mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 00:47:57 -05:00
309 lines
9.8 KiB
309 lines
9.8 KiB
begin : May 10, 2012
copyright : (C) 2012 by Etienne Tourigny
email : etourigny.dev at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgsdecorationgriddialog.h"
#include "qgsdecorationgrid.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
#include "qgshelp.h"
#include "qgsstyle.h"
#include "qgssymbol.h"
#include "qgssymbolselectordialog.h"
#include "qgisapp.h"
#include "qgisgui.h"
#include <QSettings>
QgsDecorationGridDialog::QgsDecorationGridDialog( QgsDecorationGrid& deco, QWidget* parent )
: QDialog( parent )
, mDeco( deco )
, mLineSymbol( nullptr )
, mMarkerSymbol( nullptr )
setupUi( this );
QSettings settings;
// restoreGeometry( settings.value( "/Windows/DecorationGrid/geometry" ).toByteArray() );
grpEnable->setChecked( mDeco.enabled() );
// mXMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMinLineEdit ) );
mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::Line, tr( "Line" ) );
// mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::Cross, tr( "Cross" ) );
mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::Marker, tr( "Marker" ) );
// mAnnotationPositionComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::InsideMapFrame, tr( "Inside frame" ) );
// mAnnotationPositionComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::OutsideMapFrame, tr( "Outside frame" ) );
mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::Horizontal,
tr( "Horizontal" ) );
mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::Vertical,
tr( "Vertical" ) );
mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::HorizontalAndVertical,
tr( "Horizontal and Vertical" ) );
mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( QgsDecorationGrid::BoundaryDirection,
tr( "Boundary direction" ) );
connect( buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( apply() ) );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::updateGuiElements()
// blockAllSignals( true );
grpEnable->setChecked( mDeco.enabled() );
mIntervalXEdit->setText( QString::number( mDeco.gridIntervalX() ) );
mIntervalYEdit->setText( QString::number( mDeco.gridIntervalY() ) );
mOffsetXEdit->setText( QString::number( mDeco.gridOffsetX() ) );
mOffsetYEdit->setText( QString::number( mDeco.gridOffsetY() ) );
mGridTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( static_cast< int >( mDeco.gridStyle() ) );
mDrawAnnotationCheckBox->setChecked( mDeco.showGridAnnotation() );
mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->setCurrentIndex( static_cast< int >( mDeco.gridAnnotationDirection() ) );
mCoordinatePrecisionSpinBox->setValue( mDeco.gridAnnotationPrecision() );
mDistanceToMapFrameSpinBox->setValue( mDeco.annotationFrameDistance() );
// QPen gridPen = mDeco.gridPen();
// mLineWidthSpinBox->setValue( gridPen.widthF() );
// mLineColorButton->setColor( gridPen.color() );
if ( mLineSymbol )
delete mLineSymbol;
if ( mDeco.lineSymbol() )
mLineSymbol = static_cast<QgsLineSymbol*>( mDeco.lineSymbol()->clone() );
QIcon icon = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::symbolPreviewIcon( mLineSymbol, mLineSymbolButton->iconSize() );
mLineSymbolButton->setIcon( icon );
if ( mMarkerSymbol )
delete mMarkerSymbol;
if ( mDeco.markerSymbol() )
mMarkerSymbol = static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbol*>( mDeco.markerSymbol()->clone() );
QIcon icon = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::symbolPreviewIcon( mMarkerSymbol, mMarkerSymbolButton->iconSize() );
mMarkerSymbolButton->setIcon( icon );
updateInterval( false );
// blockAllSignals( false );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::updateDecoFromGui()
mDeco.setDirty( false );
mDeco.setEnabled( grpEnable->isChecked() );
mDeco.setGridIntervalX( mIntervalXEdit->text().toDouble() );
mDeco.setGridIntervalY( mIntervalYEdit->text().toDouble() );
mDeco.setGridOffsetX( mOffsetXEdit->text().toDouble() );
mDeco.setGridOffsetY( mOffsetYEdit->text().toDouble() );
if ( mGridTypeComboBox->currentText() == tr( "Marker" ) )
mDeco.setGridStyle( QgsDecorationGrid::Marker );
else if ( mGridTypeComboBox->currentText() == tr( "Line" ) )
mDeco.setGridStyle( QgsDecorationGrid::Line );
mDeco.setAnnotationFrameDistance( mDistanceToMapFrameSpinBox->value() );
// if ( mAnnotationPositionComboBox->currentText() == tr( "Inside frame" ) )
// {
// mDeco.setGridAnnotationPosition( QgsDecorationGrid::InsideMapFrame );
// }
// else
// {
// mDeco.setGridAnnotationPosition( QgsDecorationGrid::OutsideMapFrame );
// }
mDeco.setShowGridAnnotation( mDrawAnnotationCheckBox->isChecked() );
QString text = mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->currentText();
if ( text == tr( "Horizontal" ) )
mDeco.setGridAnnotationDirection( QgsDecorationGrid::Horizontal );
else if ( text == tr( "Vertical" ) )
mDeco.setGridAnnotationDirection( QgsDecorationGrid::Vertical );
else if ( text == tr( "Horizontal and Vertical" ) )
mDeco.setGridAnnotationDirection( QgsDecorationGrid::HorizontalAndVertical );
else //BoundaryDirection
mDeco.setGridAnnotationDirection( QgsDecorationGrid::BoundaryDirection );
mDeco.setGridAnnotationPrecision( mCoordinatePrecisionSpinBox->value() );
if ( mLineSymbol )
mDeco.setLineSymbol( mLineSymbol );
mLineSymbol = mDeco.lineSymbol()->clone();
if ( mMarkerSymbol )
mDeco.setMarkerSymbol( mMarkerSymbol );
mMarkerSymbol = mDeco.markerSymbol()->clone();
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "/Windows/DecorationGrid/geometry" ), saveGeometry() );
if ( mLineSymbol )
delete mLineSymbol;
if ( mMarkerSymbol )
delete mMarkerSymbol;
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_buttonBox_helpRequested()
QgsHelp::openHelp( QStringLiteral( "introduction/general_tools.html#grid" ) );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_buttonBox_accepted()
// mDeco.update();
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::apply()
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_buttonBox_rejected()
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_mGridTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged( int index )
mLineSymbolButton->setEnabled( index == QgsDecorationGrid::Line );
// mCrossWidthSpinBox->setEnabled( index == QgsDecorationGrid::Cross );
mMarkerSymbolButton->setEnabled( index == QgsDecorationGrid::Marker );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_mLineSymbolButton_clicked()
if ( ! mLineSymbol )
QgsLineSymbol* lineSymbol = mLineSymbol->clone();
QgsSymbolSelectorDialog dlg( lineSymbol, QgsStyle::defaultStyle(), nullptr, this );
if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
delete lineSymbol;
delete mLineSymbol;
mLineSymbol = lineSymbol;
if ( mLineSymbol )
QIcon icon = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::symbolPreviewIcon( mLineSymbol, mLineSymbolButton->iconSize() );
mLineSymbolButton->setIcon( icon );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_mMarkerSymbolButton_clicked()
if ( ! mMarkerSymbol )
QgsMarkerSymbol* markerSymbol = mMarkerSymbol->clone();
QgsSymbolSelectorDialog dlg( markerSymbol, QgsStyle::defaultStyle(), nullptr, this );
if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
delete markerSymbol;
delete mMarkerSymbol;
mMarkerSymbol = markerSymbol;
if ( mMarkerSymbol )
QIcon icon = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::symbolPreviewIcon( mMarkerSymbol, mMarkerSymbolButton->iconSize() );
mMarkerSymbolButton->setIcon( icon );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_mPbtnUpdateFromExtents_clicked()
updateInterval( true );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_mPbtnUpdateFromLayer_clicked()
double values[4];
if ( mDeco.getIntervalFromCurrentLayer( values ) )
mIntervalXEdit->setText( QString::number( values[0] ) );
mIntervalYEdit->setText( QString::number( values[1] ) );
mOffsetXEdit->setText( QString::number( values[2] ) );
mOffsetYEdit->setText( QString::number( values[3] ) );
if ( values[0] >= 1 )
mCoordinatePrecisionSpinBox->setValue( 0 );
mCoordinatePrecisionSpinBox->setValue( 3 );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::on_mAnnotationFontButton_clicked()
bool ok;
QFont newFont = QgisGui::getFont( ok, mDeco.gridAnnotationFont() );
if ( ok )
mDeco.setGridAnnotationFont( newFont );
void QgsDecorationGridDialog::updateInterval( bool force )
if ( force || mDeco.isDirty() )
double values[4];
if ( mDeco.getIntervalFromExtent( values, true ) )
mIntervalXEdit->setText( QString::number( values[0] ) );
mIntervalYEdit->setText( QString::number( values[1] ) );
mOffsetXEdit->setText( QString::number( values[2] ) );
mOffsetYEdit->setText( QString::number( values[3] ) );
// also update coord. precision
// if interval >= 1, set precision=0 because we have a rounded value
// else set it to previous default of 3
if ( values[0] >= 1 )
mCoordinatePrecisionSpinBox->setValue( 0 );
mCoordinatePrecisionSpinBox->setValue( 3 );