2015-06-29 10:25:46 +08:00

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class QgsAlignRaster
#include <qgsalignraster.h>
//! Utility class for gathering information about rasters
struct RasterInfo
//! Construct raster info with a path to a raster file
RasterInfo( const QString& layerpath );
//! Check whether the given path is a valid raster
bool isValid() const;
//! Return CRS in WKT format
QByteArray crs() const;
//! Return size of the raster grid in pixels
QSize rasterSize() const;
//! Return number of raster bands in the file
int bandCount() const;
//! Return cell size in map units
QSizeF cellSize() const;
//! Return grid offset
QPointF gridOffset() const;
//! Return extent of the raster
QgsRectangle extent() const;
//! write contents of the object to standard error stream - for debugging
void dump() const;
//! Get raster value at the given coordinates (from the first band)
double identify( double mx, double my );
//! Resampling algorithm to be used (equivalent to GDAL's enum GDALResampleAlg)
enum ResampleAlg
RA_NearestNeighbour = 0, //!< Nearest neighbour (select on one input pixel)
RA_Bilinear = 1, //!< Bilinear (2x2 kernel)
RA_Cubic = 2, //!< Cubic Convolution Approximation (4x4 kernel)
RA_CubicSpline = 3, //!< Cubic B-Spline Approximation (4x4 kernel)
RA_Lanczos = 4, //!< Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation (6x6 kernel)
RA_Average = 5, //!< Average (computes the average of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)
RA_Mode = 6 //!< Mode (selects the value which appears most often of all the sampled points)
//! Definition of one raster layer for alignment
struct Item
Item( const QString& input, const QString& output );
//! filename of the source raster
QString inputFilename;
//! filename of the newly created aligned raster (will be overwritten if exists already)
QString outputFilename;
//! resampling method to be used
QgsAlignRaster::ResampleAlg resampleMethod;
//! rescaling of values according to the change of pixel size
bool rescaleValues;
// private part
//! used for rescaling of values (if necessary)
double srcCellSizeInDestCRS;
typedef QList<QgsAlignRaster::Item> List;
//! Helper struct to be sub-classed for progress reporting
struct ProgressHandler
//! Method to be overridden for progress reporting.
//! @param complete Overall progress of the alignment operation
//! @return false if the execution should be cancelled, true otherwise
virtual bool progress( double complete ) = 0;
virtual ~ProgressHandler();
//! Assign a progress handler instance. Does not take ownership. NULL can be passed.
void setProgressHandler( ProgressHandler* progressHandler );
//! Get associated progress handler. May be NULL (default)
ProgressHandler* progressHandler() const;
//! Set list of rasters that will be aligned
void setRasters( const List& list );
//! Get list of rasters that will be aligned
List rasters() const;
void setGridOffset( const QPointF& offset );
QPointF gridOffset() const;
//! Set output cell size
void setCellSize( double x, double y );
//! Set output cell size
void setCellSize( const QSizeF& size );
//! Get output cell size
QSizeF cellSize() const;
//! Set the output CRS in WKT format
void setDestinationCRS( const QString& crsWkt );
//! Get the output CRS in WKT format
QString destinationCRS() const;
// TODO: first need to run determineTransformAndSize() before this
//QSize rasterSize() const { return QSize(mXSize, mYSize); }
// TODO: add method for access to final extent
//! Configure clipping extent (region of interest).
//! No extra clipping is done if the rectangle is null
void setClipExtent( double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax );
//! Configure clipping extent (region of interest).
//! No extra clipping is done if the rectangle is null
void setClipExtent( const QgsRectangle& extent );
//! Get clipping extent (region of interest).
//! No extra clipping is done if the rectangle is null
QgsRectangle clipExtent() const;
//! Set destination CRS, cell size and grid offset from a raster file
void setParametersFromRaster( const RasterInfo& rasterInfo );
//! Set destination CRS, cell size and grid offset from a raster file
void setParametersFromRaster( const QString& filename );
//! Run the alignment process
//! @return true on success
bool run();
//! Return error from a previous run() call.
//! Error message is empty if run() succeeded (returned true)
QString errorMessage() const;
//! write contents of the object to standard error stream - for debugging
void dump() const;