Nyall Dawson eff5a823c9 [sipify] Convert "\a arg" to "`arg`" when processing Docstrings
Allows argument names to be highlighted in Python docs
2017-04-17 13:49:59 +10:00

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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/processing/qgsprocessingprovider.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsProcessingProvider : QObject
Abstract base class for processing providers. An algorithm provider is a set of
related algorithms, typically from the same external application or related
to a common area of analysis.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgsprocessingprovider.h"
QgsProcessingProvider( QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructor for QgsProcessingProvider.
virtual ~QgsProcessingProvider();
// QgsProcessingProvider &operator=( const QgsProcessingProvider &other ) = delete;
virtual QIcon icon() const;
Returns an icon for the provider.
\see svgIconPath()
:rtype: QIcon
virtual QString svgIconPath() const;
Returns a path to an SVG version of the provider's icon.
\see icon()
:rtype: str
virtual QString id() const = 0;
Returns the unique provider id, used for identifying the provider. This string
should be a unique, short, character only string, eg "qgis" or "gdal". This
string should not be localised.
\see name()
:rtype: str
virtual QString name() const = 0;
Returns the full provider name, which is used to describe the provider within the GUI.
This string should be localised.
\see id()
:rtype: str
virtual bool canBeActivated() const;
Returns true if the provider can be activated, or false if it cannot be activated (e.g. due to
missing external dependencies).
\see isActive()
:rtype: bool
virtual bool isActive() const;
Returns true if the provider is active and able to run algorithms.
:rtype: bool
virtual QStringList supportedOutputRasterLayerExtensions() const;
Returns a list of the raster format file extensions supported by this provider.
\see supportedOutputVectorLayerExtensions()
\see supportedOutputTableExtensions()
:rtype: list of str
virtual QStringList supportedOutputVectorLayerExtensions() const;
Returns a list of the vector format file extensions supported by this provider.
\see supportedOutputRasterLayerExtensions()
\see supportedOutputTableExtensions()
\see supportsNonFileBasedOutput()
:rtype: list of str
virtual QStringList supportedOutputTableExtensions() const;
Returns a list of the table format file extensions supported by this provider.
\see supportedOutputRasterLayerExtensions()
\see supportedOutputVectorLayerExtensions()
:rtype: list of str
virtual bool supportsNonFileBasedOutput() const;
Returns true if the provider supports non-file based outputs (such as memory layers
or direct database outputs).
\see supportedOutputVectorLayerExtensions()
:rtype: bool
virtual bool load();
Loads the provider. This will be called when the plugin is being loaded, and any general
setup actions should occur in an overridden version of this method.
Subclasses should not individually load any algorithms in their load() implementations, as that must
occur within the loadAlgorithms() method. Instead, subclasses should call refreshAlgorithms()
from any overloaded load() method to trigger an initial load of the provider's algorithms.
:return: true if provider could be successfully loaded
\see unload()
:rtype: bool
virtual void unload();
Unloads the provider. Any tear-down steps required by the provider should be implemented here.
\see load()
void refreshAlgorithms();
Refreshes the algorithms available from the provider, causing it to re-populate with all associated algorithms.
QList< const QgsProcessingAlgorithm * > algorithms() const;
Returns a list of algorithms supplied by this provider.
\see algorithm()
:rtype: list of const QgsProcessingAlgorithm
const QgsProcessingAlgorithm *algorithm( const QString &name ) const;
Returns the matching algorithm by ``name``, or a None if no matching
algorithm is contained by this provider.
\see algorithms()
:rtype: QgsProcessingAlgorithm
void algorithmsLoaded();
Emitted when the provider has loaded (or refreshed) its list of available
\see refreshAlgorithms()
virtual void loadAlgorithms() = 0;
Loads all algorithms belonging to this provider. Subclasses should implement this, calling
addAlgorithm() to register all their associated algorithms.
bool addAlgorithm( QgsProcessingAlgorithm *algorithm /Transfer/ );
Adds an ``algorithm`` to the provider. Ownership of the algorithm is transferred to the provider.
:rtype: bool
QgsProcessingProvider( const QgsProcessingProvider &other );
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/processing/qgsprocessingprovider.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *