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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
* QwtPolar Widget Library
* Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Rathmann
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
#include "qwt_polar_curve.h"
#include "qwt_polar.h"
#include <qwt_painter.h>
#include <qwt_scale_map.h>
#include <qwt_math.h>
#include <qwt_symbol.h>
#include <qwt_legend.h>
#include <qwt_curve_fitter.h>
#include <qwt_clipper.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
static inline bool qwtInsidePole( const QwtScaleMap &map, double radius )
return map.isInverting() ? ( radius > map.s1() ) : ( radius < map.s1() );
static int qwtVerifyRange( int size, int &i1, int &i2 )
if ( size < 1 )
return 0;
i1 = qBound( 0, i1, size - 1 );
i2 = qBound( 0, i2, size - 1 );
if ( i1 > i2 )
qSwap( i1, i2 );
return ( i2 - i1 + 1 );
class QwtPolarCurve::PrivateData
style( QwtPolarCurve::Lines ),
curveFitter( NULL ),
legendAttributes( 0 )
symbol = new QwtSymbol();
pen = QPen( Qt::black );
delete symbol;
delete curveFitter;
QwtPolarCurve::CurveStyle style;
const QwtSymbol *symbol;
QPen pen;
QwtCurveFitter *curveFitter;
QwtPolarCurve::LegendAttributes legendAttributes;
//! Constructor
QwtPolarItem( QwtText() )
\param title title of the curve
QwtPolarCurve::QwtPolarCurve( const QwtText &title ):
QwtPolarItem( title )
\param title title of the curve
QwtPolarCurve::QwtPolarCurve( const QString &title ):
QwtPolarItem( QwtText( title ) )
//! Destructor
delete d_series;
delete d_data;
//! Initialize data members
void QwtPolarCurve::init()
d_data = new PrivateData;
d_series = NULL;
setItemAttribute( QwtPolarItem::AutoScale );
setItemAttribute( QwtPolarItem::Legend );
setZ( 20.0 );
setRenderHint( RenderAntialiased, true );
//! \return QwtPolarCurve::Rtti_PolarCurve
int QwtPolarCurve::rtti() const
return QwtPolarItem::Rtti_PolarCurve;
Specify an attribute how to draw the legend identifier
\param attribute Attribute
\param on On/Off
/sa LegendAttribute, testLegendAttribute()
void QwtPolarCurve::setLegendAttribute( LegendAttribute attribute, bool on )
if ( on )
d_data->legendAttributes |= attribute;
d_data->legendAttributes &= ~attribute;
\brief Test if a lefend attribute is enables
\param attribute Legend attribute
\return True if attribute is enabled
\sa LegendAttribute, setLegendAttribute()
bool QwtPolarCurve::testLegendAttribute( LegendAttribute attribute ) const
return ( d_data->legendAttributes & attribute );
Set the curve's drawing style
\param style Curve style
\sa CurveStyle, style()
void QwtPolarCurve::setStyle( CurveStyle style )
if ( style != d_data->style )
d_data->style = style;
\return Current style
\sa CurveStyle, setStyle()
QwtPolarCurve::CurveStyle QwtPolarCurve::style() const
return d_data->style;
\brief Assign a symbol
\param symbol Symbol
\sa symbol()
void QwtPolarCurve::setSymbol( QwtSymbol *symbol )
if ( symbol != d_data->symbol )
delete d_data->symbol;
d_data->symbol = symbol;
\return The current symbol
\sa setSymbol()
const QwtSymbol *QwtPolarCurve::symbol() const
return d_data->symbol;
\brief Assign a pen
\param pen New pen
\sa pen()
void QwtPolarCurve::setPen( const QPen &pen )
if ( pen != d_data->pen )
d_data->pen = pen;
\return Pen used to draw the lines
\sa setPen()
const QPen& QwtPolarCurve::pen() const
return d_data->pen;
Initialize data with a pointer to QwtSeriesData<QwtPointPolar>.
The x-values of the data object represent the azimuth,
the y-value respresent the radius.
\param data Data
void QwtPolarCurve::setData( QwtSeriesData<QwtPointPolar> *data )
if ( d_series != data )
delete d_series;
d_series = data;
\brief Insert a curve fitter
\param curveFitter Curve fitter
A curve fitter interpolates the curve points. F.e QwtPolarFitter
adds equidistant points so that the connection gets rounded instead
of having straight lines. If curveFitter is NULL fitting is disabled.
\sa curveFitter()
void QwtPolarCurve::setCurveFitter( QwtCurveFitter *curveFitter )
if ( curveFitter != d_data->curveFitter )
delete d_data->curveFitter;
d_data->curveFitter = curveFitter;
\return The curve fitter
\sa setCurveFitter()
QwtCurveFitter *QwtPolarCurve::curveFitter() const
return d_data->curveFitter;
Draw the curve
\param painter Painter
\param azimuthMap Maps azimuth values to values related to 0.0, M_2PI
\param radialMap Maps radius values into painter coordinates.
\param pole Position of the pole in painter coordinates
\param radius Radius of the complete plot area in painter coordinates
\param canvasRect Contents rect of the canvas in painter coordinates
void QwtPolarCurve::draw( QPainter *painter,
const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
const QPointF &pole, double radius,
const QRectF &canvasRect ) const
Q_UNUSED( radius );
Q_UNUSED( canvasRect );
draw( painter, azimuthMap, radialMap, pole, 0, -1 );
\brief Draw an interval of the curve
\param painter Painter
\param azimuthMap Maps azimuth values to values related to 0.0, M_2PI
\param radialMap Maps radius values into painter coordinates.
\param pole Position of the pole in painter coordinates
\param from index of the first point to be painted
\param to index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the
curve will be painted to its last point.
\sa drawCurve(), drawSymbols(),
void QwtPolarCurve::draw( QPainter *painter,
const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
const QPointF &pole, int from, int to ) const
if ( !painter || dataSize() <= 0 )
if ( to < 0 )
to = dataSize() - 1;
if ( qwtVerifyRange( dataSize(), from, to ) > 0 )
painter->setPen( d_data->pen );
drawCurve( painter, d_data->style,
azimuthMap, radialMap, pole, from, to );
if ( d_data->symbol->style() != QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )
drawSymbols( painter, *d_data->symbol,
azimuthMap, radialMap, pole, from, to );
Draw the line part (without symbols) of a curve interval.
\param painter Painter
\param style Curve style, see QwtPolarCurve::CurveStyle
\param azimuthMap Maps azimuth values to values related to 0.0, M_2PI
\param radialMap Maps radius values into painter coordinates.
\param pole Position of the pole in painter coordinates
\param from index of the first point to be painted
\param to index of the last point to be painted.
\sa draw(), drawLines()
void QwtPolarCurve::drawCurve( QPainter *painter, int style,
const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
const QPointF &pole, int from, int to ) const
switch ( style )
case Lines:
drawLines( painter, azimuthMap, radialMap, pole, from, to );
case NoCurve:
Draw lines
\param painter Painter
\param azimuthMap Maps azimuth values to values related to 0.0, M_2PI
\param radialMap Maps radius values into painter coordinates.
\param pole Position of the pole in painter coordinates
\param from index of the first point to be painted
\param to index of the last point to be painted.
\sa draw(), drawLines(), setCurveFitter()
void QwtPolarCurve::drawLines( QPainter *painter,
const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
const QPointF &pole, int from, int to ) const
int size = to - from + 1;
if ( size <= 0 )
QPolygonF polyline;
if ( d_data->curveFitter )
QPolygonF points( size );
for ( int j = from; j <= to; j++ )
const QwtPointPolar point = sample( j );
points[j - from] = QPointF( point.azimuth(), point.radius() );
points = d_data->curveFitter->fitCurve( points );
polyline.resize( points.size() );
QPointF *polylineData = polyline.data();
QPointF *pointsData = points.data();
for ( int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++ )
const QwtPointPolar point( pointsData[i].x(), pointsData[i].y() );
double r = radialMap.transform( point.radius() );
const double a = azimuthMap.transform( point.azimuth() );
polylineData[i] = qwtPolar2Pos( pole, r, a );
polyline.resize( size );
QPointF *polylineData = polyline.data();
for ( int i = from; i <= to; i++ )
QwtPointPolar point = sample( i );
if ( !qwtInsidePole( radialMap, point.radius() ) )
double r = radialMap.transform( point.radius() );
const double a = azimuthMap.transform( point.azimuth() );
polylineData[i - from] = qwtPolar2Pos( pole, r, a );
polylineData[i - from] = pole;
QRectF clipRect;
if ( painter->hasClipping() )
clipRect = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();
clipRect = painter->window();
if ( !clipRect.isEmpty() )
clipRect = painter->transform().inverted().mapRect( clipRect );
if ( !clipRect.isEmpty() )
double off = qCeil( qMax( qreal( 1.0 ), painter->pen().widthF() ) );
clipRect = clipRect.toRect().adjusted( -off, -off, off, off );
polyline = QwtClipper::clipPolygonF( clipRect, polyline );
QwtPainter::drawPolyline( painter, polyline );
painter->drawPolyline( polyline );
Draw symbols
\param painter Painter
\param symbol Curve symbol
\param azimuthMap Maps azimuth values to values related to 0.0, M_2PI
\param radialMap Maps radius values into painter coordinates.
\param pole Position of the pole in painter coordinates
\param from index of the first point to be painted
\param to index of the last point to be painted.
\sa setSymbol(), draw(), drawCurve()
void QwtPolarCurve::drawSymbols( QPainter *painter, const QwtSymbol &symbol,
const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
const QPointF &pole, int from, int to ) const
painter->setBrush( symbol.brush() );
painter->setPen( symbol.pen() );
const int chunkSize = 500;
for ( int i = from; i <= to; i += chunkSize )
const int n = qMin( chunkSize, to - i + 1 );
QPolygonF points;
for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++ )
const QwtPointPolar point = sample( i + j );
if ( !qwtInsidePole( radialMap, point.radius() ) )
const double r = radialMap.transform( point.radius() );
const double a = azimuthMap.transform( point.azimuth() );
points += qwtPolar2Pos( pole, r, a );
points += pole;
if ( points.size() > 0 )
symbol.drawSymbols( painter, points );
\return Number of points
\sa setData()
size_t QwtPolarCurve::dataSize() const
return d_series->size();
\return Icon representing the curve on the legend
\param index Index of the legend entry
( ignored as there is only one )
\param size Icon size
\sa QwtPolarItem::setLegendIconSize(), QwtPolarItem::legendData()
QwtGraphic QwtPolarCurve::legendIcon( int index,
const QSizeF &size ) const
Q_UNUSED( index );
if ( size.isEmpty() )
return QwtGraphic();
QwtGraphic graphic;
graphic.setDefaultSize( size );
graphic.setRenderHint( QwtGraphic::RenderPensUnscaled, true );
QPainter painter( &graphic );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing,
testRenderHint( QwtPolarItem::RenderAntialiased ) );
if ( d_data->legendAttributes == 0 )
QBrush brush;
if ( style() != QwtPolarCurve::NoCurve )
brush = QBrush( pen().color() );
else if ( d_data->symbol &&
( d_data->symbol->style() != QwtSymbol::NoSymbol ) )
brush = QBrush( d_data->symbol->pen().color() );
if ( brush.style() != Qt::NoBrush )
QRectF r( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );
painter.fillRect( r, brush );
if ( d_data->legendAttributes & QwtPolarCurve::LegendShowLine )
if ( pen() != Qt::NoPen )
QPen pn = pen();
pn.setCapStyle( Qt::FlatCap );
painter.setPen( pn );
const double y = 0.5 * size.height();
QwtPainter::drawLine( &painter, 0.0, y, size.width(), y );
if ( d_data->legendAttributes & QwtPolarCurve::LegendShowSymbol )
if ( d_data->symbol )
QRectF r( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );
d_data->symbol->drawSymbol( &painter, r );
return graphic;
Interval, that is necessary to display the item
This interval can be useful for operations like clipping or autoscaling
\param scaleId Scale index
\return bounding interval
\sa QwtData::boundingRect()
QwtInterval QwtPolarCurve::boundingInterval( int scaleId ) const
const QRectF boundingRect = d_series->boundingRect();
if ( scaleId == QwtPolar::ScaleAzimuth )
return QwtInterval( boundingRect.left(), boundingRect.right() );
if ( scaleId == QwtPolar::ScaleRadius )
return QwtInterval( boundingRect.top(), boundingRect.bottom() );
return QwtInterval();