2024-08-14 13:05:46 +10:00

6 lines
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# The following has been generated automatically from src/gui/qgsnewdatabasetablenamewidget.h
QgsNewDatabaseTableNameWidget.__attribute_docs__ = {'validationChanged': 'This signal is emitted whenever the validation status of the widget changes.\n\n:param isValid: ``True`` if the current status of the widget is valid\n', 'schemaNameChanged': 'This signal is emitted when the user selects a schema (or file path for filesystem-based DBs like spatialite or GPKG).\n\n:param schemaName: the name of the selected schema\n', 'tableNameChanged': 'This signal is emitted when the user enters a table name\n\n:param tableName: the name of the new table\n', 'providerKeyChanged': 'This signal is emitted when the selects a data provider or a schema name\nthat has a different data provider than the previously selected one.\n\n:param providerKey: the data provider key of the selected schema\n', 'uriChanged': 'This signal is emitted when the URI of the new table changes, whether or not it is a valid one.\n\n:param uri: URI string representation\n', 'accepted': 'Emitted when the OK/accept button is clicked.\n'}
except NameError: