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typedef QList<QgsSymbolLayerV2*> QgsSymbolLayerV2List;
class QgsSymbolV2
#include <qgssymbolv2.h>
switch (sipCpp->type())
case QgsSymbolV2::Marker: sipClass = sipClass_QgsMarkerSymbolV2; break;
case QgsSymbolV2::Line: sipClass = sipClass_QgsLineSymbolV2; break;
case QgsSymbolV2::Fill: sipClass = sipClass_QgsFillSymbolV2; break;
default: sipClass = 0; break;
enum OutputUnit
enum SymbolType
enum ScaleMethod
//! @note added in 1.5
enum RenderHint
DataDefinedSizeScale = 1,
DataDefinedRotation = 2
virtual ~QgsSymbolV2();
//! return new default symbol for specified geometry type
static QgsSymbolV2* defaultSymbol( QGis::GeometryType geomType ) /Factory/;
SymbolType type() const;
// symbol layers handling
QgsSymbolLayerV2* symbolLayer( int layer );
int symbolLayerCount();
//! insert symbol layer to specified index
bool insertSymbolLayer( int index, QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer /Transfer/ );
//! append symbol layer at the end of the list
bool appendSymbolLayer( QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer /Transfer/ );
//! delete symbol layer at specified index
bool deleteSymbolLayer( int index );
//! remove symbol layer from the list and return pointer to it
QgsSymbolLayerV2* takeSymbolLayer( int index ) /TransferBack/;
//! delete layer at specified index and set a new one
bool changeSymbolLayer( int index, QgsSymbolLayerV2 *layer /Transfer/ );
void startRender( QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsVectorLayer* layer = 0 );
void stopRender( QgsRenderContext& context );
void setColor( const QColor& color );
QColor color();
void drawPreviewIcon( QPainter* painter, QSize size );
QImage bigSymbolPreviewImage();
QString dump();
virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const = 0 /Factory/;
void toSld( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QgsStringMap props ) const;
OutputUnit outputUnit() const;
void setOutputUnit( OutputUnit u );
//! Get alpha transparency 1 for opaque, 0 for invisible
qreal alpha() const;
//! Set alpha transparency 1 for opaque, 0 for invisible
void setAlpha( qreal alpha );
//! @note added in 1.5
void setRenderHints( int hints );
//! @note added in 1.5
int renderHints() const;
QSet<QString> usedAttributes() const;
QgsSymbolV2( SymbolType type, QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/ ); // can't be instantiated
QgsSymbolLayerV2List cloneLayers() const /Factory/;
//! check whether a symbol layer type can be used within the symbol
//! (marker-marker, line-line, fill-fill/line)
//! @note added in 1.7
bool isSymbolLayerCompatible( SymbolType t );
class QgsSymbolV2RenderContext
#include <qgssymbolv2.h>
QgsSymbolV2RenderContext( QgsRenderContext& c, QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit u , qreal alpha = 1.0, bool selected = false, int renderHints = 0, const QgsFeature* f = 0 );
QgsRenderContext& renderContext();
//void setRenderContext( QgsRenderContext& c );
QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit outputUnit() const;
void setOutputUnit( QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit u );
//! Get alpha transparency 1 for opaque, 0 for invisible
qreal alpha() const;
//! Set alpha transparency 1 for opaque, 0 for invisible
void setAlpha( qreal alpha );
bool selected() const;
void setSelected( bool selected );
//! @note added in 1.5
int renderHints() const;
//! @note added in 1.5
void setRenderHints( int hints );
void setFeature( const QgsFeature* f );
const QgsFeature* feature() const;
void setLayer( const QgsVectorLayer* layer );
const QgsVectorLayer* layer() const;
double outputLineWidth( double width ) const;
double outputPixelSize( double size ) const;
// workaround for sip 4.7. Don't use assignment - will fail with assertion error
// QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& operator=( const QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& );
class QgsMarkerSymbolV2 : QgsSymbolV2
#include <qgssymbolv2.h>
/** Create a marker symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleMarker with specified properties.
This is a convenience method for easier creation of marker symbols.
\note added in v1.7
static QgsMarkerSymbolV2* createSimple( const QgsStringMap& properties ) /Factory/;
QgsMarkerSymbolV2( QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/ = QgsSymbolLayerV2List() );
void setAngle( double angle );
double angle();
void setSize( double size );
double size();
void setScaleMethod( QgsSymbolV2::ScaleMethod scaleMethod );
ScaleMethod scaleMethod();
void renderPoint( const QPointF& point, const QgsFeature* f, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1, bool selected = false );
virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const /Factory/;
class QgsLineSymbolV2 : QgsSymbolV2
#include <qgssymbolv2.h>
/** Create a line symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleLine with specified properties.
This is a convenience method for easier creation of line symbols.
\note added in v1.7
static QgsLineSymbolV2* createSimple( const QgsStringMap& properties ) /Factory/;
QgsLineSymbolV2( QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/ = QgsSymbolLayerV2List() );
void setWidth( double width );
double width();
void renderPolyline( const QPolygonF& points, const QgsFeature* f, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1, bool selected = false );
virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const /Factory/;
class QgsFillSymbolV2 : QgsSymbolV2
#include <qgssymbolv2.h>
/** Create a fill symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleFill with specified properties.
This is a convenience method for easier creation of fill symbols.
\note added in v1.7
static QgsFillSymbolV2* createSimple( const QgsStringMap& properties ) /Factory/;
QgsFillSymbolV2( QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/ = QgsSymbolLayerV2List() );
void setAngle( double angle );
void renderPolygon( const QPolygonF& points, QList<QPolygonF>* rings, const QgsFeature* f, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1, bool selected = false );
virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const /Factory/;