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// ASLocalizer.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2018 by Jim Pattee <jimp03@email.com>.
// This code is licensed under the MIT License.
// License.md describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
// File encoding for this file is UTF-8 WITHOUT a byte order mark (BOM).
// русский 中文(简体) 日本語 한국의
// Windows:
// Add the required "Language" to the system.
// The settings do NOT need to be changed to the added language.
// Change the "Region" settings.
// Change both the "Format" and the "Current Language..." settings.
// A restart is required if the codepage has changed.
// Windows problems:
// Hindi - no available locale, language pack removed
// Japanese - language pack install error
// Ukranian - displays a ? instead of i
// Linux:
// Change the LANG environment variable: LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8.
// setlocale() will use the LANG environment variable on Linux.
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* To add a new language to this source module:
* Add a new translation class to ASLocalizer.h.
* Update the WinLangCode array in ASLocalizer.cpp.
* Add the language code to setTranslationClass() in ASLocalizer.cpp.
* Add the English-Translation pair to the constructor in ASLocalizer.cpp.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// headers
#include "ASLocalizer.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __VMS
#define __USE_STD_IOSTREAM 1
#include <assert>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <clocale> // needed by some compilers
#include <cstdlib>
#include <typeinfo>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // secure version deprecation warnings
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma warn -8104 // Local Static with constructor dangerous for multi-threaded apps
#pragma warning(disable: 383) // value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used
#pragma warning(disable: 981) // operands are evaluated in unspecified order
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" // wcstombs
namespace astyle {
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB
// ASLocalizer class methods.
// Set the locale information.
// set language default values to english (ascii)
// this will be used if a locale or a language cannot be found
m_localeName = "UNKNOWN";
m_langID = "en";
m_lcid = 0;
m_translation = nullptr;
// Not all compilers support the C++ function locale::global(locale(""));
char* localeName = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
if (localeName == nullptr) // use the english (ascii) defaults
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", "Cannot set native locale, reverting to English");
// set the class variables
#ifdef _WIN32
size_t lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID();
// Delete dynamically allocated memory.
delete m_translation;
#ifdef _WIN32
struct WinLangCode
size_t winLang;
char canonicalLang[3];
static WinLangCode wlc[] =
// primary language identifier http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa912554.aspx
// sublanguage identifier http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa913256.aspx
// language ID http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee797784%28v=cs.20%29.aspx
{ LANG_BULGARIAN, "bg" }, // bg-BG 1251
{ LANG_CHINESE, "zh" }, // zh-CHS, zh-CHT
{ LANG_DUTCH, "nl" }, // nl-NL 1252
{ LANG_ENGLISH, "en" }, // en-US 1252
{ LANG_ESTONIAN, "et" }, // et-EE
{ LANG_FINNISH, "fi" }, // fi-FI 1252
{ LANG_FRENCH, "fr" }, // fr-FR 1252
{ LANG_GERMAN, "de" }, // de-DE 1252
{ LANG_GREEK, "el" }, // el-GR 1253
{ LANG_HINDI, "hi" }, // hi-IN
{ LANG_HUNGARIAN, "hu" }, // hu-HU 1250
{ LANG_ITALIAN, "it" }, // it-IT 1252
{ LANG_JAPANESE, "ja" }, // ja-JP
{ LANG_KOREAN, "ko" }, // ko-KR
{ LANG_NORWEGIAN, "nn" }, // nn-NO 1252
{ LANG_POLISH, "pl" }, // pl-PL 1250
{ LANG_PORTUGUESE, "pt" }, // pt-PT 1252
{ LANG_ROMANIAN, "ro" }, // ro-RO 1250
{ LANG_RUSSIAN, "ru" }, // ru-RU 1251
{ LANG_SPANISH, "es" }, // es-ES 1252
{ LANG_SWEDISH, "sv" }, // sv-SE 1252
{ LANG_UKRAINIAN, "uk" }, // uk-UA 1251
void ASLocalizer::setLanguageFromLCID(size_t lcid)
// Windows get the language to use from the user locale.
// NOTE: GetUserDefaultLocaleName() gets nearly the same name as Linux.
// But it needs Windows Vista or higher.
// Same with LCIDToLocaleName().
m_lcid = lcid;
m_langID = "en"; // default to english
size_t sublang = SUBLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(m_lcid));
// find language in the wlc table
size_t count = sizeof(wlc) / sizeof(wlc[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (wlc[i].winLang == lang)
m_langID = wlc[i].canonicalLang;
if (m_langID == "zh")
m_subLangID = "CHS";
m_subLangID = "CHT"; // default
#endif // _WIN32
string ASLocalizer::getLanguageID() const
// Returns the language ID in m_langID.
return m_langID;
const Translation* ASLocalizer::getTranslationClass() const
// Returns the name of the translation class in m_translation. Used for testing.
return m_translation;
void ASLocalizer::setLanguageFromName(const char* langID)
// Linux set the language to use from the langID.
// the language string has the following form
// lang[_LANG][.encoding][@modifier]
// (see environ(5) in the Open Unix specification)
// where lang is the primary language, LANG is a sublang/territory,
// encoding is the charset to use and modifier "allows the user to select
// a specific instance of localization data within a single category"
// for example, the following strings are valid:
// fr
// fr_FR
// de_DE.iso88591
// de_DE@euro
// de_DE.iso88591@euro
// the constants describing the format of lang_LANG locale string
m_lcid = 0;
string langStr = langID;
m_langID = langStr.substr(0, 2);
// need the sublang for chinese
if (m_langID == "zh" && langStr[2] == '_')
string subLang = langStr.substr(3, 2);
if (subLang == "CN" || subLang == "SG")
m_subLangID = "CHS";
m_subLangID = "CHT"; // default
const char* ASLocalizer::settext(const char* textIn) const
// Call the settext class and return the value.
const string stringIn = textIn;
return m_translation->translate(stringIn).c_str();
void ASLocalizer::setTranslationClass()
// Return the required translation class.
// Sets the class variable m_translation from the value of m_langID.
// Get the language ID at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee797784%28v=cs.20%29.aspx
// delete previously set (--ascii option)
if (m_translation != nullptr)
delete m_translation;
m_translation = nullptr;
if (m_langID == "bg")
m_translation = new Bulgarian;
else if (m_langID == "zh" && m_subLangID == "CHS")
m_translation = new ChineseSimplified;
else if (m_langID == "zh" && m_subLangID == "CHT")
m_translation = new ChineseTraditional;
else if (m_langID == "nl")
m_translation = new Dutch;
else if (m_langID == "en")
m_translation = new English;
else if (m_langID == "et")
m_translation = new Estonian;
else if (m_langID == "fi")
m_translation = new Finnish;
else if (m_langID == "fr")
m_translation = new French;
else if (m_langID == "de")
m_translation = new German;
else if (m_langID == "el")
m_translation = new Greek;
else if (m_langID == "hi")
m_translation = new Hindi;
else if (m_langID == "hu")
m_translation = new Hungarian;
else if (m_langID == "it")
m_translation = new Italian;
else if (m_langID == "ja")
m_translation = new Japanese;
else if (m_langID == "ko")
m_translation = new Korean;
else if (m_langID == "nn")
m_translation = new Norwegian;
else if (m_langID == "pl")
m_translation = new Polish;
else if (m_langID == "pt")
m_translation = new Portuguese;
else if (m_langID == "ro")
m_translation = new Romanian;
else if (m_langID == "ru")
m_translation = new Russian;
else if (m_langID == "es")
m_translation = new Spanish;
else if (m_langID == "sv")
m_translation = new Swedish;
else if (m_langID == "uk")
m_translation = new Ukrainian;
else // default
m_translation = new English;
// Translation base class methods.
void Translation::addPair(const string& english, const wstring& translated)
// Add a string pair to the translation vector.
pair<string, wstring> entry(english, translated);
string Translation::convertToMultiByte(const wstring& wideStr) const
// Convert wchar_t to a multibyte string using the currently assigned locale.
// Return an empty string if an error occurs.
static bool msgDisplayed = false;
// get length of the output excluding the nullptr and validate the parameters
size_t mbLen = wcstombs(nullptr, wideStr.c_str(), 0);
if (mbLen == string::npos)
if (!msgDisplayed)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", "Cannot convert to multi-byte string, reverting to English");
msgDisplayed = true;
return "";
// convert the characters
char* mbStr = new (nothrow) char[mbLen + 1];
if (mbStr == nullptr)
if (!msgDisplayed)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", "Bad memory alloc for multi-byte string, reverting to English");
msgDisplayed = true;
return "";
wcstombs(mbStr, wideStr.c_str(), mbLen + 1);
// return the string
string mbTranslation = mbStr;
delete[] mbStr;
return mbTranslation;
string Translation::getTranslationString(size_t i) const
// Return the translation ascii value. Used for testing.
if (i >= m_translation.size())
return string();
return m_translation[i].first;
size_t Translation::getTranslationVectorSize() const
// Return the translation vector size. Used for testing.
return m_translation.size();
bool Translation::getWideTranslation(const string& stringIn, wstring& wideOut) const
// Get the wide translation string. Used for testing.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_translation.size(); i++)
if (m_translation[i].first == stringIn)
wideOut = m_translation[i].second;
return true;
// not found
wideOut = L"";
return false;
string& Translation::translate(const string& stringIn) const
// Translate a string.
// Return a mutable string so the method can have a "const" designation.
// This allows "settext" to be called from a "const" method.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_translation.size(); i++)
if (m_translation[i].first == stringIn)
m_mbTranslation = convertToMultiByte(m_translation[i].second);
// not found, return english
if (m_mbTranslation.empty())
m_mbTranslation = stringIn;
return m_mbTranslation;
// Translation class methods.
// These classes have only a constructor which builds the language vector.
Bulgarian::Bulgarian() // български
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Форматиран %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Непроменен %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"директория %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Файл с опции по подразбиране %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Файл с опции за проекта %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Изключвам %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Изключване (несравнимо) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s форматиран %s hепроменен ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" секунди ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d мин %d сек ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s линии\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Откриване HTML документация %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Невалидни опции по подразбиране:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Невалидни опции за проекти:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Невалидни опции за командния ред:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"За помощ относно възможностите тип 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Не може да се отвори файлът с опции по подразбиране");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Не може да се отвори файла с опции за проекта");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не може да се отвори директория");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не може да се отвори HTML файл %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Command изпълни недостатъчност");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Command не е инсталиран");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Липсва името на файла в %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивно опция, без маска");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Знаете ли намерение да цитирам името на файла");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Не файл за обработка %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Знаете ли възнамерявате да използвате --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не може да са UTF-32 кодиране");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style е прекратено\n");
ChineseSimplified::ChineseSimplified() // 中文(简体)
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"格式化 %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"未改变 %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"目录 %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"默认选项文件 %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"项目选项文件 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"排除 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"排除(无匹配项) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s 格式化 %s 未改变 ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 秒 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 分 %d 秒 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s 行\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"打开HTML文档 %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"默认选项无效:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"项目选项无效:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"无效的命令行选项:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"输入 'astyle -h' 以获得有关命令行的帮助");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"无法打开默认选项文件");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"无法打开项目选项文件");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"无法打开目录");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"无法打开HTML文件 %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"执行命令失败");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"未安装命令");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"在%s缺少文件名\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"递归选项没有通配符");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"你打算引用文件名");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"没有文件可处理 %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"你打算使用 --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"不能处理UTF-32编码");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style 已经终止运行\n");
ChineseTraditional::ChineseTraditional() // 中文(繁體)
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"格式化 %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"未改變 %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"目錄 %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"默認選項文件 %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"項目選項文件 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"排除 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"排除(無匹配項) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s 格式化 %s 未改變 ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 秒 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 分 %d 秒 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s 行\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"打開HTML文檔 %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"默認選項無效:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"項目選項無效:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"無效的命令行選項:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"輸入'astyle -h'以獲得有關命令行的幫助:");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"無法打開默認選項文件");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"無法打開項目選項文件");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"無法打開目錄");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"無法打開HTML文件 %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"執行命令失敗");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"未安裝命令");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"在%s缺少文件名\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"遞歸選項沒有通配符");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"你打算引用文件名");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"沒有文件可處理 %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"你打算使用 --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"不能處理UTF-32編碼");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style 已經終止運行\n");
Dutch::Dutch() // Nederlandse
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Geformatteerd %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Onveranderd %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Directory %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Standaard optie bestand %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Project optie bestand %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Uitsluiten %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Uitgesloten (ongeëvenaarde) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s geformatteerd %s onveranderd ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" seconden ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sec ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s lijnen\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Het openen van HTML-documentatie %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Ongeldige standaardopties:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Ongeldige projectopties:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Ongeldige command line opties:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Voor hulp bij 'astyle-h' opties het type");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Kan het standaardoptiesbestand niet openen");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Kan het project optie bestand niet openen");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kan niet open directory");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kan HTML-bestand niet openen %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Voeren commando falen");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Command is niet geïnstalleerd");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Ontbrekende bestandsnaam in %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Recursieve optie met geen wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Heeft u van plan citaat van de bestandsnaam");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Geen bestand te verwerken %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Hebt u van plan bent te gebruiken --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Kan niet verwerken UTF-32 codering");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style heeft beëindigd\n");
// this class is NOT translated
Estonian::Estonian() // Eesti
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formaadis %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Muutumatu %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Kataloog %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Vaikefunktsioonifail %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Projekti valiku fail %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Välista %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Välista (tasakaalustamata) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formaadis %s muutumatu ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekundit ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s read\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Avamine HTML dokumentatsioon %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Vaikevalikud on sobimatud:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Projekti valikud on sobimatud:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Vale käsureavõtmetega:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Abiks võimaluste tüüp 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Vaikimisi valitud faili ei saa avada");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Projektivaliku faili ei saa avada");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Ei saa avada kataloogi");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Ei saa avada HTML-faili %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Käsk täita rike");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Käsk ei ole paigaldatud");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Kadunud failinimi %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiivne võimalus ilma metamärgi");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Kas te kavatsete tsiteerida failinimi");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"No faili töötlema %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Kas te kavatsete kasutada --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Ei saa töödelda UTF-32 kodeeringus");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style on lõpetatud\n");
Finnish::Finnish() // Suomeksi
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Muotoiltu %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Ennallaan %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Directory %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Oletusasetustiedosto %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Projektin valintatiedosto %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Sulkea %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Sulkea (verraton) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s muotoiltu %s ennallaan ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekuntia ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linjat\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Avaaminen HTML asiakirjat %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Virheelliset oletusasetukset:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Virheelliset hankevalinnat:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Virheellinen komentorivin:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Apua vaihtoehdoista tyyppi 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Et voi avata oletusasetustiedostoa");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Projektin asetustiedostoa ei voi avata");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Ei Open Directory");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Ei voi avata HTML-tiedoston %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Suorita komento vika");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Komento ei ole asennettu");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Puuttuvat tiedostonimi %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiivinen vaihtoehto ilman wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Oletko aio lainata tiedostonimi");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Ei tiedostoa käsitellä %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Oliko aiot käyttää --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Ei voi käsitellä UTF-32 koodausta");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style on päättynyt\n");
French::French() // Française
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formaté %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Inchangée %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Répertoire %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Fichier d'option par défaut %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Fichier d'option de projet %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Exclure %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Exclure (non appariés) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formaté %s inchangée ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" seconde ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sec ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s lignes\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Ouverture documentation HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Options par défaut invalides:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Options de projet non valides:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Blancs options ligne de commande:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Pour de l'aide sur les options tapez 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'option par défaut");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'option de projet");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Impossible d'ouvrir le répertoire");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Exécuter échec de la commande");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Commande n'est pas installé");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Nom de fichier manquant dans %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Option récursive sans joker");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Avez-vous l'intention de citer le nom de fichier");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Aucun fichier à traiter %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Avez-vous l'intention d'utiliser --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Impossible de traiter codage UTF-32");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style a mis fin\n");
German::German() // Deutsch
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatiert %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Unverändert %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Verzeichnis %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Standard-Optionsdatei %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Projektoptionsdatei %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Ausschließen %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Ausschließen (unerreichte) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatiert %s unverändert ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekunden ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linien\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Öffnen HTML-Dokumentation %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Ungültige Standardoptionen:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Ungültige Projektoptionen:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Ungültige Kommandozeilen-Optionen:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Für Hilfe zu den Optionen geben Sie 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Die Standardoptionsdatei kann nicht geöffnet werden");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Die Projektoptionsdatei kann nicht geöffnet werden");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kann nicht geöffnet werden Verzeichnis");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kann nicht öffnen HTML-Datei %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Execute Befehl Scheitern");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Befehl ist nicht installiert");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Missing in %s Dateiname\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursive Option ohne Wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Haben Sie die Absicht Inhalte der Dateiname");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Keine Datei zu verarbeiten %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Haben Sie verwenden möchten --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nicht verarbeiten kann UTF-32 Codierung");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style ist beendet\n");
Greek::Greek() // ελληνικά
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Διαμορφωμένη %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Αμετάβλητος %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Κατάλογος %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Προεπιλεγμένο αρχείο επιλογών %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Αρχείο επιλογής έργου %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Αποκλείω %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Ausschließen (unerreichte) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s σχηματοποιημένη %s αμετάβλητες ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" δευτερόλεπτα ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d λεπ %d δευ ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s γραμμές\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Εγκαίνια έγγραφα HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Μη έγκυρες επιλογές προεπιλογής:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Μη έγκυρες επιλογές έργου:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Μη έγκυρη επιλογές γραμμής εντολών:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Για βοήθεια σχετικά με το είδος επιλογές 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Δεν είναι δυνατό να ανοίξει το προεπιλεγμένο αρχείο επιλογών");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Δεν είναι δυνατό να ανοίξει το αρχείο επιλογής έργου");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Δεν μπορείτε να ανοίξετε τον κατάλογο");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Δεν μπορείτε να ανοίξετε το αρχείο HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Εντολή να εκτελέσει την αποτυχία");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Η εντολή δεν έχει εγκατασταθεί");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Λείπει το όνομα αρχείου σε %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Αναδρομικές επιλογή χωρίς μπαλαντέρ");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Μήπως σκοπεύετε να αναφέρετε το όνομα του αρχείου");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Δεν υπάρχει αρχείο για την επεξεργασία %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Μήπως σκοπεύετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"δεν μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί UTF-32 κωδικοποίηση");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style έχει λήξει\n");
Hindi::Hindi() // हिन्दी
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
// NOTE: Scintilla based editors (CodeBlocks) cannot always edit Hindi.
// Use Visual Studio instead.
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"स्वरूपित किया %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"अपरिवर्तित %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"निर्देशिका %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"डिफ़ॉल्ट विकल्प फ़ाइल %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"प्रोजेक्ट विकल्प फ़ाइल %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"निकालना %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"अपवर्जित (बेजोड़) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s स्वरूपित किया %s अपरिवर्तित ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" सेकंड ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d मिनट %d सेकंड ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s लाइनों\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"एचटीएमएल प्रलेखन खोलना %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"अमान्य डिफ़ॉल्ट विकल्प:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"अमान्य प्रोजेक्ट विकल्प:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"कमांड लाइन विकल्प अवैध:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"विकल्पों पर मदद के लिए प्रकार 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"डिफ़ॉल्ट विकल्प फ़ाइल नहीं खोल सकता");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"परियोजना विकल्प फ़ाइल नहीं खोल सकता");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"निर्देशिका नहीं खोल सकता");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTML फ़ाइल नहीं खोल सकता %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"आदेश विफलता निष्पादित");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"कमान स्थापित नहीं है");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"लापता में फ़ाइलनाम %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"कोई वाइल्डकार्ड साथ पुनरावर्ती विकल्प");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"क्या आप बोली फ़ाइलनाम का इरादा");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"कोई फ़ाइल %s प्रक्रिया के लिए\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"क्या आप उपयोग करना चाहते हैं --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF-32 कूटबन्धन प्रक्रिया नहीं कर सकते");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style समाप्त किया है\n");
Hungarian::Hungarian() // Magyar
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formázott %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Változatlan %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Címjegyzék %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Alapértelmezett beállítási fájl %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Projekt opciófájl %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Kizár %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Escludere (senza pari) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formázott %s változatlan ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" másodperc ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d jeg %d más ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s vonalak\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Nyitó HTML dokumentáció %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Érvénytelen alapértelmezett beállítások:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Érvénytelen projektbeállítások:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Érvénytelen parancssori opciók:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Ha segítségre van lehetőség típus 'astyle-h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett beállítási fájlt");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Nem lehet megnyitni a projekt opció fájlt");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Nem lehet megnyitni könyvtár");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Nem lehet megnyitni a HTML fájlt %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Command végre hiba");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Parancs nincs telepítve");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Hiányzó fájlnév %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekurzív kapcsolót nem wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Esetleg kívánja idézni a fájlnév");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nincs fájl feldolgozása %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Esetleg a használni kívánt --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nem tudja feldolgozni UTF-32 kódolással");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style megszűnt\n");
Italian::Italian() // Italiano
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formattata %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Immutato %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Elenco %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"File di opzione predefinito %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"File di opzione del progetto %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Escludere %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Escludere (senza pari) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s ormattata %s immutato ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" secondo ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d seg ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linee\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Apertura di documenti HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Opzioni di default non valide:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Opzioni di progetto non valide:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opzioni della riga di comando non valido:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Per informazioni sulle opzioni di tipo 'astyle-h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Impossibile aprire il file di opzione predefinito");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Impossibile aprire il file di opzione del progetto");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Impossibile aprire la directory");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Impossibile aprire il file HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Esegui fallimento comando");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Il comando non è installato");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Nome del file mancante in %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opzione ricorsiva senza jolly");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Avete intenzione citare il nome del file");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nessun file al processo %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Hai intenzione di utilizzare --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Non è possibile processo di codifica UTF-32");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style ha terminato\n");
Japanese::Japanese() // 日本語
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"フォーマット済みの %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"変わりません %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"ディレクトリ %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"デフォルトオプションファイル %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"プロジェクトオプションファイル %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"除外する %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"除外する(一致しません) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s フフォーマット済みの %s 変わりません ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 秒 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 分 %d 秒 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s ライン\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"オープニングHTMLドキュメント %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"無効なデフォルトオプション:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"無効なプロジェクトオプション:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"無効なコマンドラインオプション:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"コオプションの種類のヘルプについて'astyle- h'を入力してください");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"デフォルトのオプションファイルを開くことができません");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"プロジェクトオプションファイルを開くことができません");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"ディレクトリを開くことができません。");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTMLファイルを開くことができません %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"コマンドが失敗を実行します");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"コマンドがインストールされていません");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"%s で、ファイル名がありません\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"無ワイルドカードを使用して再帰的なオプション");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"あなたはファイル名を引用するつもりでした");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"いいえファイルは処理しないように %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"あなたは--recursive使用するつもりでした");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF - 32エンコーディングを処理できません");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style 終了しました\n");
Korean::Korean() // 한국의
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"수정됨 %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"변경없음 %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"디렉토리 %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"기본 옵션 파일 %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"프로젝트 옵션 파일 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"제외됨 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"제외 (NO 일치) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s 수정됨 %s 변경없음 ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 초 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 분 %d 초 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s 라인\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"HTML 문서를 열기 %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"잘못된 기본 옵션:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"잘못된 프로젝트 옵션:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"잘못된 명령줄 옵션 :");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"도움말을 보려면 옵션 유형 'astyle - H'를 사용합니다");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"기본 옵션 파일을 열 수 없습니다.");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"프로젝트 옵션 파일을 열 수 없습니다.");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"디렉토리를 열지 못했습니다");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTML 파일을 열 수 없습니다 %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"명령 실패를 실행");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"명령이 설치되어 있지 않습니다");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"%s 에서 누락된 파일 이름\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"와일드 카드없이 재귀 옵션");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"당신은 파일 이름을 인용하고자하나요");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"처리할 파일이 없습니다 %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"--recursive 를 사용하고자 하십니까");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF-32 인코딩을 처리할 수 없습니다");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style를 종료합니다\n");
Norwegian::Norwegian() // Norsk
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatert %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Uendret %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Katalog %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Standard alternativfil %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Prosjekt opsjonsfil %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Ekskluder %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Ekskluder (uovertruffen) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatert %s uendret ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekunder ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek? ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linjer\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Åpning HTML dokumentasjon %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Ugyldige standardalternativer:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Ugyldige prosjektalternativer:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Kommandolinjevalg Ugyldige:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"For hjelp til alternativer type 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Kan ikke åpne standardvalgsfilen");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Kan ikke åpne prosjektvalgsfilen");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kan ikke åpne katalog");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kan ikke åpne HTML-fil %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Command utføre svikt");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Command er ikke installert");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Mangler filnavn i %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiv alternativ uten wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Har du tenkt sitere filnavnet");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Ingen fil å behandle %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Har du tenkt å bruke --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Kan ikke behandle UTF-32 koding");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style har avsluttet\n");
Polish::Polish() // Polski
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Sformatowany %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Niezmienione %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Katalog %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Domyślny plik opcji %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Plik opcji projektu %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Wykluczać %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Wyklucz (niezrównany) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s sformatowany %s niezmienione ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekund ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linii\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Otwarcie dokumentacji HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Nieprawidłowe opcje domyślne:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Nieprawidłowe opcje projektu:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Nieprawidłowe opcje wiersza polecenia:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Aby uzyskać pomoc od rodzaju opcji 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Nie można otworzyć pliku opcji domyślnych");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Nie można otworzyć pliku opcji projektu");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Nie można otworzyć katalogu");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Nie można otworzyć pliku HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Wykonaj polecenia niepowodzenia");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Polecenie nie jest zainstalowany");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Brakuje pliku w %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekurencyjne opcja bez symboli");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Czy zamierza Pan podać nazwę pliku");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Brak pliku do procesu %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Czy masz zamiar używać --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nie można procesu kodowania UTF-32");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style został zakończony\n");
Portuguese::Portuguese() // Português
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatado %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Inalterado %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Diretório %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Arquivo de opção padrão %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Arquivo de opção de projeto %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Excluir %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Excluir (incomparável) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatado %s inalterado ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" segundo ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d seg ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linhas\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Abrindo a documentação HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Opções padrão inválidas:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Opções de projeto inválidas:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opções de linha de comando inválida:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Para obter ajuda sobre as opções de tipo 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Não é possível abrir o arquivo de opção padrão");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Não é possível abrir o arquivo de opção do projeto");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Não é possível abrir diretório");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Não é possível abrir arquivo HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Executar falha de comando");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Comando não está instalado");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Filename faltando em %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opção recursiva sem curinga");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Será que você pretende citar o nome do arquivo");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nenhum arquivo para processar %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Será que você pretende usar --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Não pode processar a codificação UTF-32");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style terminou\n");
Romanian::Romanian() // Română
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatat %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Neschimbat %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Director %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Fișier opțional implicit %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Fișier opțiune proiect %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Excludeți %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Excludeți (necompensată) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatat %s neschimbat ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" secunde ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sec ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linii\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Documentație HTML deschidere %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Opțiuni implicite nevalide:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Opțiunile de proiect nevalide:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opțiuni de linie de comandă nevalide:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Pentru ajutor cu privire la tipul de opțiuni 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Nu se poate deschide fișierul cu opțiuni implicite");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Nu se poate deschide fișierul cu opțiuni de proiect");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Nu se poate deschide directorul");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Nu se poate deschide fișierul HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Comandă executa eșec");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Comanda nu este instalat");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Lipsă nume de fișier %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opțiunea recursiv cu nici un wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"V-intentionati cita numele de fișier");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nu există un fișier pentru a procesa %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"V-ați intenționați să utilizați --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nu se poate procesa codificarea UTF-32");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style a terminat\n");
Russian::Russian() // русский
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Форматированный %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"без изменений %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"каталог %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Файл с опцией по умолчанию %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Файл опций проекта %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"исключать %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Исключить (непревзойденный) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s Форматированный %s без изменений ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" секунды ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d мин %d сек ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s линий\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Открытие HTML документации %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Недействительные параметры по умолчанию:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Недопустимые параметры проекта:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Недопустимые параметры командной строки:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Для получения справки по 'astyle -h' опций типа");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Не удается открыть файл параметров по умолчанию");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Не удается открыть файл опций проекта");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не могу открыть каталог");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не удается открыть файл HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Выполнить команду недостаточности");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Не установлен Команда");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Отсутствует имя файла в %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивный вариант без каких-либо шаблона");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Вы намерены цитатой файла");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Нет файлов для обработки %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Неужели вы собираетесь использовать --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не удается обработать UTF-32 кодировке");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style прекратил\n");
Spanish::Spanish() // Español
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formato %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Inalterado %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Directorio %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Archivo de opciones predeterminado %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Archivo de opciones del proyecto %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Excluir %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Excluir (incomparable) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formato %s inalterado ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" segundo ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d seg ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s líneas\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Apertura de documentación HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Opciones predeterminadas no válidas:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Opciones de proyecto no válidas:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"No válido opciones de línea de comando:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Para obtener ayuda sobre las opciones tipo 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"No se puede abrir el archivo de opciones predeterminado");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"No se puede abrir el archivo de opciones del proyecto");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"No se puede abrir el directorio");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"No se puede abrir el archivo HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Ejecutar el fracaso de comandos");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"El comando no está instalado");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Falta nombre del archivo en %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Recursiva opción sin comodín");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Se tiene la intención de citar el nombre de archivo");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"No existe el fichero a procesar %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Se va a utilizar --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"No se puede procesar la codificación UTF-32");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style ha terminado\n");
Swedish::Swedish() // Svenska
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formaterade %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Oförändrade %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Katalog %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Standardalternativsfil %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Projektalternativ fil %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Uteslut %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Uteslut (oöverträffad) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formaterade %s oförändrade ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekunder ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linjer\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Öppna HTML-dokumentation %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Ogiltiga standardalternativ:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Ogiltiga projektalternativ:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Ogiltig kommandoraden alternativ:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"För hjälp om alternativ typ 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Kan inte öppna standardalternativsfilen");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Kan inte öppna projektalternativsfilen");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kan inte öppna katalog");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kan inte öppna HTML-filen %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Utför kommando misslyckande");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Kommandot är inte installerat");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Saknade filnamn i %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiva alternativ utan jokertecken");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Visste du tänker citera filnamnet");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Ingen fil att bearbeta %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Har du för avsikt att använda --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Kan inte hantera UTF-32 kodning");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style har upphört\n");
Ukrainian::Ukrainian() // Український
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"форматований %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"без змін %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Каталог %s\n");
addPair("Default option file %s\n", L"Файл параметра за замовчуванням %s\n");
addPair("Project option file %s\n", L"Файл варіанту проекту %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Виключити %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Виключити (неперевершений) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s відформатований %s без змін ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" секунди ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d хви %d cek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s ліній\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Відкриття HTML документації %s\n");
addPair("Invalid default options:", L"Недійсні параметри за умовчанням:");
addPair("Invalid project options:", L"Недійсні параметри проекту:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Неприпустима параметри командного рядка:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Для отримання довідки по 'astyle -h' опцій типу");
addPair("Cannot open default option file", L"Неможливо відкрити файл параметрів за замовчуванням");
addPair("Cannot open project option file", L"Неможливо відкрити файл параметрів проекту");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не можу відкрити каталог");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не вдається відкрити файл HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Виконати команду недостатності");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Не встановлений Команда");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Відсутня назва файлу в %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивний варіант без будь-яких шаблону");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Ви маєте намір цитатою файлу");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Немає файлів для обробки %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Невже ви збираєтеся використовувати --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не вдається обробити UTF-32 кодуванні");
addPair("Artistic Style has terminated\n", L"Artistic Style припинив\n");
#endif // ASTYLE_LIB
} // end of namespace astyle