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* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/gui/layout/qgslayoutview.h *
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* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsLayoutView: QGraphicsView
A graphical widget to display and interact with QgsLayouts.
QgsLayoutView manages the layout interaction tools and mouse/key events.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgslayoutview.h"
QgsLayoutView( QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructor for QgsLayoutView.
QgsLayout *currentLayout();
Returns the current layout associated with the view.
.. seealso:: setCurrentLayout()
.. seealso:: layoutSet()
:rtype: QgsLayout
void setCurrentLayout( QgsLayout *layout /KeepReference/ );
Sets the current ``layout`` to edit in the view.
.. seealso:: currentLayout()
.. seealso:: layoutSet()
QgsLayoutViewTool *tool();
Returns the currently active tool for the view.
.. seealso:: setTool()
:rtype: QgsLayoutViewTool
void setTool( QgsLayoutViewTool *tool );
Sets the ``tool`` currently being used in the view.
.. seealso:: unsetTool()
.. seealso:: tool()
void unsetTool( QgsLayoutViewTool *tool );
Unsets the current view tool, if it matches the specified ``tool``.
This is called from destructor of view tools to make sure
that the tool won't be used any more.
You don't have to call it manually, QgsLayoutViewTool takes care of it.
void setPreviewModeEnabled( bool enabled );
Sets whether a preview effect should be used to alter the view's appearance.
\param enabled Set to true to enable the preview effect on the view.
.. seealso:: setPreviewMode()
bool previewModeEnabled() const;
Returns true if a preview effect is being used to alter the view's appearance.
.. seealso:: setPreviewModeEnabled()
:rtype: bool
void setPreviewMode( QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewMode mode );
Sets the preview ``mode`` which should be used to modify the view's appearance. Preview modes are only used
if previewModeEnabled() is true.
.. seealso:: setPreviewModeEnabled()
.. seealso:: previewMode()
QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewMode previewMode() const;
Returns the preview mode which may be used to modify the view's appearance. Preview modes are only used
if previewModeEnabled() is true.
.. seealso:: setPreviewMode()
.. seealso:: previewModeEnabled()
:rtype: QgsPreviewEffect.PreviewMode
void scaleSafe( double scale );
Scales the view in a safe way, by limiting the acceptable range
of the scale applied. The ``scale`` parameter specifies the zoom factor to scale the view by.
void setZoomLevel( double level );
Sets the zoom ``level`` for the view, where a zoom level of 1.0 corresponds to 100%.
void setHorizontalRuler( QgsLayoutRuler *ruler );
Sets a horizontal ``ruler`` to synchronize with the view state.
.. seealso:: setVerticalRuler()
void setVerticalRuler( QgsLayoutRuler *ruler );
Sets a vertical ``ruler`` to synchronize with the view state.
.. seealso:: setHorizontalRuler()
void setMenuProvider( QgsLayoutViewMenuProvider *provider /Transfer/ );
Sets a ``provider`` for context menus. Ownership of the provider is transferred to the view.
.. seealso:: menuProvider()
QgsLayoutViewMenuProvider *menuProvider() const;
Returns the provider for context menus. Returned value may be None if no provider is set.
.. seealso:: setMenuProvider()
:rtype: QgsLayoutViewMenuProvider
int currentPage() const;
Returns the page visible in the view. This method
considers the page at the center of the view as the current visible
.. seealso:: pageChanged()
:rtype: int
QList< QgsLayoutItemPage * > visiblePages() const;
Returns a list of page items which are currently visible in the view.
.. seealso:: visiblePageNumbers()
:rtype: list of QgsLayoutItemPage
QList< int > visiblePageNumbers() const;
Returns a list of page numbers for pages which are currently visible in the view.
.. seealso:: visiblePages()
:rtype: list of int
void alignSelectedItems( QgsLayoutAligner::Alignment alignment );
Aligns all selected items using the specified ``alignment``.
.. seealso:: distributeSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: resizeSelectedItems()
void distributeSelectedItems( QgsLayoutAligner::Distribution distribution );
Distributes all selected items using the specified ``distribution``.
.. seealso:: alignSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: resizeSelectedItems()
void resizeSelectedItems( QgsLayoutAligner::Resize resize );
Resizes all selected items using the specified ``resize`` mode.
.. seealso:: alignSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: distributeSelectedItems()
QPointF deltaForKeyEvent( QKeyEvent *event );
Returns the delta (in layout coordinates) by which to move items
for the given key ``event``.
:rtype: QPointF
public slots:
void zoomFull();
Zooms the view to the full extent of the layout.
.. seealso:: zoomIn()
.. seealso:: zoomOut()
.. seealso:: zoomActual()
void zoomWidth();
Zooms the view to the full width of the layout.
.. seealso:: zoomIn()
.. seealso:: zoomOut()
.. seealso:: zoomActual()
void zoomIn();
Zooms in to the view by a preset amount.
.. seealso:: zoomFull()
.. seealso:: zoomOut()
.. seealso:: zoomActual()
void zoomOut();
Zooms out of the view by a preset amount.
.. seealso:: zoomFull()
.. seealso:: zoomIn()
.. seealso:: zoomActual()
void zoomActual();
Zooms to the actual size of the layout.
.. seealso:: zoomFull()
.. seealso:: zoomIn()
.. seealso:: zoomOut()
void emitZoomLevelChanged();
void selectAll();
Selects all items in the view.
.. seealso:: deselectAll()
.. seealso:: invertSelection()
.. seealso:: selectNextItemAbove()
.. seealso:: selectNextItemBelow()
void deselectAll();
Deselects all items in the view.
.. seealso:: selectAll()
.. seealso:: invertSelection()
void invertSelection();
Inverts the current selection, selecting deselected items
and deselecting and selected items.
.. seealso:: selectAll()
.. seealso:: deselectAll()
void selectNextItemAbove();
Selects the next item above the existing selection, by item z order.
.. seealso:: selectNextItemBelow()
.. seealso:: selectAll()
.. seealso:: deselectAll()
void selectNextItemBelow();
Selects the next item below the existing selection, by item z order.
.. seealso:: selectNextItemAbove()
.. seealso:: selectAll()
.. seealso:: deselectAll()
void raiseSelectedItems();
Raises the selected items up the z-order.
.. seealso:: lowerSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: moveSelectedItemsToTop()
.. seealso:: moveSelectedItemsToBottom()
void lowerSelectedItems();
Lowers the selected items down the z-order.
.. seealso:: raiseSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: moveSelectedItemsToTop()
.. seealso:: moveSelectedItemsToBottom()
void moveSelectedItemsToTop();
Raises the selected items to the top of the z-order.
.. seealso:: raiseSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: lowerSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: moveSelectedItemsToBottom()
void moveSelectedItemsToBottom();
Lowers the selected items to the bottom of the z-order.
.. seealso:: raiseSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: lowerSelectedItems()
.. seealso:: moveSelectedItemsToTop()
void lockSelectedItems();
Locks any selected items, preventing them from being interacted with
by mouse interactions.
.. seealso:: unlockAllItems()
void unlockAllItems();
Unlocks all locked items in the layout.
.. seealso:: lockSelectedItems()
void deleteSelectedItems();
Deletes all selected items.
void groupSelectedItems();
Groups all selected items.
.. seealso:: ungroupSelectedItems()
void ungroupSelectedItems();
Ungroups all selected items.
.. seealso:: groupSelectedItems()
void viewChanged();
Updates associated rulers and other widgets after view extent or zoom has changed.
This should be called after calling any of the QGraphicsView
base class methods which alter the view's zoom level or extent,
i.e. QGraphicsView.fitInView().
void pushStatusMessage( const QString &message );
Pushes a new status bar ``message`` to the view. This causes statusMessage()
to be emitted, which should cause the message to appear in the status bar
for the parent window.
.. seealso:: statusMessage()
void layoutSet( QgsLayout *layout );
Emitted when a ``layout`` is set for the view.
.. seealso:: currentLayout()
.. seealso:: setCurrentLayout()
void toolSet( QgsLayoutViewTool *tool );
Emitted when the current ``tool`` is changed.
.. seealso:: setTool()
void zoomLevelChanged();
Is emitted whenever the zoom level of the view is changed.
void cursorPosChanged( QPointF layoutPoint );
Is emitted when the mouse cursor coordinates change within the view.
The ``layoutPoint`` argument indicates the cursor position within
the layout coordinate system.
void pageChanged( int page );
Emitted when the page visible in the view is changed. This signal
considers the page at the center of the view as the current visible
.. seealso:: currentPage()
void statusMessage( const QString &message );
Emitted when the view has a ``message`` for display in a parent window's
status bar.
.. seealso:: pushStatusMessage()
void itemFocused( QgsLayoutItem *item );
Emitted when an ``item`` is "focused" in the view, i.e. it becomes the active
item and should have its properties displayed in any designer windows.
virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event );
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event );
virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event );
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *event );
virtual void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *event );
virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *event );
virtual void keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *event );
virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *event );
virtual void scrollContentsBy( int dx, int dy );
class QgsLayoutViewMenuProvider
Interface for a QgsLayoutView context menu.
Implementations of this interface can be made to allow QgsLayoutView
instances to provide custom context menus (opened upon right-click).
.. seealso:: QgsLayoutView
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgslayoutview.h"
virtual ~QgsLayoutViewMenuProvider();
virtual QMenu *createContextMenu( QWidget *parent /Transfer/, QgsLayout *layout, QPointF layoutPoint ) const = 0 /Factory/;
Return a newly created menu instance (or null pointer on error)
:rtype: QMenu
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/gui/layout/qgslayoutview.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *