Martin Dobias e37a5ad8df [FEATURE] Legend filtering based on map content (in main window, composer, WMS)
There is new "filter" button in layers panel that toggles this functionality
and in composer legend widget.

Related feature is that layer tree now shows symbols in map units with correct size
(even when filtering is not enabled) so as the map view changes the legend node icons
are updated too (if they use map units).

GetLegendGraphics in WMS server

This is an extension of standard GetLegendGraphics request according to MapServer RFC 101.
See the document for more details: http://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-101.html

In summary, clients need to add BBOX and CRS/SRS parameters to get appropriate legend based on the given map view.
Parameters WIDTH and HEIGHT are also taken into account as they specify map view image size for correct calculation
of size of legend symbols (if they are based on map units).


This software has been commissioned by Tuscany Region (Italy),
co-funded by the European Commission and developed under the project LIFE12 ENV/IT/001054 LIFE + IMAGINE.
The software has been realized by Gis3W s.a.s.

Questo software è stato commissionato da Regione Toscana (Italia),
cofinanziato dalla Commissione Europea e sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto LIFE12 ENV/IT/001054 LIFE + IMAGINE.
Il software è stato realizzato da Gis3W s.a.s.
2014-09-25 12:56:37 +02:00

160 lines
8.0 KiB

* The QgsLayerTreeModel class is model implementation for Qt item views framework.
* The model can be used in any QTreeView, it is however recommended to use it
* with QgsLayerTreeView which brings additional functionality specific to layer tree handling.
* The model listens to the changes in the layer tree and signals the changes as appropriate,
* so that any view that uses the model is updated accordingly.
* Behavior of the model can be customized with flags. For example, whether to show legend or
* whether to allow changes to the layer tree.
* @see QgsLayerTreeView
* @note added in 2.4
class QgsLayerTreeModel : QAbstractItemModel
#include <qgslayertreemodel.h>
if (sipCpp->inherits("QgsLayerTreeModel"))
sipType = sipType_QgsLayerTreeModel;
sipType = 0;
//! Construct a new tree model with given layer tree (root node must not be null pointer).
//! The root node is not transferred by the model.
explicit QgsLayerTreeModel( QgsLayerTreeGroup* rootNode, QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
// Implementation of virtual functions from QAbstractItemModel
int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
QModelIndex index( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
QModelIndex parent( const QModelIndex &child ) const;
QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
Qt::ItemFlags flags( const QModelIndex &index ) const;
bool setData( const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole );
Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions() const;
QStringList mimeTypes() const;
QMimeData* mimeData( const QModelIndexList& indexes ) const;
bool dropMimeData( const QMimeData* data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent );
bool removeRows( int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex() );
// New stuff
enum Flag
// display flags
ShowLegend, //!< Add legend nodes for layer nodes
ShowSymbology, //!< deprecated - use ShowLegend
// behavioral flags
AllowNodeReorder, //!< Allow reordering with drag'n'drop
AllowNodeRename, //!< Allow renaming of groups and layers
AllowNodeChangeVisibility, //!< Allow user to set node visibility with a check box
AllowLegendChangeState, //!< Allow check boxes for legend nodes (if supported by layer's legend)
AllowSymbologyChangeState, //!< deprecated - use AllowLegendChangeState
typedef QFlags<QgsLayerTreeModel::Flag> Flags;
//! Set OR-ed combination of model flags
void setFlags( Flags f );
//! Enable or disable a model flag
void setFlag( Flag f, bool on = true );
//! Return OR-ed combination of model flags
Flags flags() const;
//! Check whether a flag is enabled
bool testFlag( Flag f ) const;
//! Return layer tree node for given index. Returns root node for invalid index.
//! Returns null pointer if index does not refer to a layer tree node (e.g. it is a legend node)
QgsLayerTreeNode* index2node( const QModelIndex& index ) const;
//! Return index for a given node. If the node does not belong to the layer tree, the result is undefined
QModelIndex node2index( QgsLayerTreeNode* node ) const;
//! Convert a list of indexes to a list of layer tree nodes.
//! Indices that do not represent layer tree nodes are skipped.
//! @arg skipInternal If true, a node is included in the output list only if no parent node is in the list
QList<QgsLayerTreeNode*> indexes2nodes( const QModelIndexList& list, bool skipInternal = false ) const;
//! Return legend node for given index. Returns null for invalid index
//! @note added in 2.6
static QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* index2legendNode( const QModelIndex& index );
//! Return index for a given legend node. If the legend node does not belong to the layer tree, the result is undefined.
//! If the legend node is belongs to the tree but it is filtered out, invalid model index is returned.
//! @note added in 2.6
QModelIndex legendNode2index( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode* legendNode );
//! Return list of legend nodes attached to a particular layer node
//! @note added in 2.6
QList<QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode*> layerLegendNodes( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer );
//! Return pointer to the root node of the layer tree. Always a non-null pointer.
QgsLayerTreeGroup* rootGroup();
//! Reset the model and use a new root group node
//! @note added in 2.6
void setRootGroup( QgsLayerTreeGroup* newRootGroup );
//! Force a refresh of legend nodes of a layer node.
//! Not necessary to call when layer's renderer is changed as the model listens to these events.
void refreshLayerLegend( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer );
//! Get index of the item marked as current. Item marked as current is underlined.
QModelIndex currentIndex() const;
//! Set index of the current item. May be used by view. Item marked as current is underlined.
void setCurrentIndex( const QModelIndex& currentIndex );
//! Set font for a particular type of layer tree node. nodeType should come from QgsLayerTreeNode::NodeType enumeration
void setLayerTreeNodeFont( int nodeType, const QFont& font );
//! Get font for a particular type of layer tree node. nodeType should come from QgsLayerTreeNode::NodeType enumeration
QFont layerTreeNodeFont( int nodeType ) const;
//! Set at what number of legend nodes the layer node should be collapsed. Setting -1 disables the auto-collapse (default).
void setAutoCollapseLegendNodes( int nodeCount );
//! Return at what number of legend nodes the layer node should be collapsed. -1 means no auto-collapse (default).
int autoCollapseLegendNodes() const;
//! Force only display of legend nodes which are valid for given scale denominator.
//! Setting value <= 0 will disable the functionality
//! @note added in 2.6
void setLegendFilterByScale( double scaleDenominator );
double legendFilterByScale() const;
//! Force only display of legend nodes which are valid for given map settings.
//! Setting null pointer or invalid map settings will disable the functionality.
//! Ownership of map settings pointer does not change.
//! @note added in 2.6
void setLegendFilterByMap( const QgsMapSettings* settings );
const QgsMapSettings* legendFilterByMap() const;
//! Give the layer tree model hints about the currently associated map view
//! so that legend nodes that use map units can be scaled currectly
//! @note added in 2.6
void setLegendMapViewData( double mapUnitsPerPixel, int dpi, double scale );
//! Get hints about map view - to be used in legend nodes. Arguments that are not null will receive values.
//! If there are no valid map view data (from previous call to setLegendMapViewData()), returned values are zeros.
//! @note added in 2.6
void legendMapViewData( double *mapUnitsPerPixel /Out/, int *dpi /Out/, double *scale /Out/ );
//! Return true if index represents a legend node (instead of layer node)
//! @deprecated use index2legendNode()
bool isIndexSymbologyNode( const QModelIndex& index ) const /Deprecated/;
//! Return layer node to which a legend node belongs to. Returns null pointer if index is not a legend node.
//! @deprecated use index2legendNode()->parent()
QgsLayerTreeLayer* layerNodeForSymbologyNode( const QModelIndex& index ) const /Deprecated/;
//! @deprecated use refreshLayerLegend()
void refreshLayerSymbology( QgsLayerTreeLayer* nodeLayer ) /Deprecated/;
//! @deprecated use setAutoCollapseLegendNodes()
void setAutoCollapseSymbologyNodes( int nodeCount ) /Deprecated/;
//! @deprecated use autoCollapseLegendNodes()
int autoCollapseSymbologyNodes() const /Deprecated/;