Carl Simonson 665f0a32fe Replace WFlags with WindowFlags
It has long been in Qt 4 that the WFlags window flags argument has been
renamed to WindowFlags. In fact, WFlags is just a typedef to WindowFlags.
In Qt 5, this will go away, so we can change this now to make transition
easier in the future.

This should not have any affect on API or ABI, as the symbol names already
have WindowFlags in them anyway.

This change concentrates on the sources in the src directory. There are
a few more places in the python directory that can be done later.
2014-03-27 10:43:11 +01:00

253 lines
9.4 KiB

qgsnewhttpconnection.cpp - selector for a new HTTP server for WMS, etc.
begin : 3 April 2005
copyright : (C) 2005 by Brendan Morley
email : morb at ozemail dot com dot au
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgsnewhttpconnection.h"
#include "qgscontexthelp.h"
#include <QSettings>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QRegExpValidator>
QWidget *parent, const QString& baseKey, const QString& connName, Qt::WindowFlags fl ):
QDialog( parent, fl ),
mBaseKey( baseKey ),
mOriginalConnName( connName )
setupUi( this );
QString service = baseKey.mid( 18, 3 ).toUpper();
setWindowTitle( tr( "Create a new %1 connection" ).arg( service ) );
// It would be obviously much better to use mBaseKey also for credentials,
// but for some strange reason a different hardcoded key was used instead.
// WFS and WMS credentials were mixed with the same key WMS.
// Only WMS and WFS providers are using QgsNewHttpConnection at this moment
// using connection-wms and connection-wfs -> parse credential key fro it.
mCredentialsBaseKey = mBaseKey.split( '-' ).last().toUpper();
txtName->setValidator( new QRegExpValidator( QRegExp( "[^\\/]+" ), txtName ) );
cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "all" ) );
cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "off" ) );
cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "QGIS" ) );
cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "UMN" ) );
cmbDpiMode->addItem( tr( "GeoServer" ) );
if ( !connName.isEmpty() )
// populate the dialog with the information stored for the connection
// populate the fields with the stored setting parameters
QSettings settings;
QString key = mBaseKey + connName;
QString credentialsKey = "/Qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + "/" + connName;
txtName->setText( connName );
txtUrl->setText( settings.value( key + "/url" ).toString() );
cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetMapURI", false ).toBool() );
cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreAxisOrientation", false ).toBool() );
cbxInvertAxisOrientation->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/invertAxisOrientation", false ).toBool() );
cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/ignoreGetFeatureInfoURI", false ).toBool() );
cbxSmoothPixmapTransform->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/smoothPixmapTransform", false ).toBool() );
int dpiIdx;
switch ( settings.value( key + "/dpiMode", 7 ).toInt() )
case 0: // off
dpiIdx = 1;
case 1: // QGIS
dpiIdx = 2;
case 2: // UMN
dpiIdx = 3;
case 4: // GeoServer
dpiIdx = 4;
default: // other => all
dpiIdx = 0;
cmbDpiMode->setCurrentIndex( dpiIdx );
txtReferer->setText( settings.value( key + "/referer" ).toString() );
txtUserName->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/username" ).toString() );
txtPassword->setText( settings.value( credentialsKey + "/password" ).toString() );
if ( mBaseKey != "/Qgis/connections-wms/" )
if ( mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wcs/" )
cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setText( tr( "Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilities" ) );
cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setText( tr( "Ignore axis orientation" ) );
cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->setVisible( false );
cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->setVisible( false );
cbxInvertAxisOrientation->setVisible( false );
cbxSmoothPixmapTransform->setVisible( false );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreGetMapURI );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxInvertAxisOrientation );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxSmoothPixmapTransform );
cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->setVisible( false );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI );
cmbDpiMode->setVisible( false );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( cmbDpiMode );
lblDpiMode->setVisible( false );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( lblDpiMode );
txtReferer->setVisible( false );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( txtReferer );
lblReferer->setVisible( false );
mGroupBox->layout()->removeWidget( lblReferer );
// Adjust height
int w = width();
resize( w, height() );
on_txtName_textChanged( connName );
void QgsNewHttpConnection::on_txtName_textChanged( const QString &text )
Q_UNUSED( text );
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setDisabled( txtName->text().isEmpty() || txtUrl->text().isEmpty() );
void QgsNewHttpConnection::on_txtUrl_textChanged( const QString &text )
Q_UNUSED( text );
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setDisabled( txtName->text().isEmpty() || txtUrl->text().isEmpty() );
void QgsNewHttpConnection::accept()
QSettings settings;
QString key = mBaseKey + txtName->text();
QString credentialsKey = "/Qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + "/" + txtName->text();
// warn if entry was renamed to an existing connection
if (( mOriginalConnName.isNull() || mOriginalConnName != txtName->text() ) &&
settings.contains( key + "/url" ) &&
QMessageBox::question( this,
tr( "Save connection" ),
tr( "Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?" ).arg( txtName->text() ),
QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )
if ( !txtPassword->text().isEmpty() &&
QMessageBox::question( this,
tr( "Saving passwords" ),
tr( "WARNING: You have entered a password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.\nNote: giving the password is optional. It will be requested interactivly, when needed." ),
QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )
// on rename delete original entry first
if ( !mOriginalConnName.isNull() && mOriginalConnName != key )
settings.remove( mBaseKey + mOriginalConnName );
settings.remove( "/Qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + "/" + mOriginalConnName );
QUrl url( txtUrl->text().trimmed() );
const QList< QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > &items = url.encodedQueryItems();
QHash< QString, QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > params;
for ( QList< QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> >::const_iterator it = items.constBegin(); it != items.constEnd(); ++it )
params.insert( QString( it->first ).toUpper(), *it );
if ( params["SERVICE"].second.toUpper() == "WMS" ||
params["SERVICE"].second.toUpper() == "WFS" ||
params["SERVICE"].second.toUpper() == "WCS" )
url.removeEncodedQueryItem( params["SERVICE"].first );
url.removeEncodedQueryItem( params["REQUEST"].first );
url.removeEncodedQueryItem( params["FORMAT"].first );
if ( url.encodedPath().isEmpty() )
url.setEncodedPath( "/" );
settings.setValue( key + "/url", url.toString() );
if ( mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wms/" || mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wcs/" )
settings.setValue( key + "/ignoreGetMapURI", cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->isChecked() );
settings.setValue( key + "/ignoreAxisOrientation", cbxIgnoreAxisOrientation->isChecked() );
settings.setValue( key + "/invertAxisOrientation", cbxInvertAxisOrientation->isChecked() );
settings.setValue( key + "/smoothPixmapTransform", cbxSmoothPixmapTransform->isChecked() );
int dpiMode = 0;
switch ( cmbDpiMode->currentIndex() )
case 0: // all => QGIS|UMN|GeoServer
dpiMode = 7;
case 1: // off
dpiMode = 0;
case 2: // QGIS
dpiMode = 1;
case 3: // UMN
dpiMode = 2;
case 4: // GeoServer
dpiMode = 4;
settings.setValue( key + "/dpiMode", dpiMode );
if ( mBaseKey == "/Qgis/connections-wms/" )
settings.setValue( key + "/ignoreGetFeatureInfoURI", cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->isChecked() );
settings.setValue( key + "/referer", txtReferer->text() );
settings.setValue( credentialsKey + "/username", txtUserName->text() );
settings.setValue( credentialsKey + "/password", txtPassword->text() );
settings.setValue( mBaseKey + "/selected", txtName->text() );