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synced 2025-03-10 00:13:55 -04:00
[FEATURE] [MESH] add new 3d stacked mesh averaging methods (top, bottom, sigma, depth, height, elevation) see https://fvwiki.tuflow.com/index.php?title=Depth_Averaging_Results for description of the methods. method can be selected for 3d stacked mesh dataset in the new widget added for QGIS 3.12 in the mesh layer styling dialog
382 lines
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382 lines
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* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/mesh/qgsmesh3daveraging.h *
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* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod /Abstract/
Abstract class to interpolate 3d stacked mesh data to 2d data
.. versionadded:: 3.12
#include "qgsmesh3daveraging.h"
QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *averagingMethod = dynamic_cast<QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *>( sipCpp );
sipType = 0;
if ( averagingMethod )
switch ( averagingMethod->method() )
case QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod::MultiLevelsAveragingMethod:
sipType = sipType_QgsMeshMultiLevelsAveragingMethod;
case QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod::SigmaAveragingMethod:
sipType = sipType_QgsMeshSigmaAveragingMethod;
case QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod::RelativeHeightAveragingMethod:
sipType = sipType_QgsMeshRelativeHeightAveragingMethod;
case QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod::ElevationAveragingMethod:
sipType = sipType_QgsMeshElevationAveragingMethod;
sipType = nullptr;
enum Method
//! Method to average values from selected vertical layers
//! Method to average values between 0 (bed level) and 1 (surface)
//! Method to average values defined by range of relative length units to the surface or bed level
//! Method to average values defined by range of absolute length units to the model's datum
QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod( Method method );
virtual ~QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod();
QgsMeshDataBlock calculate( const QgsMesh3dDataBlock &block3d, QgsFeedback *feedback = 0 ) const;
Calculated 2d block values from 3d stacked mesh values
virtual QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const = 0;
Writes configuration to a new DOM element
static QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *createFromXml( const QDomElement &elem ) /Factory/;
Creates the instance from XML by calling readXml of derived classes
virtual void readXml( const QDomElement &elem ) = 0;
Reads configuration from the given DOM element
static bool equals( const QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *a, const QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *b );
Returns whether two methods equal
virtual bool equals( const QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *other ) const = 0;
Returns whether method equals to other
virtual QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *clone() const = 0 /Factory/;
Clone the instance
Method method() const;
Returns type of averaging method
class QgsMeshMultiLevelsAveragingMethod: QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod
Multi level averaging method specifies limits of vertical layers from the top layer down or reversed.
The limits will be truncated to the maximum number of vertical layers.
To pick value from a single layer, specify the upper and lower limit to be the same
.. versionadded:: 3.12
#include "qgsmesh3daveraging.h"
Constructs single level averaging method for 1st (top) vertical level
QgsMeshMultiLevelsAveragingMethod( int startLevel, int endLevel, bool countedFromTop );
Constructs multi level averaging method
:param startLevel: starting vertical level index numbered from 1
:param endLevel: ending vertical level index numbered from 1 (higher or equal than startLevel)
:param countedFromTop: if true, the startLevel index is counted from surface (index 1 is the top layer).
if false, the startLevel index is counted from the bed level (index 1 is the bottom layer)
QgsMeshMultiLevelsAveragingMethod( int verticalLevel, bool countedFromTop );
Constructs single level averaging method
:param verticalLevel: vertical level index numbered from 1
:param countedFromTop: if true, the startLevel index is counted from surface (index 1 is the top layer).
if false, the startLevel index is counted from the bed level (index 1 is the bottom layer)
virtual QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
virtual void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
virtual bool equals( const QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *other ) const;
virtual QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *clone() const /Factory/;
int startVerticalLevel() const;
Returns starting vertical level.
Numbered from 1. If countedFromTop(), 1 represents the top (surface) level,
otherwise 1 represents the bottom (bed) level
Always lower or equal than endVerticalLevel()
int endVerticalLevel() const;
Returns ending vertical level.
Numbered from 1. If countedFromTop(), 1 represents the top (surface) level,
otherwise 1 represents the bottom (bed) level
Always lower or equal than endVerticalLevel()
bool countedFromTop() const;
Returns whether the start and end vertical levels are indexed from top (surface) or bottom (bed) level
bool isSingleLevel() const;
Returns whether the averaging method selects only a single vertical level
class QgsMeshSigmaAveragingMethod: QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod
Sigma averages over the values between 0 (bed level) and 1 (surface).
The fractions will be truncated to 0-1.
For example: the average of between a quarter and 3 quarters of the water column - Sigma from 0.25 to 0.75
.. versionadded:: 3.12
#include "qgsmesh3daveraging.h"
Constructs the sigma method for whole value range 0-1
QgsMeshSigmaAveragingMethod( double startFraction, double endFraction );
Constructs the sigma method
:param startFraction: starting fraction (0-1)
:param endFraction: ending fraction, must be higher or equal than startFraction (0-1)
virtual QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
virtual void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
virtual bool equals( const QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *other ) const;
virtual QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *clone() const /Factory/;
double startFraction() const;
Returns starting fraction.
In range 0-1, where 1 means the surface level and 0 bed level.
Always lower or equal than endFraction()
double endFraction() const;
Returns ending fraction.
In range 0-1, where 1 means the surface level and 0 bed level.
Always higher or equal than startFraction()
class QgsMeshRelativeHeightAveragingMethod: QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod
Relative height averaging method averages the values based on range defined relative to bed elevation or surface (when countedFromTop())
The range is defined in the same length units as defined by model (e.g. meters)
if countedFromTop(), the method represents averaging based on depth below surface.
For example one can pull out results for between 6 to 12 meters below the water surface - depth from 6m to 12m.
The depth will be truncated at the bed level.
if not countedFromTop(), the method represents averaging based on height above bed level.
For example one can pull out results for between 6 to 12 meters above the bed - height from 6m to 12m.
The height will be truncated at the bed level.
.. versionadded:: 3.12
#include "qgsmesh3daveraging.h"
Constructs default depth averaging method
QgsMeshRelativeHeightAveragingMethod( double startHeight, double endHeight, bool countedFromTop );
Constructs the depth/height averaging method
:param startHeight: starting depth/height, higher or equal than 0
:param endHeight: ending depth/height, higher or equal than startDepth
:param countedFromTop: if true, the startLength and endLength is relative to surface (0 is surface level).
if false, the startLength and endLength is relative to bed (0 is bed level).
virtual QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
virtual void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
virtual bool equals( const QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *other ) const;
virtual QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *clone() const /Factory/;
double startHeight() const;
Returns starting depth/height.
Always lower or equal than endLength()
double endHeight() const;
Returns ending depth/height.
Always higher or equal than startLength()
bool countedFromTop() const;
Returns whether the start and end vertical levels are relative to top (surface) or bottom (bed) level
class QgsMeshElevationAveragingMethod: QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod
Elevation averaging method averages the values based on range defined absolute value to the model's datum
The range is defined in the same length units as defined by model (e.g. meters)
For example one can pull out results irrespective of water level change such as between -16m and -10m.
The elevation will be truncated at the surface and bed levels.
.. versionadded:: 3.12
#include "qgsmesh3daveraging.h"
QgsMeshElevationAveragingMethod( double startElevation, double endElevation );
Constructs elevation averaging method
:param startElevation: start elevation (absolute to model's datum)
:param endElevation: end elevation (absolute to model's datum)
virtual QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc ) const;
virtual void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
virtual bool equals( const QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *other ) const;
virtual QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod *clone() const /Factory/;
double startElevation() const;
Returns start elevation
double endElevation() const;
Returns end elevation
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/mesh/qgsmesh3daveraging.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *