mirror of https://github.com/qgis/QGIS.git synced 2025-03-24 00:06:24 -04:00
Nyall Dawson 107b48a430 Add NULLPTR macro for use in doxygen comments
For the c++ api dox this expands to "\c nullptr" (the
\c directive indicates a code literal value), and for sipify/Python
it expands to ``None`` (`` is sphinx annotation for literal values)

Makes for nicer dox for both c++ and Python!
2019-02-27 09:41:11 +10:00

344 lines
9.9 KiB

* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/gui/qgsrubberband.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsRubberBand : QObject, QgsMapCanvasItem
A class for drawing transient features (e.g. digitizing lines) on the map.
The QgsRubberBand class provides a transparent overlay widget
for tracking the mouse while drawing polylines or polygons.
#include "qgsrubberband.h"
enum IconType
QgsRubberBand( QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas /TransferThis/, QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geometryType = QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry );
Creates a new RubberBand.
:param mapCanvas: The map canvas to draw onto.
Its CRS will be used to map points onto screen coordinates.
The ownership is transferred to this canvas.
:param geometryType: Defines how the data should be drawn onto the screen.
QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry, QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry or QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry
void setColor( const QColor &color );
Sets the color for the rubberband.
Shorthand method to set fill and stroke color with a single call.
:param color: The color used to render this rubberband
void setFillColor( const QColor &color );
Sets the fill color for the rubberband
:param color: The color used to render this rubberband
.. versionadded:: 2.6
QColor fillColor() const;
Returns the current fill color.
void setStrokeColor( const QColor &color );
Sets the stroke color for the rubberband
:param color: The color used to render this rubberband
.. versionadded:: 2.6
QColor strokeColor() const;
Returns the current stroke color.
void setSecondaryStrokeColor( const QColor &color );
Sets a secondary stroke color for the rubberband which will be drawn under the main stroke color.
Set to an invalid color to avoid drawing the secondary stroke.
:param color: The color used to render a secondary stroke color to this rubberband
.. versionadded:: 3.0
QColor secondaryStrokeColor() const;
Returns the current secondary stroke color.
void setWidth( int width );
Sets the width of the line. Stroke width for polygon.
:param width: The width for any lines painted for this rubberband
int width() const;
Returns the current width of the line or stroke width for polygon.
void setIcon( IconType icon );
Sets the icon type to highlight point geometries.
:param icon: The icon to visualize point geometries
IconType icon() const;
Returns the current icon type to highlight point geometries.
void setIconSize( int iconSize );
Sets the size of the point icons
int iconSize() const;
Returns the current icon size of the point icons.
void setLineStyle( Qt::PenStyle penStyle );
Sets the style of the line
void setBrushStyle( Qt::BrushStyle brushStyle );
Sets the style of the brush
void reset( QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geometryType = QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry );
Clears all the geometries in this rubberband.
Sets the representation type according to geometryType.
:param geometryType: Defines how the data should be drawn onto the screen. (Use Qgis.Line, Qgis.Polygon or Qgis.Point)
void addPoint( const QgsPointXY &p, bool doUpdate = true, int geometryIndex = 0 );
Adds a vertex to the rubberband and update canvas.
The rendering of the vertex depends on the current GeometryType and icon.
If adding more points consider using update=``False`` for better performance
:param p: The vertex/point to add
:param doUpdate: Should the map canvas be updated immediately?
:param geometryIndex: The index of the feature part (in case of multipart geometries)
void closePoints( bool doUpdate = true, int geometryIndex = 0 );
Ensures that a polygon geometry is closed and that the last vertex equals the
first vertex.
:param doUpdate: set to ``True`` to update the map canvas immediately
:param geometryIndex: index of the feature part (in case of multipart geometries)
.. versionadded:: 2.16
void removePoint( int index = 0, bool doUpdate = true, int geometryIndex = 0 );
Removes a vertex from the rubberband and (optionally) updates canvas.
:param index: The index of the vertex/point to remove, negative indexes start at end
:param doUpdate: Should the map canvas be updated immediately?
:param geometryIndex: The index of the feature part (in case of multipart geometries)
void removeLastPoint( int geometryIndex = 0, bool doUpdate = true );
Removes the last point. Most useful in connection with undo operations
void movePoint( const QgsPointXY &p, int geometryIndex = 0 );
Moves the rubber band point specified by index. Note that if the rubber band is
not used to track the last mouse position, the first point of the rubber band has two vertices
void movePoint( int index, const QgsPointXY &p, int geometryIndex = 0 );
Moves the rubber band point specified by index. Note that if the rubber band is
not used to track the last mouse position, the first point of the rubber band has two vertices
int partSize( int geometryIndex ) const;
Returns number of vertices in feature part
:param geometryIndex: The index of the feature part (in case of multipart geometries)
:return: number of vertices
void setToGeometry( const QgsGeometry &geom, QgsVectorLayer *layer );
Sets this rubber band to ``geom``.
This is useful for feature highlighting.
In contrast to addGeometry(), this method does also change the geometry type of the rubberband.
:param geom: the geometry object
:param layer: the layer containing the feature, used for coord transformation to map
crs. If ``layer`` is ``None``, the coordinates are not going to be transformed.
void setToGeometry( const QgsGeometry &geometry, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem() );
Sets this rubber band to ``geometry``.
In contrast to addGeometry(), this method does also change the geometry type of the rubberband.
The coordinate reference system of the geometry can be specified with ``crs``. If an invalid ``crs``
is passed, the geometry will not be reprojected and needs to be in canvas crs already.
By default, no reprojection is done.
.. versionadded:: 3.4
void setToCanvasRectangle( QRect rect );
Sets this rubber band to a map canvas rectangle
:param rect: rectangle in canvas coordinates
void addGeometry( const QgsGeometry &geometry, QgsVectorLayer *layer );
Adds the geometry of an existing feature to a rubberband
This is useful for multi feature highlighting.
As of 2.0, this method does not change the GeometryType any more. You need to set the GeometryType
of the rubberband explicitly by calling reset() or setToGeometry() with appropriate arguments.
setToGeometry() is also to be preferred for backwards-compatibility.
:param geometry: the geometry object. Will be treated as a collection of vertices.
:param layer: the layer containing the feature, used for coord transformation to map
crs. If ``layer`` is ``None``, the coordinates are not going to be transformed.
void addGeometry( const QgsGeometry &geometry, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem() );
Adds a ``geometry`` to the rubberband.
If ``crs`` is specified, the geometry will be automatically reprojected from ``crs``
to the canvas CRS.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
void setTranslationOffset( double dx, double dy );
Adds translation to original coordinates (all in map coordinates)
:param dx: x translation
:param dy: y translation
int size() const;
Returns number of geometries
:return: number of geometries
int numberOfVertices() const;
Returns count of vertices in all lists of mPoint
:return: The total number of vertices
const QgsPointXY *getPoint( int i, int j = 0 ) const;
Returns a vertex
:param i: The geometry index
:param j: The vertex index within geometry i
QgsGeometry asGeometry() const;
Returns the rubberband as a Geometry
:return: A geometry object which reflects the current state of the rubberband.
virtual void updatePosition();
virtual void paint( QPainter *p );
Paints the rubber band in response to an update event.
:param p: The QPainter object
void drawShape( QPainter *p, const QVector<QPointF> &pts );
Draws shape of the rubber band.
:param p: The QPainter object
:param pts: A list of points used to draw the shape
void updateRect();
Recalculates needed rectangle
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/gui/qgsrubberband.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *