mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 00:05:02 -05:00
This commit sets a different way of handling SAGA versions and a new way of checking saga installations This is done to fix the messy situation that SAGA causes due to its API changing in each release.
186 lines
54 KiB
186 lines
54 KiB
description\AddPolygonAttributestoPoints.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'FIELD'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\shapes_points.dll\n', 'library name:\tShapes - Points\n', 'tool name :\tAdd Polygon Attributes to Points\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2009\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 10 -INPUT <str> [-OUTPUT <str>] -POLYGONS <str> [-FIELDS <str>]\n', ' -INPUT:<str> \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -OUTPUT:<str> \tResult\n', '\tShapes (optional output)\n', ' -POLYGONS:<str>\tPolygons\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELDS:<str> \tAttributes\n', '\tTable fields\n', 'Error: executing tool [Add Polygon Attributes to Points]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 10 -INPUT <str> [-OUTPUT <str>] -POLYGONS <str> [-FIELDS <str>]
Parameters in description:['-INPUT', '-POLYGONS', '-FIELD', '-OUTPUT']
description\BurnStreamNetworkintoDEM.txt [ERROR]
["The value for the option 'FLOWDIR' must be specified.\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_preprocessor.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Preprocessing\n', 'tool name :\tBurn Stream Network into DEM\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 6 -DEM <str> [-BURN <str>] -STREAM <str> -FLOWDIR <str> [-METHOD <str>] [-EPSILON <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tDEM\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -BURN:<str> \tProcessed DEM\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -STREAM:<str> \tStreams\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -FLOWDIR:<str>\tFlow Direction\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -METHOD:<str> \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', "\t[0] simply decrease cell's value by epsilon\n", "\t[1] lower cell's value to neighbours minimum value minus epsilon\n", '\t[2] trace stream network downstream\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -EPSILON:<str>\tEpsilon\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Burn Stream Network into DEM]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 6 -DEM <str> [-BURN <str>] -STREAM <str> -FLOWDIR <str> [-METHOD <str>] [-EPSILON <str>]
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-STREAM', '-METHOD', '-BURN']
description\CellBalance.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'WEIGHT'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_hydrology.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Hydrology\n', 'tool name :\tCell Balance\n', 'author :\t(c) 2004 by V.Olaya, (c) 2006 by O.Conrad\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 10 -DEM <str> [-WEIGHTS <str>] [-WEIGHTS_DEFAULT <str>] [-BALANCE <str>] [-METHOD <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -WEIGHTS:<str> \tWeights\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', ' -WEIGHTS_DEFAULT:<str>\tDefault\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -BALANCE:<str> \tCell Balance\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -METHOD:<str> \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Deterministic 8\n', '\t[1] Multiple Flow Direction\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Cell Balance]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 10 -DEM <str> [-WEIGHTS <str>] [-WEIGHTS_DEFAULT <str>] [-BALANCE <str>] [-METHOD <str>]
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-WEIGHTS', '-METHOD', '-BALANCE']
description\ConvergenceIndex(SearchRadius).txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tConvergence Index (Search Radius)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2003\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 2 -ELEVATION <str> [-CONVERGENCE <str>] [-RADIUS <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH <str>] [-SLOPE] [-DIFFERENCE <str>]\n', ' -ELEVATION:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -CONVERGENCE:<str> \tConvergence Index\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS:<str> \tRadius [Cells]\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 1.000000\n', '\tDefault: 10.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:<str>\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:<str>\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:<str>\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -SLOPE \tGradient\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DIFFERENCE:<str> \tDifference\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] direction to the center cell\n', "\t[1] center cell's aspect direction\n", '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Convergence Index (Search Radius)]\n']
description\CurvatureClassification.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'CPLAN'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tCurvature Classification\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2001\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 4 -DEM <str> [-CLASS <str>] [-THRESHOLD <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -CLASS:<str> \tCurvature Classification\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -THRESHOLD:<str>\tThreshold for plane\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000500\n', 'Error: executing tool [Curvature Classification]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 4 -DEM <str> [-CLASS <str>] [-THRESHOLD <str>]
Parameters in description:['-CPLAN', '-CPROF', '-CLASS']
description\GridShrinkExpand.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'OPERATION'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tResampling\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2003\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 0 -INPUT <str> [-INPUT_ADD <str>] [-OUTPUT_ADD <str>] [-KEEP_TYPE] [-TARGET <str>] [-SCALE_UP_METHOD <str>] [-SCALE_DOWN_METHOD <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]\n', ' -INPUT:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -INPUT_ADD:<str> \tAdditional Grids\n', '\tGrid list (optional input)\n', ' -OUTPUT_ADD:<str> \tAdditional Grids\n', '\tGrid list (optional output)\n', ' -KEEP_TYPE \tPreserve Data Type\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -TARGET:<str> \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -SCALE_UP_METHOD:<str> \tInterpolation Method\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Nearest Neighbor\n', '\t[1] Bilinear Interpolation\n', '\t[2] Inverse Distance Interpolation\n', '\t[3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation\n', '\t[4] B-Spline Interpolation\n', '\t[5] Mean Value\n', '\t[6] Mean Value (cell area weighted)\n', '\t[7] Minimum Value\n', '\t[8] Maximum Value\n', '\t[9] Majority\n', '\tDefault: 6\n', ' -SCALE_DOWN_METHOD:<str>\tInterpolation Method\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Nearest Neighbor\n', '\t[1] Bilinear Interpolation\n', '\t[2] Inverse Distance Interpolation\n', '\t[3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation\n', '\t[4] B-Spline Interpolation\n', '\tDefault: 4\n', ' -USER_XMIN:<str> \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX:<str> \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN:<str> \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX:<str> \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE:<str> \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT:<str> \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Resampling]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 0 -INPUT <str> [-INPUT_ADD <str>] [-OUTPUT_ADD <str>] [-KEEP_TYPE] [-TARGET <str>] [-SCALE_UP_METHOD <str>] [-SCALE_DOWN_METHOD <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]
Parameters in description:['-INPUT', '-OPERATION', '-MODE', '-METHOD_EXPAND', '-RESULT']
description\Layerofextremevalue.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'GRIDS'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_analysis.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Analysis\n', 'tool name :\tAccumulated Cost (Isotropic)\n', 'author :\tCopyrights (c) 2004 by Victor Olaya\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 0 -COST <str> -POINTS <str> [-ACCCOST <str>] [-CLOSESTPT <str>] [-THRESHOLD <str>]\n', ' -COST:<str> \tCost Grid\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -POINTS:<str> \tDestination Points\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -ACCCOST:<str> \tAccumulated Cost\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -CLOSESTPT:<str>\tClosest Point\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -THRESHOLD:<str>\tThreshold for different route\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Accumulated Cost (Isotropic)]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 0 -COST <str> -POINTS <str> [-ACCCOST <str>] [-CLOSESTPT <str>] [-THRESHOLD <str>]
Parameters in description:['-GRIDS', '-CRITERIA', '-RESULT']
description\MergeShapesLayers.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'MAIN'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\shapes_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tShapes - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tCreate New Shapes Layer\n', 'author :\tO. Conrad (c) 2008\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 0 [-SHAPES <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-TYPE <str>] [-VERTEX <str>] [-NFIELDS <num>] [-FIELDS_NAME000 <str>] [-FIELDS_TYPE000 <str>] [-FIELDS_NAME001 <str>] [-FIELDS_TYPE001 <str>]\n', ' -SHAPES:<str> \tShapes\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -NAME:<str> \tName\n', '\tText\n', '\tDefault: New Shapes Layer\n', ' -TYPE:<str> \tShape Type\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Point\n', '\t[1] Multipoint\n', '\t[2] Lines\n', '\t[3] Polygon\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -VERTEX:<str> \tVertex Type\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] x, y\n', '\t[1] x, y, z\n', '\t[2] x, y, z, m\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -NFIELDS:<num> \tNumber of Attributes\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 2\n', ' -FIELDS_NAME000:<str>\tName\n', '\tText\n', '\tDefault: Name\n', ' -FIELDS_TYPE000:<str>\tType\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] character string\n', '\t[1] 1 byte integer\n', '\t[2] 2 byte integer\n', '\t[3] 4 byte integer\n', '\t[4] 4 byte floating point\n', '\t[5] 8 byte floating point\n', '\t[6] color (rgb)\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -FIELDS_NAME001:<str>\tName\n', '\tText\n', '\tDefault: Name\n', ' -FIELDS_TYPE001:<str>\tType\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] character string\n', '\t[1] 1 byte integer\n', '\t[2] 2 byte integer\n', '\t[3] 4 byte integer\n', '\t[4] 4 byte floating point\n', '\t[5] 8 byte floating point\n', '\t[6] color (rgb)\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Create New Shapes Layer]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 0 [-SHAPES <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-TYPE <str>] [-VERTEX <str>] [-NFIELDS <num>] [-FIELDS_NAME000 <str>] [-FIELDS_TYPE000 <str>] [-FIELDS_NAME001 <str>] [-FIELDS_TYPE001 <str>]
Parameters in description:['-MAIN', '-LAYERS', '-OUT']
description\PolynomialTrendfromGrids.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'GRIDS'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_calculus.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Calculus\n', 'tool name :\tGrid Normalisation\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2003\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 0 -INPUT <str> [-OUTPUT <str>] [-RANGE_MIN <str>] [-RANGE_MAX <str>]\n', ' -INPUT:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -OUTPUT:<str> \tNormalised Grid\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RANGE_MIN:<str>\tTarget Range\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RANGE_MAX:<str>\tTarget Range\n', '\tValue range\n', 'Error: executing tool [Grid Normalisation]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 0 -INPUT <str> [-OUTPUT <str>] [-RANGE_MIN <str>] [-RANGE_MAX <str>]
Parameters in description:['-GRIDS', '-Y_GRIDS', '-Y_TABLE', '-POLYNOM', '-PARMS', '-QUALITY']
description\RandomField.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'OUTPUT'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_calculus.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Calculus\n', 'tool name :\tRandom Field\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2005\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 7 [-TARGET <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-RANGE_MIN <str>] [-RANGE_MAX <str>] [-MEAN <str>] [-STDDEV <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]\n', ' -TARGET:<str> \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -METHOD:<str> \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Uniform\n', '\t[1] Gaussian\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -RANGE_MIN:<str>\tRange\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RANGE_MAX:<str>\tRange\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -MEAN:<str> \tArithmetic Mean\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -STDDEV:<str> \tStandard Deviation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_XMIN:<str>\tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX:<str>\tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN:<str>\tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX:<str>\tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE:<str>\tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT:<str> \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID:<str>\tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID:<str>\tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Random Field]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 7 [-TARGET <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-RANGE_MIN <str>] [-RANGE_MAX <str>] [-MEAN <str>] [-STDDEV <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]
Parameters in description:['-METHOD', '-OUTPUT']
description\RealAreaCalculation.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'DEM'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tSlope, Aspect, Curvature\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2001\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 0 -ELEVATION <str> [-SLOPE <str>] [-ASPECT <str>] [-C_GENE <str>] [-C_PROF <str>] [-C_PLAN <str>] [-C_TANG <str>] [-C_LONG <str>] [-C_CROS <str>] [-C_MINI <str>] [-C_MAXI <str>] [-C_TOTA <str>] [-C_ROTO <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-UNIT_SLOPE <str>] [-UNIT_ASPECT <str>]\n', ' -ELEVATION:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -SLOPE:<str> \tSlope\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -ASPECT:<str> \tAspect\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -C_GENE:<str> \tGeneral Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_PROF:<str> \tProfile Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_PLAN:<str> \tPlan Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_TANG:<str> \tTangential Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_LONG:<str> \tLongitudinal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_CROS:<str> \tCross-Sectional Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_MINI:<str> \tMinimal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_MAXI:<str> \tMaximal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_TOTA:<str> \tTotal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_ROTO:<str> \tFlow Line Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -METHOD:<str> \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] maximum slope (Travis et al. 1975)\n', '\t[1] maximum triangle slope (Tarboton 1997)\n', '\t[2] least squares fitted plane (Horn 1981, Costa-Cabral & Burgess 1996)\n', '\t[3] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Evans 1979)\n', '\t[4] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Heerdegen & Beran 1982)\n', '\t[5] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Bauer, Rohdenburg, Bork 1985)\n', '\t[6] 9 parameter 2nd order polynom (Zevenbergen & Thorne 1987)\n', '\t[7] 10 parameter 3rd order polynom (Haralick 1983)\n', '\tDefault: 6\n', ' -UNIT_SLOPE:<str> \tSlope Units\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] radians\n', '\t[1] degree\n', '\t[2] percent\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -UNIT_ASPECT:<str>\tAspect Units\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] radians\n', '\t[1] degree\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Slope, Aspect, Curvature]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 0 -ELEVATION <str> [-SLOPE <str>] [-ASPECT <str>] [-C_GENE <str>] [-C_PROF <str>] [-C_PLAN <str>] [-C_TANG <str>] [-C_LONG <str>] [-C_CROS <str>] [-C_MINI <str>] [-C_MAXI <str>] [-C_TOTA <str>] [-C_ROTO <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-UNIT_SLOPE <str>] [-UNIT_ASPECT <str>]
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-AREA']
description\SAGAWetnessIndex.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'C'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_hydrology.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Hydrology\n', 'tool name :\tSAGA Wetness Index\n', 'author :\t(c) 2001 by J.Boehner, O.Conrad\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 15 -DEM <str> [-WEIGHT <str>] [-AREA <str>] [-SLOPE <str>] [-AREA_MOD <str>] [-TWI <str>] [-SUCTION <str>] [-AREA_TYPE <str>] [-SLOPE_TYPE <str>] [-SLOPE_MIN <str>] [-SLOPE_OFF <str>] [-SLOPE_WEIGHT <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -WEIGHT:<str> \tWeights\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', ' -AREA:<str> \tCatchment area\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SLOPE:<str> \tCatchment slope\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -AREA_MOD:<str> \tModified Catchment Area\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -TWI:<str> \tTopographic Wetness Index\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SUCTION:<str> \tSuction\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 10.000000\n', ' -AREA_TYPE:<str> \tType of Area\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] absolute catchment area\n', '\t[1] square root of catchment area\n', '\t[2] specific catchment area\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -SLOPE_TYPE:<str> \tType of Slope\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] local slope\n', '\t[1] catchment slope\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -SLOPE_MIN:<str> \tMinimum Slope\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -SLOPE_OFF:<str> \tOffset Slope\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.100000\n', ' -SLOPE_WEIGHT:<str>\tSlope Weighting\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [SAGA Wetness Index]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 15 -DEM <str> [-WEIGHT <str>] [-AREA <str>] [-SLOPE <str>] [-AREA_MOD <str>] [-TWI <str>] [-SUCTION <str>] [-AREA_TYPE <str>] [-SLOPE_TYPE <str>] [-SLOPE_MIN <str>] [-SLOPE_OFF <str>] [-SLOPE_WEIGHT <str>]
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-C', '-GN', '-CS', '-SB']
description\SkyViewFactor.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'MAXRADIUS'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_lighting.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility\n', 'tool name :\tSky View Factor\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2008\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 3 -DEM <str> [-VISIBLE <str>] [-SVF <str>] [-SIMPLE <str>] [-TERRAIN <str>] [-DISTANCE <str>] [-RADIUS <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-DLEVEL <str>] [-NDIRS <num>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -VISIBLE:<str> \tVisible Sky\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SVF:<str> \tSky View Factor\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SIMPLE:<str> \tSky View Factor (Simplified)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -TERRAIN:<str> \tTerrain View Factor\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -DISTANCE:<str>\tView Distance\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -RADIUS:<str> \tMaximum Search Radius\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 10000.000000\n', ' -METHOD:<str> \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] multi scale\n', '\t[1] sectors\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DLEVEL:<str> \tMulti Scale Factor\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 1.250000\n', '\tDefault: 3.000000\n', ' -NDIRS:<num> \tNumber of Sectors\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 3\n', '\tDefault: 8\n', 'Error: executing tool [Sky View Factor]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 3 -DEM <str> [-VISIBLE <str>] [-SVF <str>] [-SIMPLE <str>] [-TERRAIN <str>] [-DISTANCE <str>] [-RADIUS <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-DLEVEL <str>] [-NDIRS <num>]
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-METHOD', '-VISIBLE', '-SVF', '-SIMPLE', '-TERRAIN']
description\SupervisedClassification.txt [ERROR]
["The value for the option 'STATS' must be specified.\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\imagery_classification.dll\n', 'library name:\tImagery - Classification\n', 'tool name :\tSupervised Classification\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2005\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 0 -GRIDS <str> -ROI <str> [-ROI_ID <str>] -STATS <str> [-CLASS_INFO <str>] [-CLASSES <str>] [-QUALITY <str>] [-STATS_SRC <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-NORMALISE] [-THRESHOLD_DIST <str>] [-THRESHOLD_PROB <str>] [-RELATIVE_PROB <str>] [-THRESHOLD_ANGLE <str>] [-WTA_0] [-WTA_1] [-WTA_2] [-WTA_3] [-WTA_4] [-WTA_5]\n', ' -GRIDS:<str> \tGrids\n', '\tGrid list (input)\n', ' -ROI:<str> \tTraining Areas\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -ROI_ID:<str> \tClass Identifier\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -STATS:<str> \tClass Statistics\n', '\tTable (input)\n', ' -CLASS_INFO:<str> \tSummary\n', '\tTable (output)\n', ' -CLASSES:<str> \tClassification\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -QUALITY:<str> \tQuality\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -STATS_SRC:<str> \tGet Class Statistics from...\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] training areas\n', '\t[1] table\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -METHOD:<str> \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Binary Encoding\n', '\t[1] Parallelepiped\n', '\t[2] Minimum Distance\n', '\t[3] Mahalanobis Distance\n', '\t[4] Maximum Likelihood\n', '\t[5] Spectral Angle Mapping\n', '\t[6] Winner Takes All\n', '\tDefault: 2\n', ' -NORMALISE \tNormalise\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -THRESHOLD_DIST:<str> \tDistance Threshold\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -THRESHOLD_PROB:<str> \tProbability Threshold (Percent)\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tMaximum: 100.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -RELATIVE_PROB:<str> \tProbability Reference\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] absolute\n', '\t[1] relative\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -THRESHOLD_ANGLE:<str>\tSpectral Angle Threshold (Degree)\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tMaximum: 90.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -WTA_0 \tBinary Encoding\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_1 \tParallelepiped\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_2 \tMinimum Distance\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_3 \tMahalanobis Distance\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_4 \tMaximum Likelihood\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_5 \tSpectral Angle Mapping\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Supervised Classification]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 0 -GRIDS <str> -ROI <str> [-ROI_ID <str>] -STATS <str> [-CLASS_INFO <str>] [-CLASSES <str>] [-QUALITY <str>] [-STATS_SRC <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-NORMALISE] [-THRESHOLD_DIST <str>] [-THRESHOLD_PROB <str>] [-RELATIVE_PROB <str>] [-THRESHOLD_ANGLE <str>] [-WTA_0] [-WTA_1] [-WTA_2] [-WTA_3] [-WTA_4] [-WTA_5]
Parameters in description:['-GRIDS', '-ROI', '-ROI_ID', '-METHOD', '-RELATIVE_PROB', '-CLASS_INFO', '-CLASSES', '-QUALITY']
description\TerrainRuggednessIndex(TRI).txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tTerrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2010\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 16 -DEM <str> [-TRI <str>] [-RADIUS <num>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -TRI:<str> \tTerrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS:<num> \tRadius (Cells)\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:<str>\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:<str>\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:<str>\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)]\n']
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-TRI']
description\ThinPlateSpline(Global).txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'REGUL'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_spline.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Spline Interpolation\n', 'tool name :\tThin Plate Spline (Global)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2006\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 0 -SHAPES <str> [-FIELD <str>] [-TARGET <str>] [-REGULARISATION <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]\n', ' -SHAPES:<str> \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELD:<str> \tAttribute\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -TARGET:<str> \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -REGULARISATION:<str>\tRegularisation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000100\n', ' -USER_XMIN:<str> \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX:<str> \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN:<str> \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX:<str> \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE:<str> \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT:<str> \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Thin Plate Spline (Global)]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 0 -SHAPES <str> [-FIELD <str>] [-TARGET <str>] [-REGULARISATION <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]
Parameters in description:['-SHAPES', '-FIELD', '-TARGET', '-USER_XMIN', '-USER_XMAX', '-USER_YMIN', '-USER_YMAX', '-USER_GRID']
description\ThinPlateSpline(Local).txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'MODE'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_spline.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Spline Interpolation\n', 'tool name :\tThin Plate Spline (Local)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2006\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 1 -SHAPES <str> [-FIELD <str>] [-TARGET <str>] [-REGULARISATION <str>] [-SEARCH_RANGE <str>] [-SEARCH_RADIUS <str>] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL <str>] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX <num>] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]\n', ' -SHAPES:<str> \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELD:<str> \tAttribute\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -TARGET:<str> \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -REGULARISATION:<str> \tRegularisation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000100\n', ' -SEARCH_RANGE:<str> \tSearch Range\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] local\n', '\t[1] global\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -SEARCH_RADIUS:<str> \tMaximum Search Distance\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1000.000000\n', ' -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL:<str>\tNumber of Points\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] maximum number of nearest points\n', '\t[1] all points within search distance\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX:<num>\tMaximum Number of Points\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 20\n', ' -SEARCH_DIRECTION:<str> \tSearch Direction\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] all directions\n', '\t[1] quadrants\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_XMIN:<str> \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX:<str> \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN:<str> \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX:<str> \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE:<str> \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT:<str> \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Thin Plate Spline (Local)]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 1 -SHAPES <str> [-FIELD <str>] [-TARGET <str>] [-REGULARISATION <str>] [-SEARCH_RANGE <str>] [-SEARCH_RADIUS <str>] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL <str>] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX <num>] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]
Parameters in description:['-SHAPES', '-FIELD', '-TARGET', '-MODE', '-SELECT', '-USER_XMIN', '-USER_XMAX', '-USER_YMIN', '-USER_YMAX', '-USER_GRID']
description\ThinPlateSpline(TIN).txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'REGUL'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_spline.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Spline Interpolation\n', 'tool name :\tThin Plate Spline (TIN)\n', 'author :\t(c) 2006 by O.Conrad\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 2 -SHAPES <str> [-FIELD <str>] [-TARGET <str>] [-REGULARISATION <str>] [-LEVEL <str>] [-FRAME] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]\n', ' -SHAPES:<str> \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELD:<str> \tAttribute\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -TARGET:<str> \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -REGULARISATION:<str>\tRegularisation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000100\n', ' -LEVEL:<str> \tNeighbourhood\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] immediate\n', '\t[1] level 1\n', '\t[2] level 2\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -FRAME \tAdd Frame\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -USER_XMIN:<str> \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX:<str> \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN:<str> \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX:<str> \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE:<str> \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT:<str> \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID:<str> \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Thin Plate Spline (TIN)]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 2 -SHAPES <str> [-FIELD <str>] [-TARGET <str>] [-REGULARISATION <str>] [-LEVEL <str>] [-FRAME] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-USER_SIZE <str>] [-USER_FIT <str>] [-USER_GRID <str>] [-GRID_GRID <str>]
Parameters in description:['-SHAPES', '-FIELD', '-TARGET', '-LEVEL', '-USER_XMIN', '-USER_XMAX', '-USER_YMIN', '-USER_YMAX', '-USER_GRID']
description\TopographicPositionIndex(TPI).txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tTopographic Position Index (TPI)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 18 -DEM <str> [-TPI <str>] [-STANDARD] [-RADIUS_MIN <str>] [-RADIUS_MAX <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -TPI:<str> \tTopographic Position Index\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -STANDARD \tStandardize\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -RADIUS_MIN:<str> \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_MAX:<str> \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:<str>\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:<str>\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:<str>\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Topographic Position Index (TPI)]\n']
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-TPI']
description\TPIBasedLandformClassification.txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tTPI Based Landform Classification\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 19 -DEM <str> [-LANDFORMS <str>] [-RADIUS_A_MIN <str>] [-RADIUS_A_MAX <str>] [-RADIUS_B_MIN <str>] [-RADIUS_B_MAX <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -LANDFORMS:<str> \tLandforms\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS_A_MIN:<str> \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_A_MAX:<str> \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_B_MIN:<str> \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_B_MAX:<str> \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:<str>\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:<str>\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:<str>\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [TPI Based Landform Classification]\n']
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-LANDFORMS']
description\VectorRuggednessMeasure(VRM).txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tVector Ruggedness Measure (VRM)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2010\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 17 -DEM <str> [-VRM <str>] [-RADIUS <num>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER <str>] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH <str>]\n', ' -DEM:<str> \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -VRM:<str> \tVector Terrain Ruggedness (VRM)\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS:<num> \tRadius (Cells)\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:<str>\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:<str>\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:<str>\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM)]\n']
Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-VRM']
description\VegetationIndex[distancebased].txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'PVI'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\imagery_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tImagery - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tVegetation Index (Distance Based)\n', 'author :\tV.Olaya (c) 2004, O.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED <str> -NIR <str> [-PVI0 <str>] [-PVI1 <str>] [-PVI2 <str>] [-PVI3 <str>] [-TSAVI <str>] [-ATSAVI <str>] [-INTERCEPT <str>] [-SLOPE <str>]\n', ' -RED:<str> \tRed Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -NIR:<str> \tNear Infrared Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -PVI0:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Richardson and Wiegand, 1977)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI1:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Perry and Lautenschlager, 1984)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI2:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Walther and Shabaani)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI3:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Qi, et al., 1994)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -TSAVI:<str> \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret et al. 1989)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -ATSAVI:<str> \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret and Guyot, 1991)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -INTERCEPT:<str>\tIntercept of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -SLOPE:<str> \tSlope of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.500000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Vegetation Index (Distance Based)]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED <str> -NIR <str> [-PVI0 <str>] [-PVI1 <str>] [-PVI2 <str>] [-PVI3 <str>] [-TSAVI <str>] [-ATSAVI <str>] [-INTERCEPT <str>] [-SLOPE <str>]
Parameters in description:['-NIR', '-RED', '-PVI', '-PVI1', '-PVI2', '-PVI3']
description\VegetationIndex[slopebased].txt [ERROR]
["Unknown option 'NDVI'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\imagery_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tImagery - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tVegetation Index (Distance Based)\n', 'author :\tV.Olaya (c) 2004, O.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED <str> -NIR <str> [-PVI0 <str>] [-PVI1 <str>] [-PVI2 <str>] [-PVI3 <str>] [-TSAVI <str>] [-ATSAVI <str>] [-INTERCEPT <str>] [-SLOPE <str>]\n', ' -RED:<str> \tRed Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -NIR:<str> \tNear Infrared Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -PVI0:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Richardson and Wiegand, 1977)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI1:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Perry and Lautenschlager, 1984)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI2:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Walther and Shabaani)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI3:<str> \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Qi, et al., 1994)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -TSAVI:<str> \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret et al. 1989)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -ATSAVI:<str> \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret and Guyot, 1991)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -INTERCEPT:<str>\tIntercept of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -SLOPE:<str> \tSlope of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.500000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Vegetation Index (Distance Based)]\n']
Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED <str> -NIR <str> [-PVI0 <str>] [-PVI1 <str>] [-PVI2 <str>] [-PVI3 <str>] [-TSAVI <str>] [-ATSAVI <str>] [-INTERCEPT <str>] [-SLOPE <str>]
Parameters in description:['-NIR', '-RED', '-NDVI', '-RATIO', '-TVI', '-CTVI', '-TTVI', '-NRATIO']