- Make QgsCurvePolygonV2::fromWkb() accept CompoundCurveM sub-geometries - Make QgsGeometryCollectionV2::fromWkb() validate the sub-geometry type, so that QgsGeometryCollectionV2 subclasses do not import incompatible sub-geometries - Make QgsGeometryCollectionV2::fromWkt() accept curve sub-geometries - Make QgsMultiPolygonV2::addGeometry() accept only Polygon and not CurvePolygon - Add tests
QGIS unit tests
Build tests
Make sure that you have enabled building of tests in CMake.
Run tests
You can run all tests using make check
Individual tests can be run using ctest
For example if the output of make check
ends like this:
The following tests FAILED:
77 - PyQgsLocalServer (Failed)
You could re-run the failing test with:
ctest -V -R PyQgsLocalServer
The parameter -V
enables verbose mode and -R
takes a regular expression as
parameter and will only run matching tests.
Advanced configuration
Make sure that you have enabled building of postgres test in CMake.
To test the postgres provider you will need to have a database available to which the postgres provider can connect. The server will need to have postgis support enabled.
By default the test uses the following connection string:
If this does not match your setup you can set the environment variable
to the desired connection string, or you can rely
on standard libpq environment variables to tweak host, port user and
Please note that the database needs to be initialized using the sql-scripts:
They take care of activating postgis for the test database and create some tables containing test data.
For convenience, a shell script is provided to create the database and initialize it as needed: