Nyall Dawson 4cfacf14e3 Make API more consistent
- rename methods with XML to Xml, CRS to Crs, WMS to Wms, ID to Id
- rename methods with SRS to Crs
- rename methods with abbreviations like "dest" to "destination"
- rename methods with abbreviations like "src" to "source"
2016-07-21 08:40:50 +10:00

41 lines
1.2 KiB

class QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer: QgsRasterRenderer
#include "qgssinglebandgrayrenderer.h"
enum Gradient
QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer( QgsRasterDataProvider* provider, int grayBand );
virtual QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer * clone() const /Factory/;
static QgsRasterRenderer* create( const QDomElement& elem, QgsRasterDataProvider* provider ) /Factory/;
QgsRasterBlock *block( int bandNo, const QgsRectangle & extent, int width, int height ) / Factory /;
int grayBand() const;
void setGrayBand( int band );
const QgsContrastEnhancement* contrastEnhancement() const;
/** Takes ownership*/
void setContrastEnhancement( QgsContrastEnhancement* ce /Transfer/ );
void setGradient( Gradient theGradient );
Gradient gradient() const;
void writeXml( QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& parentElem ) const;
void legendSymbologyItems( QList< QPair< QString, QColor > >& symbolItems ) const;
QList<int> usesBands() const;
QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer( const QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer& );
const QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer& operator=( const QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer& );