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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
* QwtPolar Widget Library
* Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Rathmann
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
#define QWT_POLAR_PLOT_H 1
#include "qwt_polar_global.h"
#include "qwt_polar.h"
#include "qwt_polar_itemdict.h"
#include <qwt_interval.h>
#include <qwt_scale_map.h>
#include <qwt_point_polar.h>
#include <qframe.h>
class QwtRoundScaleDraw;
class QwtScaleEngine;
class QwtScaleDiv;
class QwtTextLabel;
class QwtPolarCanvas;
class QwtPolarLayout;
class QwtAbstractLegend;
\brief A plotting widget, displaying a polar coordinate system
An unlimited number of plot items can be displayed on
its canvas. Plot items might be curves (QwtPolarCurve), markers
(QwtPolarMarker), the grid (QwtPolarGrid), or anything else derived
from QwtPolarItem.
The coordinate system is defined by a radial and a azimuth scale.
The scales at the axes can be explicitely set (QwtScaleDiv), or
are calculated from the plot items, using algorithms (QwtScaleEngine) which
can be configured separately for each axis. Autoscaling is supported
for the radial scale.
In opposite to QwtPlot the scales might be different from the
view, that is displayed on the canvas. The view can be changed by
zooming - f.e. by using QwtPolarPanner or QwtPolarMaginfier.
class QWT_POLAR_EXPORT QwtPolarPlot: public QFrame, public QwtPolarItemDict
Q_PROPERTY( QBrush plotBackground READ plotBackground WRITE setPlotBackground )
Q_PROPERTY( double azimuthOrigin READ azimuthOrigin WRITE setAzimuthOrigin )
Position of the legend, relative to the canvas.
\sa insertLegend()
enum LegendPosition
//! The legend will be left from the canvas.
//! The legend will be right from the canvas.
//! The legend will be below the canvas.
//! The legend will be between canvas and title.
External means that only the content of the legend
will be handled by QwtPlot, but not its geometry.
This might be interesting if an application wants to
have a legend in an external window ( or on the canvas ).
\note The legend is not painted by QwtPolarRenderer
explicit QwtPolarPlot( QWidget *parent = NULL );
QwtPolarPlot( const QwtText &title, QWidget *parent = NULL );
virtual ~QwtPolarPlot();
void setTitle( const QString & );
void setTitle( const QwtText & );
QwtText title() const;
QwtTextLabel *titleLabel();
const QwtTextLabel *titleLabel() const;
void setAutoReplot( bool tf = true );
bool autoReplot() const;
void setAutoScale( int scaleId );
bool hasAutoScale( int scaleId ) const;
void setScaleMaxMinor( int scaleId, int maxMinor );
int scaleMaxMinor( int scaleId ) const;
int scaleMaxMajor( int scaleId ) const;
void setScaleMaxMajor( int scaleId, int maxMajor );
QwtScaleEngine *scaleEngine( int scaleId );
const QwtScaleEngine *scaleEngine( int scaleId ) const;
void setScaleEngine( int scaleId, QwtScaleEngine * );
void setScale( int scaleId, double min, double max, double step = 0 );
void setScaleDiv( int scaleId, const QwtScaleDiv & );
const QwtScaleDiv *scaleDiv( int scaleId ) const;
QwtScaleDiv *scaleDiv( int scaleId );
QwtScaleMap scaleMap( int scaleId, double radius ) const;
QwtScaleMap scaleMap( int scaleId ) const;
void updateScale( int scaleId );
double azimuthOrigin() const;
void zoom( const QwtPointPolar&, double factor );
void unzoom();
QwtPointPolar zoomPos() const;
double zoomFactor() const;
// Canvas
QwtPolarCanvas *canvas();
const QwtPolarCanvas *canvas() const;
void setPlotBackground ( const QBrush &c );
const QBrush& plotBackground() const;
virtual void drawCanvas( QPainter *, const QRectF & ) const;
// Legend
void insertLegend( QwtAbstractLegend *,
LegendPosition = RightLegend, double ratio = -1.0 );
QwtAbstractLegend *legend();
const QwtAbstractLegend *legend() const;
void updateLegend();
void updateLegend( const QwtPolarItem * );
// Layout
QwtPolarLayout *plotLayout();
const QwtPolarLayout *plotLayout() const;
QwtInterval visibleInterval() const;
QRectF plotRect() const;
QRectF plotRect( const QRectF & ) const;
int plotMarginHint() const;
virtual QVariant itemToInfo( QwtPolarItem * ) const;
virtual QwtPolarItem *infoToItem( const QVariant & ) const;
A signal indicating, that an item has been attached/detached
\param plotItem Plot item
\param on Attached/Detached
void itemAttached( QwtPolarItem *plotItem, bool on );
A signal with the attributes how to update
the legend entries for a plot item.
\param itemInfo Info about a plot, build from itemToInfo()
\sa itemToInfo(), infoToItem(), QwtAbstractLegend::updateLegend()
void legendDataChanged( const QVariant &itemInfo,
const QList<QwtLegendData> &data );
A signal that is emitted, whenever the layout of the plot
has been recalculated.
void layoutChanged();
public Q_SLOTS:
virtual void replot();
void autoRefresh();
void setAzimuthOrigin( double );
virtual bool event( QEvent * );
virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
virtual void updateLayout();
virtual void drawItems( QPainter *painter,
const QwtScaleMap &radialMap, const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap,
const QPointF &pole, double radius,
const QRectF &canvasRect ) const;
friend class QwtPolarItem;
void attachItem( QwtPolarItem *, bool );
void initPlot( const QwtText & );
class ScaleData;
class PrivateData;
PrivateData *d_data;