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/** \ingroup core
* Utilities for compositions.
class QgsComposerUtils
#include <qgscomposerutils.h>
/** Draws an arrow head on to a QPainter.
* @param p destination painter
* @param x x-coordinate of arrow center
* @param y y-coordinate of arrow center
* @param angle angle in degrees which arrow should point toward, measured
* clockwise from pointing vertical upward
* @param arrowHeadWidth size of arrow head
static void drawArrowHead( QPainter *p, const double x, const double y, const double angle, const double arrowHeadWidth );
/** Calculates the angle of the line from p1 to p2 (counter clockwise,
* starting from a line from north to south)
* @param p1 start point of line
* @param p2 end point of line
* @returns angle in degrees, clockwise from south
static double angle( QPointF p1, QPointF p2 );
/** Rotates a point / vector around the origin.
* @param angle rotation angle in degrees, counterclockwise
* @param x in/out: x coordinate before / after the rotation
* @param y in/out: y cooreinate before / after the rotation
static void rotate( const double angle, double &x, double &y );
/** Ensures that an angle is in the range 0 <= angle < 360
* @param angle angle in degrees
* @returns equivalent angle within the range [0, 360)
* @see snappedAngle
static double normalizedAngle( const double angle );
/** Snaps an angle to its closest 45 degree angle
* @param angle angle in degrees
* @returns angle snapped to 0, 45/90/135/180/225/270 or 315 degrees
static double snappedAngle( const double angle );
/** Calculates the largest scaled version of originalRect which fits within boundsRect, when it is rotated by
* a specified amount.
* @param originalRect QRectF to be rotated and scaled
* @param boundsRect QRectF specifying the bounds which the rotated and scaled rectangle must fit within
* @param rotation the rotation in degrees to be applied to the rectangle
* @returns largest scaled version of the rectangle possible
static QRectF largestRotatedRectWithinBounds( const QRectF originalRect, const QRectF boundsRect, const double rotation );
/** Returns the size in mm corresponding to a font point size
* @param pointSize font size in points
* @see mmToPoints
static double pointsToMM( const double pointSize );
/** Returns the size in mm corresponding to a font point size
* @param mmSize font size in mm
* @see pointsToMM
static double mmToPoints( const double mmSize );
/** Resizes a QRectF relative to a resized bounding rectangle.
* @param rectToResize QRectF to resize, contained within boundsBefore. The
* rectangle is linearly scaled to retain its relative position and size within
* boundsAfter.
* @param boundsBefore QRectF of bounds before resize
* @param boundsAfter QRectF of bounds after resize
static void relativeResizeRect( QRectF &rectToResize, const QRectF &boundsBefore, const QRectF &boundsAfter );
/** Returns a scaled position given a before and after range
* @param position initial position within before range to scale
* @param beforeMin minimum value in before range
* @param beforeMax maximum value in before range
* @param afterMin minimum value in after range
* @param afterMax maximum value in after range
* @returns position scaled to range specified by afterMin and afterMax
static double relativePosition( const double position, const double beforeMin, const double beforeMax, const double afterMin, const double afterMax );
/** Decodes a string representing a paper orientation
* @param orientationString string to decode
* @param ok will be true if string could be decoded
* @returns decoded paper orientation
static QgsComposition::PaperOrientation decodePaperOrientation( const QString &orientationString, bool &ok );
/** Decodes a string representing a preset page size
* @param presetString string to decode
* @param width double for decoded paper width
* @param height double for decoded paper height
* @returns true if string could be decoded successfully
static bool decodePresetPaperSize( const QString &presetString, double &width, double &height );
/** Reads all pre 3.0 data defined properties from an XML element.
* @note this method was added in version 3.0
* @see readDataDefinedProperty
* @see writeDataDefinedPropertyMap
static void readOldDataDefinedPropertyMap( const QDomElement &itemElem,
QgsPropertyCollection &dataDefinedProperties );
/** Reads a pre 3.0 data defined property from an XML DOM element.
* @note this method was added in version 3.0
* @see readDataDefinedPropertyMap
static QgsProperty readOldDataDefinedProperty( const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty property, const QDomElement &ddElem );
/** Returns a font where size is set in pixels and the size has been upscaled with FONT_WORKAROUND_SCALE
* to workaround QT font rendering bugs
* @param font source font with size set in points
* @returns font with size set in pixels
* @note added in version 2.5
static QFont scaledFontPixelSize( const QFont &font );
/** Calculate font ascent in millimeters, including workarounds for QT font rendering issues
* @param font input font
* @returns font ascent in millimeters
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see fontDescentMM
* @see fontHeightMM
* @see fontHeightCharacterMM
* @see textWidthMM
static double fontAscentMM( const QFont &font );
/** Calculate font descent in millimeters, including workarounds for QT font rendering issues
* @param font input font
* @returns font descent in millimeters
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see fontAscentMM
* @see fontHeightMM
* @see fontHeightCharacterMM
* @see textWidthMM
static double fontDescentMM( const QFont &font );
/** Calculate font height in millimeters, including workarounds for QT font rendering issues
* The font height is the font ascent + descent + 1 (for the baseline).
* @param font input font
* @returns font height in millimeters
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see fontAscentMM
* @see fontDescentMM
* @see fontHeightCharacterMM
* @see textWidthMM
static double fontHeightMM( const QFont &font );
/** Calculate font height in millimeters of a single character, including workarounds for QT font
* rendering issues
* @param font input font
* @param character character to calculate height for
* @returns character height in millimeters
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see fontAscentMM
* @see fontDescentMM
* @see fontHeightMM
* @see textWidthMM
static double fontHeightCharacterMM( const QFont &font, QChar character );
/** Calculate font width in millimeters for a string, including workarounds for QT font
* rendering issues
* @param font input font
* @param text string to calculate width of
* @returns string width in millimeters
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see fontAscentMM
* @see fontDescentMM
* @see fontHeightMM
* @see fontHeightCharacterMM
* @see textHeightMM
static double textWidthMM( const QFont &font, const QString &text );
/** Calculate font height in millimeters for a string, including workarounds for QT font
* rendering issues. Note that this method uses a non-standard measure of text height,
* where only the font ascent is considered for the first line of text.
* @param font input font
* @param text string to calculate height of
* @param multiLineHeight line spacing factor
* @returns string height in millimeters
* @note added in version 2.12
* @see textWidthMM
static double textHeightMM( const QFont &font, const QString &text, double multiLineHeight = 1.0 );
/** Draws text on a painter at a specific position, taking care of composer specific issues (calculation to pixel,
* scaling of font and painter to work around Qt font bugs)
* @param painter destination QPainter
* @param pos position to draw text
* @param text string to draw
* @param font font to use for drawing text
* @param color color to draw text
* @note added in version 2.5
static void drawText( QPainter *painter, QPointF pos, const QString &text, const QFont &font, const QColor &color = QColor() );
/** Draws text on a painter within a rectangle, taking care of composer specific issues (calculation to pixel,
* scaling of font and painter to work around Qt font bugs)
* @param painter destination QPainter
* @param rect rectangle to draw into
* @param text string to draw
* @param font font to use for drawing text
* @param color color to draw text
* @param halignment optional horizontal alignment
* @param valignment optional vertical alignment
* @param flags allows for passing Qt::TextFlags to control appearance of rendered text
* @note added in version 2.5
static void drawText( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect, const QString &text, const QFont &font, const QColor &color = QColor(), const Qt::AlignmentFlag halignment = Qt::AlignLeft, const Qt::AlignmentFlag valignment = Qt::AlignTop, const int flags = Qt::TextWordWrap );
static QgsRenderContext createRenderContextForMap( QgsComposerMap *map, QPainter *painter, double dpi = -1 );
static QgsRenderContext createRenderContextForComposition( QgsComposition *composition, QPainter *painter );