Matthias Kuhn a9d7630a69 Rename QgsPointV2 to QgsPoint and QgsPoint to QgsPointXY
Because 3D coordinates should be the default.

References https://github.com/qgis/qgis3.0_api/issues/36
2017-06-02 19:53:37 +02:00

535 lines
15 KiB

* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/geometry/qgsabstractgeometry.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
typedef QList< QgsPoint > QgsPointSequence;
typedef QList< QList< QgsPoint > > QgsRingSequence;
typedef QList< QList< QList< QgsPoint > > > QgsCoordinateSequence;
class QgsAbstractGeometry
Abstract base class for all geometries
.. versionadded:: 2.10
#include "qgsabstractgeometry.h"
if ( dynamic_cast<QgsPoint *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsPoint;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsLineString *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsLineString;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsCircularString *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsCircularString;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsCompoundCurve *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsCompoundCurve;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsTriangle *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsTriangle;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsPolygonV2 *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsPolygonV2;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsCurvePolygon *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsCurvePolygon;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsMultiPointV2 *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsMultiPointV2;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsMultiLineString *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsMultiLineString;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsMultiPolygonV2 *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsMultiPolygonV2;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsMultiSurface *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsMultiSurface;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsMultiCurve *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsMultiCurve;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsGeometryCollection *>( sipCpp ) != NULL )
sipType = sipType_QgsGeometryCollection;
sipType = 0;
enum SegmentationToleranceType
virtual ~QgsAbstractGeometry();
QgsAbstractGeometry( const QgsAbstractGeometry &geom );
virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *clone() const = 0 /Factory/;
Clones the geometry by performing a deep copy
:rtype: QgsAbstractGeometry
virtual void clear() = 0;
Clears the geometry, ie reset it to a null geometry
virtual QgsRectangle boundingBox() const = 0;
Returns the minimal bounding box for the geometry
:rtype: QgsRectangle
virtual int dimension() const = 0;
Returns the inherent dimension of the geometry. For example, this is 0 for a point geometry,
1 for a linestring and 2 for a polygon.
:rtype: int
virtual QString geometryType() const = 0;
Returns a unique string representing the geometry type.
.. seealso:: wkbType
.. seealso:: wktTypeStr
:rtype: str
QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType() const;
Returns the WKB type of the geometry.
.. seealso:: geometryType
.. seealso:: wktTypeStr
:rtype: QgsWkbTypes.Type
QString wktTypeStr() const;
Returns the WKT type string of the geometry.
.. seealso:: geometryType
.. seealso:: wkbType
:rtype: str
bool is3D() const;
Returns true if the geometry is 3D and contains a z-value.
.. seealso:: isMeasure
:rtype: bool
bool isMeasure() const;
Returns true if the geometry contains m values.
.. seealso:: is3D
:rtype: bool
virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *boundary() const = 0 /Factory/;
Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the geometry (ie the topological boundary of the geometry).
For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon.
:return: boundary for geometry. May be null for some geometry types.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
:rtype: QgsAbstractGeometry
virtual bool fromWkb( QgsConstWkbPtr &wkb ) = 0;
Sets the geometry from a WKB string.
After successful read the wkb argument will be at the position where the reading has stopped.
.. seealso:: fromWkt
:rtype: bool
virtual bool fromWkt( const QString &wkt ) = 0;
Sets the geometry from a WKT string.
.. seealso:: fromWkb
:rtype: bool
virtual QByteArray asWkb() const = 0;
Returns a WKB representation of the geometry.
.. seealso:: asWkt
.. seealso:: asGML2
.. seealso:: asGML3
.. seealso:: asJSON
.. versionadded:: 3.0
:rtype: QByteArray
virtual QString asWkt( int precision = 17 ) const = 0;
Returns a WKT representation of the geometry.
\param precision number of decimal places for coordinates
.. seealso:: asWkb
.. seealso:: asGML2
.. seealso:: asGML3
.. seealso:: asJSON
:rtype: str
virtual QDomElement asGML2( QDomDocument &doc, int precision = 17, const QString &ns = "gml" ) const = 0;
Returns a GML2 representation of the geometry.
\param doc DOM document
\param precision number of decimal places for coordinates
\param ns XML namespace
.. seealso:: asWkb
.. seealso:: asWkt
.. seealso:: asGML3
.. seealso:: asJSON
:rtype: QDomElement
virtual QDomElement asGML3( QDomDocument &doc, int precision = 17, const QString &ns = "gml" ) const = 0;
Returns a GML3 representation of the geometry.
\param doc DOM document
\param precision number of decimal places for coordinates
\param ns XML namespace
.. seealso:: asWkb
.. seealso:: asWkt
.. seealso:: asGML2
.. seealso:: asJSON
:rtype: QDomElement
virtual QString asJSON( int precision = 17 ) const = 0;
Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.
\param precision number of decimal places for coordinates
.. seealso:: asWkb
.. seealso:: asWkt
.. seealso:: asGML2
.. seealso:: asGML3
:rtype: str
virtual void transform( const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct,
QgsCoordinateTransform::TransformDirection d = QgsCoordinateTransform::ForwardTransform,
bool transformZ = false ) = 0;
Transforms the geometry using a coordinate transform
\param ct coordinate transform
\param d transformation direction
\param transformZ set to true to also transform z coordinates. This requires that
the z coordinates in the geometry represent height relative to the vertical datum
of the source CRS (generally ellipsoidal heights) and are expressed in its vertical
units (generally meters). If false, then z coordinates will not be changed by the
virtual void transform( const QTransform &t ) = 0;
Transforms the geometry using a QTransform object
\param t QTransform transformation
virtual void draw( QPainter &p ) const = 0;
Draws the geometry using the specified QPainter.
\param p destination QPainter
virtual bool nextVertex( QgsVertexId &id, QgsPoint &vertex /Out/ ) const = 0;
Returns next vertex id and coordinates
\param id initial value should be the starting vertex id. The next vertex id will be stored
in this variable if found.
\param vertex container for found node
:return: false if at end
:rtype: bool
virtual QgsCoordinateSequence coordinateSequence() const = 0;
Retrieves the sequence of geometries, rings and nodes.
:return: coordinate sequence
:rtype: QgsCoordinateSequence
virtual int nCoordinates() const;
Returns the number of nodes contained in the geometry
:rtype: int
virtual QgsPoint vertexAt( QgsVertexId id ) const = 0;
Returns the point corresponding to a specified vertex id
:rtype: QgsPoint
virtual double closestSegment( const QgsPoint &pt, QgsPoint &segmentPt /Out/,
QgsVertexId &vertexAfter /Out/,
bool *leftOf /Out/, double epsilon ) const = 0;
Searches for the closest segment of the geometry to a given point.
\param pt specifies the point to find closest segment to
\param segmentPt storage for the closest point within the geometry
\param vertexAfter storage for the ID of the vertex at the end of the closest segment
\param leftOf returns whether the point lies on the left side of the nearest segment (true if point is to left of segment,
false if point is to right of segment)
\param epsilon epsilon for segment snapping
:return: squared distance to closest segment or negative value on error
:rtype: float
virtual bool insertVertex( QgsVertexId position, const QgsPoint &vertex ) = 0;
Inserts a vertex into the geometry
\param position vertex id for position of inserted vertex
\param vertex vertex to insert
:return: true if insert was successful
.. seealso:: moveVertex
.. seealso:: deleteVertex
:rtype: bool
virtual bool moveVertex( QgsVertexId position, const QgsPoint &newPos ) = 0;
Moves a vertex within the geometry
\param position vertex id for vertex to move
\param newPos new position of vertex
:return: true if move was successful
.. seealso:: insertVertex
.. seealso:: deleteVertex
:rtype: bool
virtual bool deleteVertex( QgsVertexId position ) = 0;
Deletes a vertex within the geometry
\param position vertex id for vertex to delete
:return: true if delete was successful
.. seealso:: insertVertex
.. seealso:: moveVertex
:rtype: bool
virtual double length() const;
Returns the length of the geometry.
.. seealso:: area()
.. seealso:: perimeter()
:rtype: float
virtual double perimeter() const;
Returns the perimeter of the geometry.
.. seealso:: area()
.. seealso:: length()
:rtype: float
virtual double area() const;
Returns the area of the geometry.
.. seealso:: length()
.. seealso:: perimeter()
:rtype: float
virtual QgsPoint centroid() const;
Returns the centroid of the geometry
:rtype: QgsPoint
virtual bool isEmpty() const;
Returns true if the geometry is empty
:rtype: bool
virtual bool hasCurvedSegments() const;
Returns true if the geometry contains curved segments
:rtype: bool
virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *segmentize( double tolerance = M_PI / 180., SegmentationToleranceType toleranceType = MaximumAngle ) const /Factory/;
Returns a version of the geometry without curves. Caller takes ownership of
the returned geometry.
\param tolerance segmentation tolerance
\param toleranceType maximum segmentation angle or maximum difference between approximation and curve
:rtype: QgsAbstractGeometry
virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *toCurveType() const /Factory/;
Returns the geometry converted to the more generic curve type.
E.g. QgsLineString -> QgsCompoundCurve, QgsPolygonV2 -> QgsCurvePolygon,
QgsMultiLineString -> QgsMultiCurve, QgsMultiPolygonV2 -> QgsMultiSurface
:return: the converted geometry. Caller takes ownership*
:rtype: QgsAbstractGeometry
virtual double vertexAngle( QgsVertexId vertex ) const = 0;
Returns approximate angle at a vertex. This is usually the average angle between adjacent
segments, and can be pictured as the orientation of a line following the curvature of the
geometry at the specified vertex.
\param vertex the vertex id
:return: rotation in radians, clockwise from north
:rtype: float
virtual int vertexCount( int part = 0, int ring = 0 ) const = 0;
Returns the number of vertexes of which this geometry is built.
:rtype: int
virtual int ringCount( int part = 0 ) const = 0;
Returns the number of rings of which this geometry is built.
:rtype: int
virtual int partCount() const = 0;
Returns count of parts contained in the geometry.
.. seealso:: vertexCount
.. seealso:: ringCount
:rtype: int
virtual bool addZValue( double zValue = 0 ) = 0;
Adds a z-dimension to the geometry, initialized to a preset value.
\param zValue initial z-value for all nodes
:return: true on success
.. versionadded:: 2.12
.. seealso:: dropZValue()
.. seealso:: addMValue()
:rtype: bool
virtual bool addMValue( double mValue = 0 ) = 0;
Adds a measure to the geometry, initialized to a preset value.
\param mValue initial m-value for all nodes
:return: true on success
.. versionadded:: 2.12
.. seealso:: dropMValue()
.. seealso:: addZValue()
:rtype: bool
virtual bool dropZValue() = 0;
Drops any z-dimensions which exist in the geometry.
:return: true if Z values were present and have been removed
.. seealso:: addZValue()
.. seealso:: dropMValue()
.. versionadded:: 2.14
:rtype: bool
virtual bool dropMValue() = 0;
Drops any measure values which exist in the geometry.
:return: true if m-values were present and have been removed
.. seealso:: addMValue()
.. seealso:: dropZValue()
.. versionadded:: 2.14
:rtype: bool
virtual bool convertTo( QgsWkbTypes::Type type );
Converts the geometry to a specified type.
:return: true if conversion was successful
.. versionadded:: 2.14
:rtype: bool
void setZMTypeFromSubGeometry( const QgsAbstractGeometry *subggeom, QgsWkbTypes::Type baseGeomType );
Updates the geometry type based on whether sub geometries contain z or m values.
virtual QgsRectangle calculateBoundingBox() const;
Default calculator for the minimal bounding box for the geometry. Derived classes should override this method
if a more efficient bounding box calculation is available.
:rtype: QgsRectangle
virtual void clearCache() const;
Clears any cached parameters associated with the geometry, e.g., bounding boxes
struct QgsVertexId
enum VertexType
explicit QgsVertexId( int _part = -1, int _ring = -1, int _vertex = -1, VertexType _type = SegmentVertex );
bool isValid() const;
Returns true if the vertex id is valid
:rtype: bool
bool operator==( QgsVertexId other ) const;
bool operator!=( QgsVertexId other ) const;
:rtype: bool
bool partEqual( QgsVertexId o ) const;
:rtype: bool
bool ringEqual( QgsVertexId o ) const;
:rtype: bool
bool vertexEqual( QgsVertexId o ) const;
:rtype: bool
bool isValid( const QgsAbstractGeometry *geom ) const;
:rtype: bool
int part;
int ring;
int vertex;
VertexType type;
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/geometry/qgsabstractgeometry.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *