(const string& arg, const char* op1, const char* op2);
void isOptionError(const string& arg, const string& errorInfo);
bool isParamOption(const string& arg, const char* option);
bool isParamOption(const string& arg, const char* option1, const char* option2);
void parseOption(const string& arg, const string& errorInfo);
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB
// ASConsole class for console build
class ASConsole
private: // variables
ASFormatter& formatter; // reference to the ASFormatter object
ASLocalizer localizer; // ASLocalizer object
ostream* errorStream; // direct error messages to cerr or cout
// command line options
bool isRecursive; // recursive option
bool isDryRun; // dry-run option
bool noBackup; // suffix=none option
bool preserveDate; // preserve-date option
bool isVerbose; // verbose option
bool isQuiet; // quiet option
bool isFormattedOnly; // formatted lines only option
bool ignoreExcludeErrors; // don't abort on unmatched excludes
bool ignoreExcludeErrorsDisplay; // don't display unmatched excludes
bool optionsFileRequired; // options= option
bool useAscii; // ascii option
// other variables
bool bypassBrowserOpen; // don't open the browser on html options
bool hasWildcard; // file name includes a wildcard
size_t mainDirectoryLength; // directory length to be excluded in displays
bool filesAreIdentical; // input and output files are identical
int filesFormatted; // number of files formatted
int filesUnchanged; // number of files unchanged
bool lineEndsMixed; // output has mixed line ends
int linesOut; // number of output lines
ASEncoding utf8_16; // utf8/16 conversion methods
string outputEOL; // current line end
string prevEOL; // previous line end
string optionsFileName; // file path and name of the options file to use
string origSuffix; // suffix= option
string stdPathIn; // path to input from stdin=
string stdPathOut; // path to output from stdout=
string targetDirectory; // path to the directory being processed
string targetFilename; // file name being processed
vector<string> excludeVector; // exclude from wildcard hits
vector<bool> excludeHitsVector; // exclude flags for error reporting
vector<string> fileNameVector; // file paths and names from the command line
vector<string> optionsVector; // options from the command line
vector<string> fileOptionsVector; // options from the options file
vector<string> fileName; // files to be processed including path
public: // functions
explicit ASConsole(ASFormatter& formatterArg);
void convertLineEnds(ostringstream& out, int lineEnd);
FileEncoding detectEncoding(const char* data, size_t dataSize) const;
void error() const;
void error(const char* why, const char* what) const;
void formatCinToCout();
vector<string> getArgvOptions(int argc, char** argv) const;
bool fileNameVectorIsEmpty() const;
ostream* getErrorStream() const;
bool getFilesAreIdentical() const;
int getFilesFormatted() const;
bool getIgnoreExcludeErrors() const;
bool getIgnoreExcludeErrorsDisplay() const;
bool getIsDryRun() const;
bool getIsFormattedOnly() const;
bool getIsQuiet() const;
bool getIsRecursive() const;
bool getIsVerbose() const;
bool getLineEndsMixed() const;
bool getNoBackup() const;
bool getPreserveDate() const;
string getLanguageID() const;
string getNumberFormat(int num, size_t lcid = 0) const;
string getNumberFormat(int num, const char* groupingArg, const char* separator) const;
string getOptionsFileName() const;
string getOrigSuffix() const;
string getStdPathIn() const;
string getStdPathOut() const;
void processFiles();
void processOptions(const vector<string>& argvOptions);
void setBypassBrowserOpen(bool state);
void setErrorStream(ostream* errStreamPtr);
void setIgnoreExcludeErrors(bool state);
void setIgnoreExcludeErrorsAndDisplay(bool state);
void setIsDryRun(bool state);
void setIsFormattedOnly(bool state);
void setIsQuiet(bool state);
void setIsRecursive(bool state);
void setIsVerbose(bool state);
void setNoBackup(bool state);
void setOptionsFileName(const string& name);
void setOrigSuffix(const string& suffix);
void setPreserveDate(bool state);
void setStdPathIn(const string& path);
void setStdPathOut(const string& path);
void standardizePath(string& path, bool removeBeginningSeparator = false) const;
bool stringEndsWith(const string& str, const string& suffix) const;
void updateExcludeVector(const string& suffixParam);
vector<string> getExcludeVector() const;
vector<bool> getExcludeHitsVector() const;
vector<string> getFileNameVector() const;
vector<string> getOptionsVector() const;
vector<string> getFileOptionsVector() const;
vector<string> getFileName() const;
private: // functions
ASConsole(const ASConsole&); // copy constructor not to be implemented
ASConsole& operator=(ASConsole&); // assignment operator not to be implemented
void correctMixedLineEnds(ostringstream& out);
void formatFile(const string& fileName_);
string getCurrentDirectory(const string& fileName_) const;
void getFileNames(const string& directory, const string& wildcard);
void getFilePaths(const string& filePath);
string getParam(const string& arg, const char* op);
void initializeOutputEOL(LineEndFormat lineEndFormat);
bool isOption(const string& arg, const char* op);
bool isOption(const string& arg, const char* a, const char* b);
bool isParamOption(const string& arg, const char* option);
bool isPathExclued(const string& subPath);
void launchDefaultBrowser(const char* filePathIn = nullptr) const;
void printHelp() const;
void printMsg(const char* msg, const string& data) const;
void printSeparatingLine() const;
void printVerboseHeader() const;
void printVerboseStats(clock_t startTime) const;
FileEncoding readFile(const string& fileName_, stringstream& in) const;
void removeFile(const char* fileName_, const char* errMsg) const;
void renameFile(const char* oldFileName, const char* newFileName, const char* errMsg) const;
void setOutputEOL(LineEndFormat lineEndFormat, const string& currentEOL);
void sleep(int seconds) const;
int waitForRemove(const char* newFileName) const;
int wildcmp(const char* wild, const char* data) const;
void writeFile(const string& fileName_, FileEncoding encoding, ostringstream& out) const;
#ifdef _WIN32
void displayLastError();
#else // ASTYLE_LIB
// ASLibrary class for library build
class ASLibrary
ASLibrary() {}
virtual ~ASLibrary() {}
// virtual functions are mocked in testing
utf16_t* formatUtf16(const utf16_t*, const utf16_t*, fpError, fpAlloc) const;
virtual utf16_t* convertUtf8ToUtf16(const char* utf8In, fpAlloc fpMemoryAlloc) const;
virtual char* convertUtf16ToUtf8(const utf16_t* utf16In) const;
static char* STDCALL tempMemoryAllocation(unsigned long memoryNeeded);
ASEncoding utf8_16; // utf8/16 conversion methods
#endif // ASTYLE_LIB
} // end of namespace astyle
// declarations for java native interface (JNI) build
// they are called externally and are NOT part of the namespace
void STDCALL javaErrorHandler(int errorNumber, const char* errorMessage);
char* STDCALL javaMemoryAlloc(unsigned long memoryNeeded);
// the following function names are constructed from method names in the calling java program
extern "C" EXPORT
jstring STDCALL Java_AStyleInterface_AStyleGetVersion(JNIEnv* env, jclass);
extern "C" EXPORT
jstring STDCALL Java_AStyleInterface_AStyleMain(JNIEnv* env,
jobject obj,
jstring textInJava,
jstring optionsJava);
#endif // ASTYLE_JNI
// declarations for UTF-16 interface
// they are called externally and are NOT part of the namespace
extern "C" EXPORT
utf16_t* STDCALL AStyleMainUtf16(const utf16_t* pSourceIn,
const utf16_t* pOptions,
fpError fpErrorHandler,
fpAlloc fpMemoryAlloc);
#endif // ASTYLE_LIB
// declarations for standard DLL interface
// they are called externally and are NOT part of the namespace
extern "C" EXPORT char* STDCALL AStyleMain(const char* pSourceIn,
const char* pOptions,
fpError fpErrorHandler,
fpAlloc fpMemoryAlloc);
extern "C" EXPORT const char* STDCALL AStyleGetVersion(void);
#endif // ASTYLE_LIB
#endif // closes ASTYLE_MAIN_H