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v.surf.rst - Spatial approximation and topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension.
Vector (v.*)
ParameterVector|input|Name of input vector map|0|False
ParameterString|where|WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword|
ParameterRaster|maskmap|Name of the raster map used as mask|True
ParameterTableField|zcolumn|Name of the attribute column with values to be used for approximation|input
ParameterNumber|tension|Tension parameter|None|None|40
ParameterNumber|segmax|Maximum number of points in a segment|None|None|40
ParameterNumber|npmin|Minimum number of points for approximation in a segment (>segmax)|None|None|300
ParameterNumber|dmin|Minimum distance between points (to remove almost identical points)|None|None|0.001
ParameterNumber|dmax|Maximum distance between points on isoline (to insert additional points)|None|None|2.5
ParameterNumber|zmult|Conversion factor for values used for approximation|None|None|1.0
ParameterNumber|theta|Anisotropy angle (in degrees counterclockwise from East)|0|360|0
ParameterNumber|scalex|Anisotropy scaling factor|None|None|0
ParameterBoolean|-t|Use scale dependent tension|False
ParameterBoolean|-d|Output partial derivatives instead of topographic parameters|False
OutputRaster|elev|Output surface raster map
OutputRaster|slope|Output slope raster map
OutputRaster|aspect|Output aspect raster map
OutputRaster|pcurv|Output profile curvature raster map
OutputRaster|tcurv|Output tangential curvature raster map
OutputRaster|mcurv|Output mean curvature raster map